Chapter 43

Serena has been positive addition to the family . Her beautiful aura and significance has lit up the space that it seems that she almost balances all the negative things. At first sight , one would think she is shy but it is a rule in this world that hiding behind modesty wont get anyone anywhere but then again there are exceptions that when one becomes too forward they might ruin their chances . the short version of events is that ever since yesterday , she has become very accustomed to him

She really considers herself lucky to be next to the infamous handsome crown prince . it is almost like she is trying to make the best of the moments as if she isn't sure if they are real or , fate is just tricking her . As much as all her flaws are overlooked because of her face and family background , there are still some people who feel she is being too much .To top it off , her attire today matched Yongsun's and her makeup was light which did wonders to her already gorgeous composure . Indeed she won the genetic game and she knows how to flaunt her wins. 

Today the family was having a breakfast together and Serena was seating closer to Yongsun . Everyone was already here except for Iseul and they didn't seem to care with how much the topic was all about Serena and how Serena has ' blessed' Yongsun. In defeat and avoidance of conflict , Yongsun just smiled so awkwardly not to play along but to block the tears from falling down since he was already feeling suffocated so early in the morning

Serena would occasionally pick up a small fruit and place it his dish. Her movements and happiness felt like she has already experienced the bliss of the wedding night but she isn't even married . In other circumstances, Yongsun would have chosen to sit elsewhere but it is sort of expected to be near her and to act like he wants her facade .She has already made such changes in less than a day , from being a nobody to acting like she is already Queen of the house and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Hyonson is the one encouraging and enabling her . Every now and then Serena would look to Hyonson and she would affirm her with a supremely uplifting smile . it is clear in her eyes that Yongsun made the right choice even though Yongsun just wants this to be over soon

Serena picked a kettle to pour into Yongsun's but Iseul arrived escorted by his maids . To be honest, iseul has had quite the growth sprout. His lean frame has groomed him to attain the figure of a respectable aristocrat and his well-furnished face is full of certainty and diplomacy as well as order and leadership. Even as he walks into the room , it is without a doubt that he is indeed the king's son .This is perfect example that sometimes the perfectly handsome face of another character can be belittled by the composure of another such as Yongsun and Iseul. Yongsun is gorgeous and soft while Iseul is firm-faced and unwavering

Iseul boldly announced that he would like to congratulate his cousin on finding such a beautiful engagement .

Yongsun's heart jumped out of his chest because he feared that this might be the beginning of Iseul's revenge plan. he has reason to believe that his cousin is out for a bloodbath and to destroy the king's legacy. Unfortunately as his soul drained put his spine , his face dressed in a dense shade of red that Serena picked up first 

Without seeing the reception from his audience , Iseul signaled the jug on the tray that the maid was carrying and displayed it to Yongsun who reacted by raising his glass to him .The reflex action shook Iseul who thought that Yongsun would take a bit longer . For a paranoid reason Yongsun felt like he would have obediently drunk whatever that Serena was offering him than to guess if what Iseul has brought is even suitable for consumption . All facts aside , Yongsun wants to believe that Iseul won't be stupid to give him poison in front of everyone but then again , he could just blame the maid since she went to mix the drink.

Like Yongsun , Shejin was seating on the edge of his seat. Even he thinks it is very unlikely for Iseul to draw attention to himself like this and even though it would be a thoughtless idea , he feels like there is something sinister in the jug that Iseul is offering Yongsun.

the maids took the jug and gave it to Iseul.

Yongsun stood up and he looked at him dead cold in the eye . he was not ready for such an emotional experience in the morning but this is all he has felt ever since he had that conversation with Iseul and even since at the temple with Shejin . Speaking of Shejin , Yongsun knows that he is here and that he is avoiding looking at him . He won't bother trying to get him to serve him food because he solemnly trying to fool his heart that the reason they didn't talk is because there was no chance and not because he doesn't know where to start .

With trembling hands , a bleeding heart and a shattered soul , he swallowed whatever lump was in his throat and he snatched the vessel then he downed the contents

flashbacks came to his mind as he recalled the taste of the first berry drink that Iseul ever made him when they were young .of course at the time, the drink was extremely sweet from all the added sugar but now it is so refreshing and feels so cool . The titanium metal of the jug mixed with mint is sort of like blood and snow mixed with diamonds and silk . It is pleasing in a sadistic way that feels as wrong as it does good 

He swallowed everything in disbelief and he looked at him , this time devoid of tension but something else. The glare alone was sort of congratulating Iseul for the drink and begging him to make more . in the few seconds of eye-contact , the avalanche of fire in Yongsun froze and was replaced by a feeling so unexpected yet warmheartedly and wholeheartedly welcome . Iseul got uncomfortable and he walked to the nearest seat which was opposite and at an angle from Yongsun . 

He knew that Yongsun thought it was poisoned and frankly the reaction he got from Yongsun was a stunner . Anyway it felt so weird seating down knowing that everyone was looking at him . nevertheless there were two more people that looked at him incomplete disbelief and those were none other than Shejin and Serena. 

Shejin didn't understand the situation which is why he looked at Yongsun. He stared at him so hard that he was forgetting his grounds. Humans naturally have an inbuilt indicator where they can sometimes accurately feel when someone is gawking at them . Such was the situation for Yongsun. Yongsun briskly rotated his eyes from Iseul and spotted Shejin launching his hammering daggers on to him . 

the whole world spun before his feet and he didn't know what to think and how to feel. Shejin appears so indifferent while looking back at him . it was almost as if he was validating that the moment they shared was completely forgotten or that it was shared with someone else and that person isn't Shejin . The way he can confidently look at him so unshaken and so unchanged was like he was staring at another random person in the palace . 

There is no humanly possible way to explain the agonizing things that Yongsun's brain were chanting and his broken heart was absorbing. It's almost a fruitless attempt to try and justify how much his heart was breaking the little scattered pieces of itself over the lack of mutual affection from the one that he so desperately adores. It felt like being told something and believing for years only to find out that it was all make-belief and the worst apart was that he was the one who told himself those lies . The lie that Shejin could possible see something and feel that anything , probably not as much as Yongsun but close enough to be labeled as a thing 

The tears welled in his heart and he suddenly wondered what if indeed that Iseul had given him a poisoned drink . How good it would feel to no longer feel this pain inside . How good it would be to breath and actually feel the air get inside his lungs , even if it is for a few seconds ?

While he was lost in the sight and thoughts of Shejin , Iseul looked at Yongsun and he turned briefly to spot Shejin . 

Anger boiled inside him and he erupted .

" excuse me , i shall go"

"where?" , Hyonson asked nonchalantly

" the library ", he blast off and he ordered the maid not to follow him 

Iseul navigated towards the library but he wasn't going to study. As he stomped on the floorboards , the clouds in the sky mimicked his thoughts as they darkened. he felt the lava forcing through his veins and the thorns in his soul begin to metastatise. 

Just as the day couldn't get any worse , Shejin stood in front of him !

" back off ! ", he barked in a demonic tone

": what was in that vessel? ", Shejin's red eyes penetrated the youngster 

" The king's blood!! ",

Shejin was awestruck and he punched Iseul. Iseul didn't moved to that so Shejin punched him again . 


Iseul's eyes lost colour and were replaced by bloodthirsty dynamites 

Never in this lifetime and lifetimes to come has Iseul perceived that a mere servant feeding off the leftover scraps from his plate would raise a hand at him and live to tell the tale . never has he anticipated that of all the things he would have to sacrifice , it would be a incomplete-person of peasant that dared to raise a hand at him . And never had he expected that should he have to fill the pits of rage and evilness , it would be through the stimulation to anger from a person worth less than the dust beneath his bed.

Iseul kept quiet without turning his head back to witness the human that has surrendered the will to live and donated the lives of other spectator people

Yangmin merged out of nowhere and he pulled Shejin away from Iseul. His actions were so haste as of he could smell an execution


The students were casually walking as they returned from their afternoon lectures. The offices for the teachers are only ever locked later in the day but throughout they remain accessible to anyone . As such students can come and deliver their work or ask help from the teachers .

Things was the case today . 

A young seventeen year old boy in school uniform carefully opened the door and he walked into the space. Knowing where he was headed , he wasted no time and aimed for the teacher's table . He looked through papers and he looked at the marked contents . He scrolled through them for some time almost as if trying to locate something but unfortunately his mission was cut short . Someone spoke outside the windows so he panicked and he ran out of the room 

After he ran away , another student came out of the office and he went in the opposite direction holding a script similar to the ones that his colleague was looking through