Chapter 1: Great Royal Villainess

Morningstar Imperial Palace

In the Empire, the magnificent and enchanting Imperial Palace stood proudly for hundreds of years

Such a beautiful Palace can only be described with positive words, no one would be able to find fault with it without lying

Such a Palace is something that almost all people in the Empire yearned to enter yet only those of the highest pedigree have access to it

Behind the Palace's magnificence, was a world filled with filth. Siblings going against each other is common. All battle for the Throne has always caused a great bloodshed

A battle where the loser will lose everything they have while the winner would gain everything and be above all

The Imperial Palace has an out of this world beautiful structures but the life inside it was not always beautiful

Below the Imperial Palace was a special underground prison. A prison that only the most dangerous criminals are imprisoned

A prison that once someone entered, they would never be able to get out of it ever again. The special prison has never let any criminals escape. It was a prison that even the most fearsome criminals feared

Inside it, a 'moon' can be seen. This moon did not pertain to the ones that can be seen in the sky

This moon is a person or more like a type of person. In this world, there were only males and absolutely no females

The Moons are the ones that can get pregnant and give birth to an offspring while the Sun are those that can impregnate a moon

Most moons have soft and gentle personalities but the moon inside this prison is far from being pure

His hands were tied in blood-red chains that were connected to the walls in his cell. Below him was a black magic circle that occupied the entirety of the floor

The cell was so silent that only the criminal's breathing can be heard but this silence didn't last forever

Tak tak tak

The sound of footsteps rang around the silent area and a tall Sun has entered the cell

"Keon Blythe Morningstar, the Great Royal Villainess of the Morningstar Empire. I never thought I would see your prideful and evil self imprisoned in here" the newcomer said with obvious ridicule and the criminal raised his head

Despite being imprisoned in the most dreadful prison in the entire Empire, Keon Blythe still managed to smile

"Duke Cain Ybra, my ex-fiance, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Keon inquired with an irritating smile on his face

Keon Blythe Morningstar, one of the Great Moons of the Empire. He is an Imperial Moon, a person of Royal Blood but his disheveled and dirty appearance did not give justice to his status

Keon has beautiful strands of purple hair that was also the same color as his eyes. His past self always kept his appearance neat but now that he was reduced to a criminal, how could he have time for that?

His face was filled with bruises, slightly obstructing his facial features. Yet even then, his injuries were not able to completely hide how pretty and handsome he was

His glowing purple eyes didn't seem to be the eyes of a person that would either be imprisoned for the rest of his life or get executed if the people in power wish to

Keon looked at his former fiancé, the Great Duke of Ybra Duchy - Cain Ybra!

Standing at 6'3 in height, Cain was taller than most people in the Empire. He has pitch-black hair that seems to be darker than even the night itself and a pair of blood-red eyes

His facial features gave him a rough yet handsome look. The Duke is a Sun that almost every Moon in the Empire wants to marry

He has it all whether that be the looks, status, wealth, and power. The Duke of Ybra is one of the high-ranking people in the whole Empire, marrying him was the dream!

"Your face is still as hateful as before" Cain commented as Keon's smile never failed to irritate him

Cain don't think that he had ever seen Keon smiling genuinely. His smile was only out of pure evil

One that states he was toying with you or he was scheming against someone. Once a person like Keon smiles, everyone around him should start to fear and brace themselves while praying that it wasn't them that is the object of his scheme

"Hahaha, you mean pretty?" Keon said playfully with a chuckle and Cain gritted his teeth

Despite being imprisoned here, Keon was still the same as before. He acts as if everything is a mere playtime

Well, to someone like him, everyone might just really be toys. He is someone that manipulated countless peoples' lives and had them dance on the top of his palms

Countless lives have been ruined because of him, including the life of the Duke himself

In irritation for being treated like this, Cain moves. In the next second, his hand was already wrapped tightly in Keon's porcelain white neck that seems like it would break from the slightest bit of pressure

"You are a criminal now yet you are still acting so high and mighty. Are you aware of how much I wanted to kill you right now?" Cain stated as he puts even more pressure in his hold on the man's neck yet he still hasn't received a response that would make him satisfied

"C-can y-you...?" Keon forced out those words while the smile on his face still never vanishes

Can you... it was a question but Keon already knows the answer

Cain Ybra cannot kill him!

Knowing the Duke, he would have surely killed Keon already as soon as he arrives. However, he didn't do that

Keon does not know the Duke's reason but he knows that there is something that is preventing Cain from killing him

As expected, Cain removed his hold in the man's neck with a furious expression on his face

He clenched his fist hard to the point that his veins in there were popping already. It was a testimony of how much he was holding back his anger

"As expected of the Royal Villainess, nothing escapes your vile eyes" Cain said as he retreated from perhaps, the filthiest person in the whole Empire

"You're right, I can't kill you... for now" Cain started and he heard Keon chuckling again

Despite the annoyance he has, Cain still continues speaking. "I want you to undo everything that you have done until now. You must remove your dear brother, Lawrence Morningstar from the Imperial Throne"

Hearing that name, a flash of darkness flickered in Keon's eyes. His playful demeanor has cracked for a moment before returning back to normal

Lawrence Morningstar... he was once the 7th Imperial Sun or a Prince of the Empire and was merely a son of a concubine, not the Empress

The 7th Sun has become the Emperor and that is all thanks to the 1st Moon of the Empire - Keon Blythe Morningstar himself

Keon is the moon that came from the union of the Emperor and Empress. One might think that he would be loved with such a status but he wasn't

After the Empress gives birth to Keon, the Empress permanently lose the ability to give birth to a child

If Keon is an Imperial Sun, that would not be much of a problem. He would be the Crowned Prince and the next Emperor

However, Keon was a moon and the Empire has a law that only an Imperial Sun could inherit the throne

The Empress thought that he would be the mother of the next Emperor but Keon 'blocked' her future

With a moon as the Emperor and Empress' only child, the next Emperor would come from the Queens of the Empire

The Empress hated that. He was the Emperor's real spouse, the Empress, the Mother of the Nation

Losing his ability to conceive another child was also the reason why the previous Emperor accepted Queens/Concubines

As a result, the Empire's 1st Imperial Moon has been hated by the Empress, and to calm his wife, the Emperor just let the Empress do what he wants to their child

A childhood of hardship, bullying, mocking, and pain has twisted Keon's mind

He starts to hate the world and everything in it until a ray of sunshine shone in his dark world in the form of Lawrence Morningstar

The 7th Imperial Sun without any support. His mother was already one of the weakest concubines in terms of power but he also died not long after Lawrence was born

As a result, Lawrence became a powerless Prince. Keon thought that since the two has the same experience, it was the reason why they became close

Little did he know that his dear brother only used him to take the Throne. After gaining what he wanted, Keon was discarded and became a criminal

It's not like Keon is not really a criminal. But in the first place, he became a criminal and ruined countless lives was all because he helped his brother obtain the Imperial Throne

Too bad that what he receives, in the end, was a betrayal

Keon is a twisted man. He loved and cared for his brother originally but after this great betrayal, there is no way that he would forgive him

However... his schemes were really too special. Currently, almost all the power in the Empire is in Lawrence's hand

The previous Emperors could still be pressured by the Aristocrats, Temple, and the Tower of Magicians at some point

But thanks to Keon, almost all power in the Empire has fallen into Lawrence's hands. Keon wanted his brother to not only be the Emperor but also the strongest Emperor in History and he succeeded

He gave all the power to his brother and now, taking them all back is easier said than done even with the help of Keon's brilliant mind

"The Temple's Saintess has been corrupted, the Archmage of the Tower's life is in his hand, most of the Nobilities followed him. With this kind of power, do you think it was easy to remove that bastard from the Throne?"

Despite wanting to have revenge, Keon still knew that was almost impossible

There are some superpowers in the Empire. Those are the Church, The Tower, and the Imperial along with The Aristocrats. Currently, Lawrence holds almost all the power from the three. How could they even fight that?

"You think that I would seek and prevent myself from killing you with blind faith? I naturally have my ways" Cain replied with a sneer before holding out his hand

A magic circle appeared on top of his palm containing three shards. The first one was white in color, the second is gold, and the third one is blue

"T-those are..." Keon's eyes trembled after seeing those shard-like objects

"The Goddess of Light's Tears, a piece of a dragon's heart, and the philosopher's stone" Cain answered before he coughed out several mouthfuls of blood

The Duke's whole body weakened as he was forced into his knees. Soon, a large wet red patch appeared on his clothes as he became drenched with his own blood

"Hahahaha! Cain Ybra you madman! Are you thinking about that legend?! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Keon can already guess what Cain Ybra was planning, earning him a loud fit of laughter

The Goddess's Tears represents the Temple and its most special artifact

The piece of Dragon's heart was an Imperial Treasure and it was said that the Morningstar Royal Family was a family that has been blessed by the Dragon that has never been seen in the recent years

The Philosopher's stone is the most precious magic material in the Tower of Magicians. It was said that the stone could help a magician use any possible magic in this world, including the magic of immortality. It's just that no one has figured out a way on how to use it