Chapter 2: Returning

In this world, there are three special existence

The first one is the Holy Power of the Goddess of Light, the creator of the world. The Goddess is also said to be the one that created the universe's law that governs everything in this world

The second one was the Dragon, a legendary mythical creature. If the Church respects and obeys the law, the Dragon on the other hand defies it. This creature was so powerful that it can defy the laws itself and the Royal Family of the Morningstar Empire is said to have been blessed by the Dragon

The third one is magic. If the church obeys and maintains the laws while the Dragon defies them, magic on the other hand is the practice of using the law and sometimes even altering it. An example of that is turning wood into gold. Wood could never become gold on its own but with the help of magic, it could be possible even if just temporary

The Morningstar Empire has a legend passed down from generation to generation. The legend states that using all these three special powers namely the Holy Power, Dragon Power, and Magic Power could let the user's wish come true no matter what that is. It was a Supreme Power with no limitations!

It's just that no one has been able to prove this legend as each of the medium needed are in the hands of different people that would never give them to anyone else

The Goddess' Tears is a special Holy Artifact and only the Saintess and other high ranking members of the Church could see it

The Dragon's Heart is a special Imperial Treasure that was said to be given by the Dragon itself. It might even be the most guarded and special treasure of the whole Imperial Family

The Philosopher's stone is guarded by the High Mages and Archmage. None of them knows to to use it but all of them were trying to figure out of the way so that they can achieve genuine immortality

Whether it be the Church, the Royals, or the Magicians, none of them can be taken lightly

If the Imperial Family were to fight the Church, even if they win, they would still suffer greatly. That would give the magicians a chance to dominate the world

Of course, the rest is also true if the Church or the Magicians are the ones that started a war. Either way, all out war would just result in giving a 3rd party a chance for Supremacy

Seeing all these three treasures at the same time in the hands of the same person would really give everyone a great shock even if that person is the Villainous Princess

"Hahahaha! The strongest Duke in the whole History of the Empire actually sacrificed himself and for what? For a mere legend that hasn't even been verified yet!" Keon continue to laugh loudly, not minding the pungent scent of blood in the air

Keon has drawn too much blood already to care about that

"Shut up! Who do you think is the reason why I have to do this?!" Cain shouted angrily and due to his agitated emotions, he can't help but cough out another mouthful of blood

"Pfft, don't blame me. It was you that was too soft for your own good. Do you think I would be able to toy with you if you weren't that naive?" Keon replied, not feeling even the slightest bit of remorse for all the things he has done

Keon knows one fact in this world. Those who are weak are bound to have a painful life

The Duke of Ybra strenght wise is strong. However, he cared too much about his family and he also has a sense of justice

If not for his personality, there is really no way for Keon to toy with him

"Keon Blythe Morningstar, you really are the vilest person in the whole world. With your attitude, I wouldn't have any reason to feel guilt even if I were to kill you!" After saying his piece, Cain turned his focus in the three special shards

He transfered all of his magical powers in them to try and use the supreme power of the legend

At first, nothing was happening and Cain was about to despair when...


The large magic circle in the cell room vanishes and it was replaced with a new one

This magic formation gave an intense feeling as if everyone in this world is inferior to it

Its color were simply magical. It feels as if it holds all the color in the world

If that wasn't enough, the magic formation even shone brightly, creating a long pillar of light that reachest the skies

It gave light to the dark night and surely, everyone in the Empire could see such a bright light. In fact, even the people outside of the Empire might have witnessed that pillar of light

"No way! You succeeded?" Keon muttered in shock as he stared at the three disintegrating shards that were combined with the pillar of light

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" A voice said and both Cain and Keon is familiar with this voice's source

When they turned their heads into the newcomer, a person they both want to take revenge with has appeared

Emperor Lawrence Morningstar arrived in blood and flesh!

"To think that you would escape here in the underground prison. No wonder my men can't find you" Lawrence said, pertaining to the Duke of Ybra that stared at him with endless rage

Seeing this vile man, Cain had an urge to use the power from the legend to kill him. Unfortunately, he cannot waste his power just from that

"I, Cain Ybra, the one that gathered the three special powers in this world command you to return us the past!" Cain said loudly, shocking the people around him

If Cain simply wanted to save the Empire from Lawrence's tyranical hands, he could just use this legendary power to eradicate all the people he want to but things aren't that simple

Keon toyed with his life and the lives of people important to him. Cain wanted to go back in the past and save the people he should have saved!

After Cain spoke of his wish, his and Keon's body starts disintegrating from their feet upwards

"Return to the past? Are you insane, you both shall die here!" Lawrence had a bad feeling about this and he draws his sword

The Emperor charged at the Duke and Princess but what he didn't expect was that his body would also disintegrate when he came too close to them

The bodies of the three vanishes along with the bright pillar of light and except for these three, no other person would know about what happened today


"Your Highness! Your Highness, wake up, stop being lazy!"

Keon was awoken with that sound and when he opened his eyes, he saw both a familiar and unfamiliar scene

In front of him was an old man with a head full of white hair. He was looking at Keon with undisguised anger

Around Keon were young people's faces. Some of them were killed by his own hands or scheme but they were completely alive right now with their younger version

Keon's eyes surveyed everything around him and no matter how he looks at things, he was really back at the Great Sage Academy

The Academy where Nobles and Royals alike attended. It was the school for the rich and powerful

In this Academy, the students could all learn all the things they have to learn. It range from finance, business, politics, history, and even magic!

Most of the people that succeeds in life attended the Great Sage Academy. There were also commoners present here but they were the minority

Only the most talented commoners could be given the chance to attend the Academy

Since he was back in the Academy, the person in front of Keon should be Proffesor Ronald Ware. A person he hated back at the Academy

Everyone knew how much the Empress hated Keon and how the Emperor ignored him

The Royals are people superior to the masses as they ruled above them. But since there is currently a powerless Royal, how could they not take this chance to experience trampling in one?

Keon has always regretted the fact that he let people step on him in the past. Before his blackening, he have always been weak and meek

It was already too late when Keon realizes who he is. Even if the Emperor and Empress hates him, he is still the 1st Imperial Moon/Princess of the Empire! How could these inferior people act however the way then wanted?

Keon's purple eyes darkened as he sat elegantly in his seat, his whole demeanor was completely different from what people can remember

From the pain in Keon's knees, it seems like his mother had him kneel for a whole night again. That was the cause for his lack of sleep and the reason why he fell asleep in the class

The people present around noticed the great change from how Keon displayed himself but they just thought that they were hallucinating

What could the poor 1st Imperial Moon even do to them?

"Professor Ronald, who am I?" Keon inquired without any hint of emotion in his face and tone

Smart people would have already realize that there is something different from him. Unfortunately, although he was a professor, Ronald is still an idiot in this area

"You are His Highness, the 'dear' child of the Emperor and the Empress" Ronald answered while emphasizing the word 'dear'

He was clearly mocking Keon as he was far from being dear to his parents

"Exactly, I am the child between the Emperor and the Empress, the two people that are above the masses. Is this the way a mere Academy Professor like you should treat an Imperial Princess?" Keon states coldly

If there is one thing that he comes to hate, that would be people looking down on him. He hates the bullying and the mocking he had received

Keon cannot let the past repeat itself. He would never let anyone trample on him however they want to

"Your Highness, you might be of exalted status but everyone in the Great Sage Academy are equals! Pardon me if you think that I am not treating you politely but I am merely adhering with the rules"

The Professor is right. While in the Academy, everyone should be equal. That is what is written in the rules but that only happens in the paper

The students are not really equal. The commoners have been bullied while the high ranking Nobles and Royals have always been fawned about

As a Princess, Keon should have been treated with utmost respect but thanks to his parents, he didn't get the respect he deserves

Since Keon could not obtain respect in a peaceful way, he has no choice but to forcefully take it

"You're right, professor. Everyone in the Academy is equal. But... what if a rumor spreads outside that Professor mistreated an Imperial Moon. What would the people think of it? What would His Majesty think?" Keon spoke gently but he was being completely passive-aggressive

The Empress would like everyone that would hurt and bully his own child. However, the Emperor is completely different

It was fine if people secretly despises his child. It would be a completely different thing though if someone were to do so in broad daylight

No one could mistreat a Royal. That is a crime punishable with death!

If the rumors really spread and it even entered His Majesty's ears, the Professor surely wouldn't have an easy life

Incurring the Emperor's wrath was almost the same as courting death

"Y-Your Highness, I-I was merely doing my job. W-why are you trying you threaten me?"

Bullets of sweat formed in the Professor's forehead. He really can't let His Majesty know what he has done if he wants to keep his head intact to his neck

"Hahaha! What threaten? I was merely talking about a possibility. Professor, you are being silly!"