Chapter 45

Meiyang casually walked into the palace grounds and absorbed the calmness that was existent . He gazed at the unmatched beauty of the buildings and acknowledged their exquisiteness . It was without a doubt impeccable and magnificent . although he affirms that his home is great and that his father worked arguably hard to make the school an even better place , he is inevitably envious of all the people that get to live in these beautiful places . At times he wishes that he had their lives. All they have to do to maintain this lifestyle is simple and based on very little. For young men ,all they have to do is be alive and then young girls just need to stay pretty . Elder men just have to be wise and elder women just need to raise the young ladies and young men . But for him, he has to fight the most dangerous things known to man and make sure that he does a good enough job to avoid endangering himself and those under and around him .

He is literally the second youngest in the group that came here but no one seems to care about the effect of this level of responsibility on him . At times it would have been great to not be his father's son but he tries not to think about that at all because there are people who would sell their souls to have a life like Meiyang's since that symbolizes heroism . So Meiyang knows he should try to focus on the good things in his life like the access to such beautiful things . Dejang even once said that although they have beautiful things around them , they can't fully enjoy them because their purpose is greater than that. Of course at the time , Dejang was referring to Liuhe and the way Liuhe won't share rooms with him .

Meiyang heard that Serena , daughter of the minister of health and significant member of cabinet has engaged into the family but he didn't come to attend it because he was still tending to the Mang and the Yee . He still hasn't seen either ever since yesterday and he was lucky that Liuhe volunteered to take up that task. Siwoo even came to personally pick up in a very fancy ride .

He spotted two guards in a distance and he decide that he will cut his voyage short with them . He went towards the guards then asked where Yongsun was. Those two like everyone really adore and have always respected the Zhao sect . Being in Meiyang's presence was akin to being in any of the royal family member's . with the utmost respect and admiration , they said that he had gone to see the king . he thought that maybe now is the best time for him to go there as well! If he had any idea how bad the situation with the king was he may have decided otherwise .

After navigating a few times , Meiyang reached the King`s chambers and he saw Shejin waiting outside the place .On every sense of the word , Shejin looked stunning . Maybe it`s his unique facial features that make him look exotic or his composure that made him look vulnerable , whatever about him that it was , it was working . That is to say if he was as introverted as he looked , he would have been such a dream-like person. However that is not to saying him being social is a problem . Not knowing how to begin the conversation ,he walked to him and they stood aside from the doors and he just hit him the facts.

Shejin`s expression had gotten saddened quickly implying that he might have already been sad .He already knew that a young boy was going to pass and it makes senses that it is Enlai but it doesn't make it any less sad . He also knows that here is nothing he could do about it even if he tried to seclude him from his fate . Moreover he feels like if he did intervene with that he might end up bringing ill-fate to characters like Yongsun or someone else . To Meiyang, he thought that because Shejin knew some intimate details about Enlai and that he saw Shejin at the powder-house where Enlai was , maybe Enlai was someone important to him . And maybe their relation was a secret that he couldn't even attend his funeral .

" I can't imagine the level of pain that Mang and Yee must be feeling . ", he cracked in his speech . 

Meiyang wanted to ask about how they were related but felt like it would be a little too much and humongously insensitive of him to do that . As for Shejin, he wouldn't be so hurt if this was a new experience but he read the novel . He knows about Enlai`s story and all the unfairness and hatred that he received from the moment he was born til the second he was no longer a part of this world . It was an abrupt ending and the fact that he had gotten to be next to Enlai when he was still alive, witnessed the author`s vivid description of pitiful as well as embraced the helpless child in his arms pathetically agonized Shejin.He feels like he lost a beloved little brother that he never knew he had. Usually it would have seemed like Enlai should have lived longer but he feels like the secret wish that Enlai had in his heart to die was a fair thing for the heavens to fulfill. In conclusion for this life ,fate was reasonable to claim

Deviating from the elephant in the room ,red-eyed Shejin told him that Iseul was inside alone . Meiyang was confused why and asked where Yongsun was .That question was nullified when Iseul opened the door and was looking directly at Meiyang .

The sons of the most formidable men looking eyes like predators at a blood-bath war . One wants to save the world and make everyone safe while the other bathes in their screams and torment. The other obsessed with literacy and the other with geometry . The other a diplomat and the other an ambassador of war. Yin and Yang , fire and ice, black and white , heaven and sin , multiplication and division , all in the same space . The tension that was here was very much obvious to Shejin and Iseul but not Meiyang who saw innocence in Iseul .Iseul and Shejin knew that Meiyang can be obliterated before he can even polarize his sympathetic nerves to react to the claws of hell ripping him to smithereens 

" How can i help you ?", he announced in a hostile tone

Shejin nearly punched him again because of how he said it. It is only natural for him as a bad guy to hate Meiyang but it would be better if he acted otherwise . However there is no benefit to him doing that .The powerless of himself and the powerfulness of Iseul just ticks him off . Maybe it's the way he is scared or intimidated of him or maybe that he wishes that he is among the first to die . He certainly was not please being Iseul`s presence 

Iseul turned to the side and he looked at Shejin like he was to squash him under his boot . This guy has really made the worst relationship building in Iseul`s life because he mesmerized Iseul when he first came here but as of lately he managed to make Iseul be more of sadistic every time he sees him . Basically it took a lot not to kill him for that punch but he has relieved his tension in a lot more scary way . 

Out of nowhere , Dejang appeared and mediated the three . He gleefully stood next to Shejin who stared at him like he wasn't sure it was him at all . He wasn't particularly not scared of him just that he felt like he was used to his scary aura to the extent that it feels like it was a part of the air that Shejin is always breathing

" I am sorry , i couldn't come to the ceremony ", Dejang sweetly apologized and Iseul awarded him a condescending look 

" i am not the one with a woman ",

" my apologies. They said that the handsome royal was the one who got married . I thought they meant you ",

Everyone was immediately shook! 

Meiyang was quick to apologize for Dejang`s actions . Dejang laughed with confidence and he pulled Meiyang to the side and they whispered . It was clear that Dejang has no obedience for the rule to that one shouldn't whispered in front of aristocrats especially not the ones that are a part of the royal family .

" are you implying that he isn't handsome by apologizing ?",Dejang joked a little too loudly


" so you agree that he is handsome ?",

" yes ! very ! Now shut up before i beat you for missing in action for all this time ",

Meiyang looked back at Iseul and he scoffed awkwardly . He wasn't sure if they picked what he was saying to Dejang but he is sure that they noticed the whispering . His eyes flew to Shejin and he seemed to be locked to Dejang who was clearly avoiding meeting his gaze. Meiyang assumed that Shejin was scared of Dejang and Dejang didn't want to scare him any further 

" Do you happen to know where the crown prince is ?

" ask his maids. He`d know ! ", He stated rudely with eyes insulting Shejin

Meiyang was taken aback .he knows that Shejin and Yongsun are always together but to imply that he is a male maid is unspeakably offending in all ways . Shejin furiously grit his teeth and he kept his eyes to the ground . 

Iseul went and he passed next to Dejang .

If an eagle strode by a duckling or a lion passed by a chipmunk perhaps unfiltered disaster by a butter knife , this would probably explain how that looked with Iseul gracefully and majestically cat-walking past Dejang . The way Dejang instantaneously froze to him was like he could feel the sinister evil that was in Iseul and the hails of turmoil petrified him to great extremes . Defaultly Dejang can sense creatures of nightmares using his peak-height sensitivity more refined than all the cultivators therefore he is capable of sensing the prototype of Diablo, Lucifer and Satan in one body . He is justified to think that demons and nightmares suddenly feeling inklings with the level of wickedness oozing from this person.
