Chapter 15

The sparring session soon started. The sound of wooden swords hitting each other rang loudly along with the shout of the students

As for His Highness Keon, his eyes were scanning everyone around him. Trying to see which people he should use as a chess piece or the ones that he needs to get rid of

The cold glint in his eyes was unfamiliar to people that knows him except for one person

Cain's eyes were locked on the Princess. His soft side felt guilty for what he had done and he wants to apologize but his stubborn side is not letting him do that

"My dear friend, I really can't help but think that you are paying too much attention to the 1st Imperial Moon. Is there something that you are not telling me?" Greve teases as he hits Cain with his elbow

"He is my fiancé to be" Cain replied to shut his friend's mouth. Greve surely wouldn't let him go as long as he don't spill the tea and he just gave up

"Gasp!" The man dramatically gasp loudly as he stared at his friend in disbelief


His friend, Cain Ybra, actually has a fiancé? What is happening in this world?

Just as Greve was about to ask tons of questions, Cain already approached the Princess

In the end, his soft and warm side won and he decided to apologize when he saw the scheming expression in Keon's face that made him frown

"Your Highness!" Cain called out with a dark expression on his face and the Princess look at him in the same manner

"What?" He asks snobbishly and Cain replied in a low voice

"Your Highness, I indeed need your help but I also don't want you to harm innocent people!" He spoke in a grave manner and Keon's heart turned colder

This man proceeded to scold him rather than apologize. Seems like Keon was really mistaken about the Young Duke

"Kill me if you don't want my plans" Keon replies nonchalantly as if he does not care for his life or death

"Anyway, you should announce our engagement as soon as possible and have me live in your estate" Keon continue

He doesn't want to stay in the Imperial Palace for a long time anymore. Not only was his hated mother in there, but it is also hard to make a move since the Palace is heavily guarded

"I am already taking care of that" Cain answered and silence reigned between them until their names were suddenly called out

"Cain Ybra, step forward!" Instructor Keating said loudly, attracting everyone's attention

The Young Duke though high in status still respects other people and he immediately obeyed

"Keon Blythe Morningstar, please step forward!" Instructor Grise called out and unexpectedly, the next match was between the Young Duke and the 1st Imperial Moon

The two look at each other with different expressions on their faces

One has a complicated look on his face and the other was smirking

Even though they felt differently, they still step forwards to the space given for the sparring match

"Pfft, does His Highness even know how to wield a sword?"

"Who knows? Maybe the Princess can defeat the Young Duke with his gloominess! Hahaha!"

"I bet a single strike was enough to defeat the Princess!"

The Nobles murmured with each other, as usual, looking down on Keon

The instructors felt a headache because of their students but in some areas, they also think the same thing

Keon's self-confidence was too low and because of that, he couldn't do anything properly. To match up with the most talented swordsman is indeed an unfortunate thing

"This is just a simple sparring match. Whether you win or lose is not important as long as everyone is safe!" Grise said to everyone though he was mostly saying that to Keon

It means that Keon should not feel bad even if he wins as long as he is safe

With the signal from the instructors, the match instantly started

Keon grips his sword tightly and he didn't hold back at all. As soon as the signal was given, he charged at his opponent as he thrusts his sword forward

Although Cain was a bit taken aback by Keon's vigor, his senses were still honed by countless battles and he manage to react on time

He swung his sword and with his superior physical strength, he managed to knock back the Princess's sword

However, it was as if Keon is a clever snake. His sword move at a strange angle and this time, he uses a slashing attack

Cain's brows rose as he steps backward and the sword slash misses him

However, it was as if Keon doesn't know the word rest as he continues to attack and attack. He was not stopping to catch breath at all

Everyone that mocked him earlier had their jaws fall to the ground. Is this really the weak Princess that they know?

"My dear, are you holding back because you are fighting your fiancé?" Keon asked loudly. Everyone that was present heard his words and they were stunned

Fiancé? The Princess and the Young Duke? This is a piece of piping hot news!

In return, Cain creases his forehead. He doesn't have the intention to deny that but he also doesn't plan on announcing it. He'll just let whoever know their engagement know

Just what is the 1st Imperial Moon planning?

"Why are you not answering?" Keon asks and only then did he stop attacking as he look at Cain with a shy expression on his face

"T-that... I'm really f-feeling fine a-although you w-were quite too a-aggressive last night. Y-you don't need to hold b-back!" Keon said in a bashful manner and the people around blushed

Aggressive last night? What does that even mean?

'Crazy. This bastard is crazy' Cain thought while gritting his teeth. This Royal Villainess is really vicious!

To think that Keon would make him look like a scoundrel that doesn't know how to hold back

Seeing that ugly expression, Keon's heart felt better as he move to attack Cain again

Their swords collided with each other but it was Keon's arms that were trembling and Cain was still at his peak

"My dear fiancé, manage your expressions well. You don't want this Imperial Moon to lose face, right?" Keon questioned with a chuckle before he continued his act

"Ouch!" Keon's face grimaces as he fell to the ground. A loud hiss escapes his throat and everyone was worried for him, including Cain

The Young Duke thought that he was the reason why Keon was in pain and he immediately kneeled into the ground to check on him

"W-what's the matter?" Cain questioned and Keon gave him that shy look again

"I-I'm fine. M-my b-bottom just hurts b-because of... last n-night"

Although Keon's voice was not particularly loud, it was still heard by their 'audience' and Cain realizes that he was fooled

Sure enough, this man is really full of schemes! Does he resent Cain that much to the point that he wants to smear this much dirt to his name?

"Young Duke, please e-escort His Highness to the clinic" Grise asks awkwardly. Just like everyone else, he was thinking that Cain turned into a beast last night

That made things awkward for him and everyone as they stared at the Young Duke while blushing hard

It seems like all Suns are really beasts. Even the uptight and strict Cain Ybra has that side

Cain can only let out a sigh. He decided that he should just consider this as his punishment for doing something horrible to Keon earlier

With that in mind, Cain carried Keon into his arms

"You win" Cain whispered and Keon smirks at him

"Of course, I always win!" He replied confidently and Cain shook his head before heading to the clinic

"What happened earlier was my fault but don't do anything like this again" Cain said sternly but would the 'thorny rose' in his arms listen to him? Of course not!

In defiance, Keon wrapped his arms around Cain's neck, putting them into a very intimate position

"My Lord, what do you mean by that?" Keon asked innocently but Cain is a fool if he were to buy that

Keon? Innocent? That two words can't be even more different!

"Your Highness, you know what I am talking about. Stop playing dumb!" Cain rebuked and Keon chuckled

"Why? Do you still want to have a chaste image even if you already have a fiancé? Are you afraid that no Moon would approach you again? Don't worry about that, even if your fiancé is an Emperor, thousands of Moons would still line for your looks"

"Stop talking nonsense or I'll let you fall"

"Oh please, both of us know that you could not do that"

"Are you testing me?"

"Why? Is it actually working?"