Chapter 42

"The king is asking for him !", he reasoned and he dragged Yongsun out of the place .

"Iseul !!", Hyonson barked at him and his face thawed partially almost revealing his phantom.

He inhaled his composure before he contemplated whether today should be a blood bath or not . And he decide towards the last idea but that unfortunately wasn't in his control today . without paying attention to his aunt , he pulled Yongsun

They walked to the passages leading to the back of the place which had less guards for every 15 metres along the hundred meter passage. that is when Iseul calmly stopped walking and he glared behind him. He spotted his cousin looking like more like bone than flesh, more dead than alive and more broken than acceptable . Even though he just rescued him , Yongsun didn't seem like he registered anything that had just happened .

Iseul looked around for any guards but the nearest were a bit far away so he summoned some smoke and he hit him across the face , unfortunately that made a black dust spatter on Yongsun`s face that was caught on tears and sweat . But at least it brought him back to life

Yongsun dint say anything . He silently turned back to return to the ceremony but Iseul called him back him a dense tone of mockery and irritation .

" You seriously can't be going back there!":,

" What good is running away from it? Besides it's not like it's your business to care "

" So much for that . Well go ahead and marry that tramp. You must be eager for that, CROWN PRINCE ", he mocked him and Yongsun turned back to him and this time he was fuming.That much was obvious in how much he quickly closed the distance between them 

His rosewater perfume couldn't keep up with his pace that it lingered in the air behind just like his clothes and hair . His tears however opted a different route of falling to the ground while they were coated in black instead of hot redness which was Yongsun felt like would escape him 

" you think i want to marry her? You think i want any of this ? You think i like having to smile when deep down i want to run away? You think it is easy listening to people dictate my life and make choices for me like they want the best for me but they didn't ?You think it is easy being the crown prince ? You think it is easy when you are surrounded by people who clearly despise you and that leaves you having no one to turn to? All the servants are paid by the king and will naturally act friendly with me for that they are all the same . I can't make friends or connections without them or anyone else mentioning wealth and it is clear that they only care about that ", he sobbed while swinging his hands everywhere

Iseul was awestruck for a second . Yongsun has never gotten mad at him for one moment in their life . He babied him too much to know that Yongsun can actually cry . Given the personality that Yongsun naturally has, he would be very sensitive to venturing so naturally the limited lifestyle of a crown prince would tear him up easily and leave him feeling the way he is right now .

Of course , it's not to say that during the time that Iseul was way everything was easy. It was difficult to adjust and act like he isn't used be pampered but one thing he had was freedom. He could do whatever he wanted, whenever and wherever and he didn't need to have to explain to anyone or have someone lecture them about it 

Iseul raised his hand to try and touch Yongsun`s face but Yongsun slapped it off. In that brief moment , Iseul furiously caught him by the collar and he pulled him closer to his face . 

" don't ever do that ... " 

" or else what ? I might fear judgement , the cabinet, disappointment but YOU ARE FAR FROM EVER BEING ON THAT LIST ", he lied to him . He was terrified of Iseul right now and that much Iseul knew

" you are very brave for saying that to me . You really know how to piss me off. One minute you look like you are a plucked chicken and the next minute you make me want to push you into the frying oil ",

" you are really naive for thinking i would mistake anything come in out of your mouth concern ."

" I am not concerned about you ", he thoughtlessly threw him on the floor and he turned back 

" ahh, so i magically reappeared on my bed safe and sound after i fell asleep at the temple . Honestly I would rather you pushed me into the pond because I wouldn't have bothered to go to the surface . .", he spat at him and he stormed back to the ceremony 

Iseul closed his eyes and he massaged his temple . Yongsun was right . 

Iseul was actually home , unable to sleep for some reason so he went to check on the king . Before even reaching the room, he did a full revolution because the lights were off . As he returned he passed by Yongsun`s room which is so far away from his and that is when he noticed the lights were on . He went towards the room but he dint sense his life . He immediately changed into smoke and checked the whole grounds for him but there was no one present. The last alternative was to go out looking for him . He didn't expect he would be the temple so he took quite some time tying to locate him until he passed over the temple. Of course the whole time he was still a phantom .Anyway Yongsun's life force was so stationery like someone in a coma so it was really challenging to differentiate him from someone who could have died. Nonetheless , Yongsun`s life force feels different so he can tell if it's him among other people 

He saw him on the floor and diffused through the roof to reach him . He causally descended over the large pool because he wanted to verify that Yongsun was still alive , which he was .

While he looked around the dim lit temple , he scanned for dangers but none were available , just that he was rather uncomfortable walking over the water that baptizes people. Soon he stood a few feet from Yongsun who was curled up like a ball. He contactlessly re-checked Yongsun`s meridians for life which was still present and then he looked around for what could have triggered him . He smelt that someone had been there before him but he wasn't interested in the detail .He didn't get to see what happened and who Yongsun was with nor what they were doing .

he floated him and they entered into the water and emerged in the pond in Yongsun`s yard. His manor has a small decorative pond with a tea area built over it .

After they got back to the room , Iseul did another full swept on him and took less than a few seconds to fix him. He repaired some of his weakened heart strings , kidneys and lungs from being submerged in water . He only did that because he isn't planning Yongsun`s funeral in the current time . He wants to make him suffer and whether he dies , it's another topic but not an upcoming one . he refreshed his face ,dried his clothes, turned off the lights and left him on top of the blankets like that .

Reality came back when a sharp pain in Iseul`s right arm burnt through him causing him to stagger. The haphazardous twirl was abrupt and targeted to his nerves that he could feel the firing sensation stabbing his bone marrow. He used his other arm and he furiously pounded on the other in attempt to making the pain subside but he was making matters worse . It was as if a million rabid termites were digesting his skin , muscles and meridians while tattooing with razor blades across his nerves. The sensation was so inexplicable that he could quite tell if he need to add water or fire to make it hurt less .

He stole a glance of his arm and he saw a black silhouette ,almost like slime falling off . Paired with that were plumes of purple and red smoke that smelt like burning skunk poison wimped with faces and rotten plants. It was nauseating and agonizing for him to try and process the context of what seems like his skin is rotting and falling off his bones . He even had to grit his teeth to avoid screaming which is what the situation was calling for 

This is the price he has to pay when he doesn't cause chaos. Iseul developed so much hate in his heart that he invited a different kind of demon into his body and he allowed it to colonies him .the benefit was the aid to exert revenge but the price was never properly negotiated