Chapter 47

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍"father , I have found a bride and I will marry her as soon you like ", Yongsun drained his heart out near the unconscious man

All that remained of the king was his skin. There was barely any flesh and one could see all the blood vessels in his body. Vital organs were literally glued to his peripheral that their pulsations were audible to anyone close by. All his hair had fallen out and his facial skin and sunken into his bone matter . He looked like he was buried alive for months , dug up and someone forgot to bury him again 

Before Iseul left , he told Yongsun that the old man doesn't want Serena's blood but he ignored his cousin . The way Iseul said it was like he had heard the king use those exact words . but truth of the matter was that the king asked the green phantom to not let Yongsun be sad and since Serena makes Yongsun sad then it means she isn't a welcome guest .

" father , please stay strong for the kingdom , for me ! ", he begged him as the man was breathing through collapsing alveoli and heavily mucused airways

At current he was hooked to a drip and was receiving blood and nutrients . in a single day he uses six pints of blood which is incredibly bizarre because the blood is going in him but it seems not to be staying in his body . The cost of medication going in him was enough to supply half the district for a week . it was truly astonishing why he seems to be getting worsened with the medical intervention that they are trying to invest in this . Nonetheless the mechanics of this is incredibly easy .

Iseul is the only one under the sky with ability to heal him for the simple fact that he is the one who caused the situation that the king is in . the king has a vortex type of illness where the things that should keep him alive are in fact making him more ill . for example the blood for the organs are acting as acid and the organs themselves are acting like detonates . Since the doctors keep giving him blood , he will die quicker yet unspeakably more painful but if they minimize the fluids , he would die more slowly and heartlessly .

A few hours later in king's study ,Yongsun was writing a report on the table and Serena was knitting closer to him , naturally . She won't leave Yongsun's side and he is already annoyed with her. The tables have turned drastically in this engagement because she is the one doing all the advancements and trying to make this work while he just receives everything . She flirts at every chance she gets and Yongsun has to swallow the bitter pill of tolerating her presence though it makes his skin crawl .

Meiyang knocked in the door and then Yongsun allowed him to enter .He was tired of searching the whole area for Yongsun since Dejang just disappeared with Shejin . Meiyang finds it incredibly inconvenient when Dejang or Liuhe just decide to act like butterflies chasing nectar .

For no reason , a weight got lifted off his chest. Meiyang walked gracefully to him and Yongsun jumped to him then shook his hand . In no time he suggested that they take a walk outside .Meiyang was baffled that Yongsun didn't even introduce the beautiful lady in his company nor did he invite her . Meiyang agreed and they went to the garden.

They stayed at the small area in the courtyard of the library and the maids served some water and fruits to them . Meiyang carried on narrating all the cultivation events and plans while Yongsun kept on nodding . He looked like he was interested but it was quite obvious that he wasn't paying attention to him .Meiyang continued for a few sentences until he stopped when he saw Serena approaching in a distance .

Yongsun rotated to follow his gaze . The crown prince nervously jumped then he took Meiyang's arm and he welled with him again. it is clear as day a night that he was avoiding her . 

They into the library's garden . Meiyang's morning was extremely bitter because of a certain someone so he wasn't planning to run around the place with Yongsun but he must admit it was fun . a few minutes later he saw that the whole place was looking for Yongsun.

Yongsun ran ahead of him and he went and jumped into the pool.

There is something going on here ! 

Yongsun was acting out of the normal and that is not good in anyway . Meiyang impulsively went and dragged him out of the pool . Some maids saw them and panicstriken ,they rushed to him tried to help . 

Yongsun laughed hysterically and he ran off again .once again Meiyang followed behind . They then somehow ended up in the archive chambers . The archives are in the same compartment as the library , just that they are in another building . 

The archives are always dark owing to that the light damages the books which are the sole occupant of this space. In total there are about hundred shelves and over four thousand records . On the perimeter, there are a few dim-lit lanterns and some study-tables. The guard at the doors didn't question Yongsun and just let him enter so they went and hid behind the shelves .

His clothes were still drenched in water and his skin was beet-red yet he seems to be in too much of a light mood. Meiyang was sort of worried that this might end up being his fault but he can't exactly tell how . it is so unlikely that Yongsun would do this on free will so he must be under a spell and such a childish spell could only be placed by Dejang

"Are you okay ?", he asked Yongsun and he said yes 

Yongsun sneezed and Meiyang lifted his hand and he made warmth radiate room his hand.Yongsun rejected the palm because he isn't accustomed to touching people not even his family . He admitted that he is cold but his body seldom catches a cold thanks to his genes . He carried on rambling about his genes and how he never fell sick but Meiyang interrupted him 

" why are you so happy ?"

"I don't know ",

" did you meet someone (Dejang) before me ?",

"You also want to know ? Hehe, I will tell you that if I stay here like this , I might do something crazy. Probably kill her and hang myself ", he chuckled while holding his hands

Meiyang was astonished because once again Dejang's childish tricks have revealed an important thing . Yongsun was dodging Serena and doing all these things because they are the things that he wants the most. Desire and restrictions is extremely paralyzing. And his can be very overwhelming because the world is looking at him . Nevertheless Meiyang has to return him to normal because the freeform Yongsun is a call for bad publicity

" your highness , if you need a friend , I am always available .we can run around together . We can eat spices together . You can jump into the pool anytime with me

"Do you go around offering that ?",

"no ",

"so you either pity me or idolize me . whatever the case , I suggest you reconsider ",

"your highness might think that way but my offer still stands ",

Yongsun turned back to Meiyang and he knodded his head . He just wanted the conversation of the topic of friendship to end . All the people in Yongsun's life including Shejin are all nice to him because he is literally the crown prince . They have to act all chalant to him and make.him feel he is superior and he truly appreciates the effort but he can detect the fakeness in this matter . Meiyang observed him wiping the water that was falling off his face . 

He sort of relates to the way that Yongsun feels because he too would like to experience the unlimited degree of freedom that is lacking in the life of high lifestyle aristocrats. It is no secret that they are idolized therefore everything they do has to be perfect and they have to be perfect all the time. There is no room for them to be average or even think that they are allowed to be anything other than creatures that walked out of a fairy tale .

Meiyang is supposed to lead a team of his seniors into scenarios that risk his life and then walk out of the place like nothing happened . As for Yongsun he is literally the young version of a king. He is months if not days away from seating on the crown . he should be the example of what people want see as their leader 

He felt like this makes them have a special bond . 

Meiyang produced a snowflake and as it increased in size, Yongsun looked at it in sheer amazement. He watched it approach him and he shot up running .Meiyang grabbed his arm and he pressed the element onto Yongsun's chest . It didn't just warm him , he also made it calm him down. 

When removing a spell, the first effect is drop blood pressure and then remove all trace of the spell. There is a drug that is released into the brain by the spell so the anti-spell removes the drug effect and then restores the vitals to normal . In order to achieve this removal, one must constrict blood vessel so less of the blood volume carries less of the drug around the body . Eventually this will cause a severe degree of light-headness which lasts at least ten hours or complete unconsciousness that varies .

The person might not remember the past events depending on how much of a state they were driven into. In the case of Yongsun , he must be really dazed for him to do this meaning that he might get superbly light-headed if Meiyang constricts his blood vessels too much leaving him unconscious. If that becomes the case when he and Dejang were seen here and Suiyen practically mutilated someone , then it is inevitable that they will be blamed and with reason . 

"I will narrow your blood vessels but I will start in small doses for now", 

Yongsun knitted his eyebrow and he said he doesn't care .

Once again , Meiyang made thirty-six shimmering snowflakes to distract Yongsun. This worked so well that the rainbow array was painted onto his eyes. In the mist of the darkness and the nostalgic scent of the books , being trapped in here with Yongsun was a slightly delicate moment between them

The way his eyes twinkled at the lights was so mesmerizing and wonderful yet familiar in a strange way . Of course Meiyang has done the light trick with Liuhe and he looked a lot more cuter and with Haoran when he was sleepy and he looked somewhat embarrassingly breathtaking.

Speaking of Haoran, he is the reason that Meiyang had such a lousy start of the day. 

A few days ago when Meiyang's shanks were hurting , Haoran just up and left him without saying anything . After that time , will he does is spend time with Shangli . This morning when Meiyang asked who wanted to come with him , Haoran just asked Shangli to go somewhere else as if Meiyang wasn't talking and then Shangli agreed as if Meiyang didn't ask that . That was a gut punch no amount of medication can heal

Liuhe was already dressed to go to the library with Siwoo which Meiyang hasn't complained about and Xugang had gone with Meiyang's other cousin to a small cultivation call for a lady with a miscarriage. It's one of many beliefs that women who have a miscarriages have some bad luck so cultivators are called to cleanse them .So he ended up coming to the palace alone. He can't say he is hurt or disappointed that he came alone but he is indeed disturbed. Not in a way of ' you are forced to come with me ' but in a way of ' is it really okay that I go alone !'.

Anyway seeming Yongsun's visage lit by the many Aurora-Borealis like lights reminded him too much of Haoran. He doesn't know if the lad is ignoring him or just unbothered by Meiyang. Whatever the case , he truly doesn't like having to pretend that he is indifferent to all of this because they both know that he isn't

Meiyang and Yongsun's time was cut short because out of nowhere , Yongsun was suddenly and furiously uprooted