Chapter 14: Joint Class

"H-how could that be!" Hessy cried out in shock, his body trembling from disbelief. He even accidentally raised his voice against a Royal

Such disrespect is not something that Keon would tolerate

While raising his brows, Keon spoke. "Why do you look so shocked? As the 1st Imperial Moon of the Empire, I am more than worthy enough to be the Young Duke's fiance. Young Master of the Blanche Family, know your place!"

Keon's eyes turned deadly as if one wrong move from Hessy would spell his death. Unfortunately, a person that is in love would turn blind

"You can't! You can't be his fiancé! I have always loved the Young Duke, he can only be mine!" Hessy shouted, obsession visible in his tone

The students around murmured with each other. Hessy's outburst was not befitting for a person with Noble Blood

"What does your love for my fiancé have to do with me?" Keon questioned with a dark voice. His eyes show that he doesn't care the least bit for Hessy

"Your disrespect for a Royal really knows no bounds. Tell Marquis Blanche that I'll visit your estate soon to ask for an explanation"

With that, Keon paid no mind to the 3rd rate villain anymore as he went to his class

Coincidentally, just like Cain's class, Keon's class this time was also the swordsmanship class

Although a lot of Nobles do not care about increasing their fighting prowess, learning the Empire's basic swordsmanship is still required

In case a war would happen, as the people in power, the Nobles are also expected to fight

"We'll have a sparring match with another class and I bet, you'll all be given a good surprise especially to our moons here" Keon's class swordsmanship instructor announced with a wink

This particular instructor is one of the few moons in the Empire that focuses on swordsmanship. People like Grise is rare and he was quite popular with the students not only for his appearance but also for his lively personality

'Hmm, he's a great swordsman but too bad, his fate in my past life is horrible' Keon thought while staring at the moon with black hair and eyes

Grise is one of the few people that don't treat Keon like shit but he passed away in the civil war

'If I can make him join my side this time, I'll have an expert in my side' Keon was already scheming in his mind as his class went to the training grounds

Most classes in the Academy have around 20 students. Although Royals and Nobles aren't that large in number but it was not only the direct descendants of the Nobles that are studying in the Academy

There are numerous side clans in the Empire. Those families don't hold Noble Titles but they are still aristocratic by blood

After a few minutes, Keon along with his class finally arrived at the training grounds. His eyes instantly locked on a certain someone

What bad luck. It was not even half an hour since he saw that bastard but he already saw him again

Why does his class have to cooperate with Cain's class?

The Young Duke's eyes also landed on Keon. Seeing the Royal Villainess made his cheeks throb in pain

"My good friend, why are you staring intensely at the Princess? Did he capture your heart or something ?" Greve joked while hitting Cain's side with his elbow

That brought Cain back to reality and he immediately moved his gaze away

"Tsk, you're really not fun" Greve complained while shaking his head. "Anyway, is it just me or the Princess looks so different right now? In the past, whenever I see him, he always has a pitiful look on his face. He looks so lonely and sad. But now, I can feel a strange sense of confidence from him and also... dangerous. Bah! What am I saying?"

Dangerous... as usual, Greve's intuition is always on point. He can actually detect that Keon is a dangerous man but what Greve said bothered Cain a bit

Does Keon really look pitiful, lonely, and sad? Greve's words were similar to what the Duchess said

'No matter what, he is still a Princess. He couldn't possibly be that miserable, right?' Cain thought

"Everyone, your opponents for the day are now here. For now, we would draw lots to determine who exactly you'll be fighting with for fairness' sake" Instructor Keating said loud enough for all the students to hear but most of the moons were too distracted to listen to him

That was especially for the moons in Keon's class. Turns out that the good surprise their teacher meant was being able to see the famous Young Duke of Ybra

Almost all of the moons have an infatuated look on their faces. Cain's fame was simply too high. He even overshadowed the Imperial Suns that have the right to inherit the Throne

Whether it be Cain's appearance, talent, or demeanor, all of them were top-notch. He was a literal husband material

Even if he would not be the Emperor, the Duke of Ybra have always been only second to the Throne

Their power and authority could even eclipse the Empresses if they want to. That's how powerful this family was!

It was to the point that many members tried to weaken the Ybra's power to no avail

Fortunately, the current Emperor and Duke have an amicable relationship. They don't really antagonize each other as long as both sides know how to behave well

"Hahaha, class, please listen to us. Stop drooling now!" Grise said with a light laugh

If Cain gathered the attention of the moons, Grise on the other hand has the attention of the Suns

Most moons have the image of a weak and fragile man that people should dote on but Grise is different

He has a strong and confident aura that gives the Sun the desire to conquer him and boost their egos. He has a different kind of charm and is also quite famous both in and outside the Academy