Long Shin decided to take action

A moment of silence descended when the assassins saw the two Jade Tokens belonging to Shao and Ding family, after all both of these families were great families in Beijing.

"Captain that's really the token of Shao family"

"And that's token of Ding family, no doubt both of them are real, aren't fake copies"

"Should we return? if we kill them we will enter in the eyes of those great families"

"Maybe we should let them leave for today, anyway it isn't worth offending Shao and Ding family"

Many of the assassins began to have second thoughts about killing after seeing the tokens.

If they attacked then no doubt they will enter in the eyes of the two great families.

Those in the 4th layer ‹Black-Iron› rank, who are their supposed elders were also frowning, their faces were solemn.

If they attacked they will have to face both Shao and Ding family, but they can't let these brats go either for they have already seen them.

This number of ‹Black-Iron› ranked magisters in such a small city was unusual, only if two or three great families were to combine their forces would such a number come to fruition.

Don't underestimate them just because they don't have someone in the advance phases of ‹Black-Iron› , the number of magisters in their group can easily surpass those cultivated by the great families of the river town city.

If the Martial Suppressors were to begin a throughout investigation the 'Plan' they had been brewing for years will fall into jeopardy.

The elders were really in a pinch here 'Damn you useless boy why did you send us here, see how this daddy will deal with you after returning' a moment ago they were praising the 'Person' who had sent them here, saying that they hit the jackpot, yet now they were cursing 'Him' instead with close eye.

Of course all of this didn't include the man in the forefront, he was only thinking about how he can get his hands on the blood essence of Shao Zihao and Ding brothers.

After a period of time spend cursing they opened their eyes which now contained solemnity and heavy killing intent.

'No matter what these brats need to die here' this was the only thought in their mind, meanwhile the middle aged man in the forefront was happy seeing that his companions didn't decide to chicken out.

He also knew why these guys decided to kill them no matter what, and if he was in their shoes he will choose the same, wait he is in their shoes right?!

They wanted to let them leave, but they can't, the brats have already seen them, and as the saying goes.

Only dead keep their mouth shut.

 If they killed these brats they will offend the great families and will be hunted down by them, yet there still existed a chance that they might survive the hunt, but the 'Plan' that personage had set in motion, if failed then the consequence they will suffer will be terrific, at that time it is estimated that they will beg for death instead.

A great plan was brewing in the small river town city that included many of the prominent figures of the city.

The entire city as the chest board and all the citizen living within it as it's pieces, even they who are at the intermediate phase of ‹Black-Iron› are nothing but mere pawns in this vast chest board.

"Hump, do you think that just the names of your family can save you from us?" the middle aged person in the forefront asked with a sneer, he was probably the one who wanted to kill them the most right now.

He looked at his hesitant companions or more appropriately minions, even though he and the other elders have made the decision these minions were still scared to move, after all they are just in the initial phases of ‹Black-Iron› rank, the weakest forces in the underworld, even if they were killed by the great families their higher ups won't say anything.

He looked at them and said " the young masters of Shao and Ding families are in front of you all what are you doing? If we are to sever their heads and present it to our 'Lord' he will surely reward us handsomely"

As he said that the eyes of his companions began to glitter, sometimes the pressure of one's background is easily overshadowed by the glow of the treasures.

As the saying goes humans die for wealth and birds die for food, if they don't encounter any danger how can they get wealthy?

The greater the danger the greater the rewards.

Their grips on their respective weapons got more firm as they had too made a decision.

The other 4th layer ‹Black-Iron› rank were a little confused, what the hell!! why is their partner so excited for killing these brats, yes instead of fear of the great families they could only see excitement in his eyes.

He was behaving as though he was going to pounce on a beauty, wait there is a beauty but it's not a women it's a man!!!

Umm, he doesn't swing the other way right?!

They subconsciously took a step back which went unnoticed by the guy in question.

Indeed what he said is true they might get rewarded for bringing the heads of young masters of the great families in Beijing, yet the reward won't be worth the amount of risk they will have to take.

"Are you sure you want to go against us?" Shao Zihao asked in a solemn yet defeated tone.

He knew that the assassins in front of them had come to kill them and they are probably not from some low-ranked forces either which could be estimated from their conduct and their conversation.

The eyes of the man in front were shining, he looked at Shao Zihao and Ding brothers like some kind of treasure trove waiting for him to obtain, which u know to him only solidified the surrounding elders thoughts who misunderstood him.

They all roared internally while looking at each other.

He truly swings the other way around!!!

Shao Zihao and Ding brothers now knew that getting out of this situation without a fight was impossible, but even if they wanted to fight they would be at a great disadvantage, after all their enemies had greatly surpassed them both in terms of quality and quantity.

The three assassins in front of them including the one in the forefront were all at 4th layer of ‹Black-Iron› rank while others ranged from 3rd to 2nd layer of ‹Black-Iron› rank.

Let alone Shao Zihao and Ding Yun who are both in 3rd layer of ‹Black-Iron› rank, the gap between two phases was horrible, don't say that they can win by crossing one layer to fight even if their were ten of them only one of those guys will be enough to take care of them.

Someone in the Initial phase simply can't go against someone in the Intermediate phase, the gap between the two was that of a chasm.

Shao Zihao and Ding Yun looked in each other's eyes and nodded as if they had made an important decision "Then we can only fight, if we are going to die anyway let's go down with a fight, you're sourly mistaken if you think you're going to kill us so easily"

Both of them erupted with the pressure belonging to 3rd layer ‹Black-Iron› rank magister at the same time.

"Count me in then, although I don't want to fight but I guess I'm left with no choice here huh " Ding Meng said as he too erupted with the pressure of 2nd layer ‹Black-Iron› rank magister, even though his presence paled in comparison to his brothers, Long Shin could 'see' that his aura was several times greater then the 2nd layered assassins present.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, I wonder what kind of face you will make when we torture you, will you lot still have that fighting spirit at that time"

Shao Zihao didn't bother speaking with him anymore because he didn't have anymore reason to do so, he looked at Long Shin and said "I'm sorry brother Shin, looks like we have gotten you entangled in this mess caused by us" his bitter tone could tell that he was genuinely feeling sorry for the latter.


Ding Yun too said "Indeed if it wasn't for us then you wouldn't be in this situation right now, sorry"

"Ha, Ha, Ha, brother Shin it looks to me that we four are even destined to die together" Ding Meng's joke lightened the tense moment as both Shao Zihao and Ding Yun smiled a little.

"We will try to buy you sometime, try to get out of here, as further as possible and while you are at it take Ding Meng with you as well" Shao Zihao said and Ding Yun nodded.

Both of them knew from the start that these assassins had specifically came for them not Long Shin, he was just dragged in this mess.

Long Shin looked at them, to say that he wasn't surprised by their righteous heart would be a lie, after all even though they called each other brothers…

It won't changed the fact that they had only met once before, in a world where even some blood-brothers might stab each other in the back at any time, this kind of brother-hood was rare.

Seeing them endangering their lives to buy time for him and Ding Meng to escape he was moved.

The middle aged man in the forefront was feeling amused looking at them trying to save each other "It is impossible to get out of here, none of you can escape today, all of you must die" he said flatly.

'This should already be enough' Long Shin thought that it was time for him to move, he placed his hands on Shao Zihao and Ding Yun's shoulders to assure them "It's all right, why are you both speaking like we are about to die brother Zihao and Brother Yun"

His face was devoid of any worry, he was as carefree as he could possibly get, as though he didn't put any of the assassins present in his eyes at all.

Shao Zihao and Ding brothers cried inwardly 'But we are really going to die though!!!'

Long Shin took back his hand as he walk towards the middle aged man on the forefront.

""Brother Shin?!"" Shao Zihao and Ding Yum who realized that he passed by them wanted to stop him, but he was already too late.

"Brother Shin what are you doing? Don't go over there, those peoples are bad peoples" Ding Meng spoke out loud with worry.

Long Shin behaved as though he didn't hear them, he gazed at the middle aged man who was now in front of him.


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