Chapter 46

The national university dorms are a masterpiece because the students`s scholarship pays an exorbitant amount of money for the students to get the top-tier services here. Each student is basically assigned a medium sized compartment with two rooms and a joined living space. The other bedroom is for another student .In that said living space , there is a large table in front of a window that opens to other places . Therefore there are no such things are roomates but rather dormmates . 

‍‍‍‍Taein woke up from his bed and he looked at his best friend asleep in the study desk in front of him. His hands were rested ontop of the multiple books and past-papers. his hair was a mess even though the Taein braided it yesterday. He would be less exhausted if he had drank some coffee but he cant drink that because it gives him major headaches and those often lead to massive nosebleeds .

After passing the national exam , Taein matched in the study of law and Juhyung into engineering. . He and Juhyung have the best of friends ever since they both began schooling here which was the beginning of the previous year.

Xhang Taein is older than Liu Juhyung so he looks out for him all the time and the simple fact that Juhyung likes to do silly things shows that indeed Taein has a workout laid for him .He literally gets in trouble every chance he gets and it is up to Taein to save him .

Last night like all the other nights , after the guards rounded the dorms to make sure that they went to bed, Juhyung snuck out of his room to go to Taein . and like all the other times. Taein had left him some snacks, a comfortable pillow, neck support and water because he always studies late into the night . Especially now that it is exam season, he is here more times that he is in his room and on some days he only goes back to shower then comes right back to the dormitory .Nevertheless he always refuses to sleep on Taein`s bed because he thinks it is too stiff when he himself sleeps in a similar style. Taein`s dormmate Zixin , has seen Juhyung many times and has just declared that Taein is somehow related to Taein. If Zixin brings something to share during the weekend , he makes sure that it is enough from the extra mouth being Juhyung .

He raised his hand to touch his forehead and this made him flinch to Taein`s freezing hands. his sleeping face is sinfully gorgeous and makes Taein want to play with his cheeks which are currently deep red . Ignoring the urge to disturb Juhyung , he adjusted the appears that were scattered all over the table and he picked all the wrappings.

Taein walked to the window and he open it to allow more fresh air because he gets easily claustrophobic . He stared outside the window and he saw the guards already patrolling the school grounds . One of the guards waved at him and he smiled back . Taein`s smile is supremely wide and joyful so him give anyone a smile like that first thing in the morning with his hair in a mess was slightly intriguing and massively appealing . Nonetheless in terms of messy hair aesthetic in the university, Taein holds the fourth place and Juhyung the first .

Speaking of Juhyung, he woke up due to the fresh air . With eyes closed , he practically flowed and slid into Taein`s bed .


The national exam takes place every five years ( called a hacade meaning half a decade )and runs for three months across 43 different categories for students to match into 17 paired programs( For example Bio-Chemistry , Med-Surgery , Business-Management -And -accounting or Mat-Physics/Engineering) . It admits one thousand students to submit their personal statements and prior training as well academic records . From that much, five hundred are chosen to sit the exam and then again from them a maximum of three hundred and fifty are admitted into the school . Until all five years pass which is the maximum amount of years for undergraduates to start and finish school , there will be no new admission .Basically this means there is no such thing as repeat students or seniors nor juniors. Everyone is assumed to be in the same year . If a student fails a major exam ,they have a single chance to take it again but if they fail it again they are immediately dismissed from the school .

The students were gathered at the lunch-hall . There were a bunch of tables since this hall provides food for close to four hundred occupants. Unfortunately despite the many spaces , there is never more than three hundred students at a single seating . From the previous academic year, a hundred students were dismissed and the numbers keep increasing with every year until there are less than a hundred graduates per hacade( half a decade )

Taein sat with some boys from his course as they were talking about the pseudo-cases that they saw . They were really engaged in that and would often ask for Taein`s opinion who didn't know what to say because the causes were supremely clear . therefore discussion made it hard and awkward .

Juhyung was currently complaining with his course people because there are some people among Taein`s group that cant stand him and they made it hard for Taein . therefore to minimize this,Juhyung keeps a distance from him at times like this . But in a few minutes he was going to leave these guys too and find an empty slot .

The real reason is because Juhyung is the closest person to the son of the most corrupt man in the province . This person is Chen Seunghu and it's absurd that they expect him to be humble for things he didn't do . he never asked to be his father's son. Seunghu's father has been involved in a lot of medical backfiring scandals . He has been trials in more than six countries and he managed to avoid the lawsuits while getting paid for it at the same time .With every trial he wins , it is like another reason for him to start up another one .

Juhyung grew up with Seunghu and at some time, a relative of his got affected by the scandal but Juhyung just ignored it and stuck next to Seunghu . They never talked about it and Juhyung has never felt the need to be apologized to because he believes seunghu is right

Anyway the students just live in the school like this and can`t freely go outside.They are only allowed to leave during the weekends to visit their families , if they want to .Also that means Seunghu has no option but to eat among people who hate his existence.

However he never comes in early because he hates the awkwardness . He waits until there are very few people left and then comes in . Whatever is left , he will eat . Of course the leftovers are what the students didn't want like vegetables and bitter pie. Juhyung didn't know this at first but then paid attention to the tendency that Seunghu has adapted and he made a strategy himself 

He told the lunch-grandma that one of his friends is not eating healthy . Luckily the lunch-grandma isn't judgemental and knows of the little survival mechanism that Seunghu has adopted . SO whenever Juhyung comes to get his food , she takes that as a trigger to save the exact same thing for Seunghu. By the time that Seunghu arrives , he gets to eat the same things as everyone. Unfortunately that still doesn't mean he gets to come in time because he is afraid of the judgement from others. On most days he avoids them but on others he comes in with Juhyung and Taein , if Taein wasn't told to keep a distance .

Today was such a fortunate day for Juhyung to start and finish eating with his best-friend .

Juhyung watched Seunghu eating and would occasionally give him bits of his food . Seunghu never declines because he is always starving but afraid to to sk for more from the lunch lady . It is only during the weekends that when Juhyung or Taein comes back , they or Juhyung brings him large volumes of food and they eat it together in his room with Taein .

Seunghu is a chemistry-student. He had initially matched in medicine but he went and begged the dean to dismiss him and add him to something else . At first the dean refused but for some reason when Seunghu came to register for med-classes they said that he had matched into chemistry. Seunghu can't say he likes his assigned curse but he definitely hates it way less than he hates anatomy . And this hate doesn't come from the fact that his father is involved in the scandals but rather something else .

Out of nowhere , Taein came in and he slid next to Seunghu . He then proceed to greet him by wiping the sauce from his cheek . In this trio , Taein is the oldest followed by Seunghu and finally Juhyung even though Juhyung acts like Seunghu`s senior. Another member of this group , Han Doyoung arrived . Doyoung is an accounting major and the most sensible of the group . He is only here because of Taein who is his hometown buddy . 

Seunghu is the quietest and richest one . Taein is the sweetest and most reliable angel . Doyoung is the most analytical and coldest critic . Finally Juhyung , the most outspoken and handsome of the group, course and science and maths department . These four tolerate each other but the only reason they are together is because of someone else . they would support each other through anything but the only person would really stick out his neck for anyone is Juhyung for Seunghu .

" Juhyung , have our finished preparing for the exam ?", Taein asked making him pout .

The three boys didn't believe that face although they have see it a lot of times. When they realized they were staring they redirected their attention

" can you believe that even though med has so much information , they actually rank way beneath us in terms of difficulty . They have to remember that this herb cures bleeding or this herb makes you less fat but us it`s assume Seunghu has a kite that can go to the moon , calculate his trajectory if he begun at 25 degrees east of Pluto when going to Neptune . This question alone uses thirteen different formulas that have nothing in common except physics", he argued and they didn't even understand him

"DOyoung , this weekend let's go buy stationery because i forgot to get some last time .The ones in the uni-bookstore are expensive",

"aren't you going to invite Juhyung ?", he asked 

" Han Doyoung , didn't you just hear me? I have to study because i have to write fourteen papers for the exam season unlike The standard six for most courses! Invite Seunghu !", h blurted out 

" It's fine ! I will be in my room !", he answered shortly and buried his head back into the beans 

Juhyung pulled his feet underneath the table and locked his legs between his . When Seunghu looked at him , he gave him some egg salad and Seunghu nodded a soft thanks . The truth is that Juhyung does have to study but he is staying behind because Seunghu refuses to go anywhere . Therefore he will stay with him until , Taein comes back with Doyoung and some snacks and fast-food

Given how Seunghu is , he still hasn't realized this yet . Deep down he would rather not spend time with Juhyung because he is uncomfortable with him . He feels less awkward around a stranger like Taein or Doyoung but not this beautiful memory of a person