Demon Heart Sect, & A Great Conspiracy

Long Shin stared at the middle-aged man while the latter stared at him, feeling amused thinking that the former was trying to appear headstrong he said "Boy aren't you afraid of us, or are you going to beg us to spare your life, huh?!" he said while sneering, but in the next second his smile faded because of what the former said.

Long Shin looked at him as he spoke coldly " A mere Outer court deacon of ‹Demon Heart Sect› like you is unworthy to make me feel fear nor are you worthy to take their life under my watch…Tao Jian"

…For a moment the place quited down, all of the assassins present as well as Shao Zihao and Ding brothers only stared at him, it was as though someone had pressed the pause button.

The assassins were shocked by the fact that the boy in front of them knew their identities, as for Shao Zihao and Ding brothers they were even more shocked by the fact that the assassins were from ‹Demon Heart Sect›

Yes, the middle-aged man in front was named Tao Jian and he is currently very much in a shock, not to mention him everyone present were also shocked silly.

Tao Jian looked at Long Shin, he tightened his grip on his short swords as he asked in slow yet cold tone "How do you know my name, how do you know that we are from ‹Demon Heart Sect›?" his tone was as solemn as it could get, even more then the time he got to know of Shao Zihao and Ding brothers background.

He didn't even try to deny Long Shin's claim cause just by staring in the latter's eye he could see that Long Shin wasn't bluffing or anything, he knew for the fact that they are from ‹Demon Heart Sect›

Long Shin didn't answer him, instead he stared at the rest of the assassins as he said "that Shu Ming didn't come himself huh, well he did sent you all so quickly, I guess this is to be estimated from a disciple of one of the ‹Demonic Sects›"

In the Earth Star beings who cultivate to become powerful magisters are mainly split into two groups.

‹Orthodox› and ‹Heterodox›.

There are many terms for them e.g. ‹Righteous› and ‹Demonic›, ‹Virtuous› and ‹Devilish›, ‹Good› and ‹Evil›, and ‹Benevolent› and ‹Diabolic›, etc.

Be it clans/families, and sects etc. They at split in these two, and the same goes…for other races.

The Righteous Magisters are those who cultivate 'Righteous way', or the 'Right way'

The Demonic Magisters are said to be those who emulate demons and seek power by any means necessary, they cultivate by slaughtering innocent people without any reasons, by stealing a virgin women's ‹Primordial Yin› causing them to become a dry corpse, and refining other Magisters into ‹Ghost Spirits› or ‹Demonic Puppets›, etc.

The demonic magisters are inverse of the righteous magisters. They are classified under this term doesn't mean that they are necessarily evil, but most exhibit some kind of characteristics that is generally attributed to the demonic path. Some are called cruel or ruthless due to their lack of compassion and inhibitions that they don't bother hiding.

Some others are sadistic, desiring pleasure from torturing and inflicting pain to others, while some have executed their revenge against members of the Righteous sect or clans, and have since then been 'put' into demonic path by others.

In simple terms if someone does cruel things to innocents without a hint of comparison or uses demonic techniques like the one Tao Jian has that can strip others of their Blood Essence, they are termed demonic by 'others'

Of course saying that someone is evil just because they are from demonic sect or because they have slaughtered who you considered innocent is pure hypocrisy.


It's not necessary for every righteous sects to have magisters who are goody to shoes and every evil sect to have magisters who are evil.

Take Xu Xiaosi for instance even though he was from Xu family who boasted that they are a righteous family in the end he still wanted to rape Liu Minger and was prepared to go to any lengths necessary to accomplish that.

In the end all of this righteous and demonic is just based on peoples own perspective.

Of course this doesn't include Tao Jian and his companions.

"H-how do you-" Tao Jian was just about to ask again when Long Shin cut him to it.

He looked at him in a playful manner and said "How do I know that it was Shu Ming who sent you here, you don't need to know that"

He didn't stop there and continued "Taking advantage of the fact that his grand daughter brought one of the young masters of the Shu family who also happens to be jealous of his elder brother because he can't become the next family head because of the latter. Getting him the identity of a disciple of the ‹Demon Heart Sect› then cultivating him in secret so that he can become the next family head, he will take control of one of the Hegemonic families and with that gaining the 1/5th power of the underworld in the river town city after which he can slowly subdue the rest of the hegemonic families in the city making the entire city into a secret base for the sect. I have to say your grand elder Jin Donglai made a really good plan"

Long Shin found all of this when he looked into Shu Ming's information with his ‹Universal Eye›


[Black-Iron] [4th Layer] [Name:: Shu Ming] [Description:: Second young master of the Shu family, his talent in both cultivation and management was inferior to his elder brother so much that he didn't have any hope of surpassing him and becoming the next family head. He chose to become a disciple of the ‹Demon Heart Sect› in order to get their help to become the head of the Shu family.] [History] [Vulnerability] [Abilities/Skills/Techniques] [Inventory] [Emotion/Relationship]

When Long Shin use this skill their were five extra sections that he could check.


[…HE feels jealous of his own brother, seeing no hope of ever surpassing him, started to live his life like he wanted and stopped cultivation all together.]

[…ONE day he met a beautiful girl who fell in love with him at first site. She introduced herself saying that her name is Jin Luhua a core disciple of the ‹Demon Heart Sect› and the only grand daughter of the sect's grand elder, she offered him a place within the sect only if he became her ‹Dao-Companion›]

[SHU Ming who was feeling dejected and hopeless decided to become her ‹Dao-Companion› and entered the ‹Demon Heart Sect›…]

 [AT first when the grand elder found about their relationship he didn't agree with them, but under the continues begging of Jin Luhua he accepted Shu Ming albeit not entirely…]

[... TIME passed and Shu Ming began to learn cultivation under the supervision of the grand elder and achieved rapid improvement, seeing which grand elder was somehow happy]

[…ONE day the grand elder decided to accept him as his disciple and taught him one of the core techniques of the sect the ‹Demon Heart Sutra› the same cultivation technique that he and his grand-daughter practices.]

[…SEEING his rapid improvement the grand elder completely accepted him as his grand son-in-law and taught him many things he also wanted Shu Ming to become the next head of Shu family, with this he will gain 1/5th of river town city's underworld after which he can slowly corrode the entire city, he will be able to make it into a base for his faction, his secret territory.]

[…SHU Ming felt humiliated that he was made to run out of Leny's fast food, but because of the fear of the supposed mysterious entity he was helpless.]

[SHU Ming directed his anger on the three brats who were the root of the cause thinking that if they had not existed then he wouldn't have suffered such humiliation…]

[AFTER reaching home he told Jin Luhua everything, both of them deduced that the mysterious entity was just passing by and didn't have anything to do with the three boys…]

[SHU Ming decided to sent out Tao Jian and his companions who were grand elder Jin Donglai's subordinates to assassinated those three boys…]


[Short Temper:: gets easily angry over little things, when angered will attack without caring for any defense]

[Inferior Complex:: Gets easily irritated when he is being compared to his elder brother]

[Body Weakness:: because of practicing ‹Demon Heart Sutra› blood is his greatest strength as well as his greatest weakness]


[SILVER] [Name:: Demon Heart Sutra][Grade:: Low-Grade ‹Superior›] [Description:: One of the core legacies of the ‹Demon Heart Sect› allows user to control the blood of the user's body to certain extent, while cultivating the rate of mana absorption will be increased by 2x if cultivates while being in tub filled with blood of despaired diseased, builds an Intermediate level foundation with blood of 1000 humans, allows user to condense the imprint of ‹Blood Maniac› class by absorbing blood of 10000 living.] [Note:: The cultivation technique will allow a magisters to cultivate only until 3rd layer ‹SILVER› rank]

AN: Now that's a demonic technique.

[BRONZE] [Name:: Heart Striking Palm] [Grade:: Intermediate] [Description:: An attack technique which makes the user's mana fine-like needles and is specially lethal to ones blood. It disrupts the blood flow of the entire body when aimed at heart, making the victim feel pain and suffocation. In the worst case corroding the blood flow of the victim causing them to die while feeling pain of their heart being pierced by fine needles.]

[INVENTORY] (AN: Thing at hand)

[Black-Iron] [Name:: Blood striking Glows] [Grade:: Low-Grade] [Description:: Specially smelted by one of the blacksmiths in the ‹Demon Heart Sect› to suite Shu Ming's Blood Striking Palm technique, enhancing the effects of the technique by +20%]

[Name:: Mana Stone(s) (10x)] [Grade:: Low-Grade] [Description:: condensed mana stones which have naturally absorbed mana for centuries, have many uses with the most primary use being assisting one's cultivation.]

[Name:: Condom(s) (93x)] [Description:: strawberry flavored condoms used to fuck Jin Luhua]  


[Negative emotion(s):: Fear, Anger, and Hatred]

[Relationship:: Strangers]


Alright the last part on the ‹Inventory› was a little unexpected, DUDE WAS CARRYING CONDOMS AND NOT JUST ONE HE WAS CARRYING ALMOST HUNDRED WITH HIM!!!

And according to his ‹History› this guy and Jin Luhua do the deed whenever they get the chance, PLACE DOESN'T MATTER.

'What are you a horn dog?!' Long Shin said inwardly when he first saw this.

The Demonic Sects or clans are different compare to their righteous counterparts.

Righteous sect's location is not a secret and so is known to all magisters, Demonic sects location on the other hand isn't made known to others except their disciples.

The same went for their true names most of the demonic magisters won't let their true name be known easily.

Only the strong demonic sect or clan dares to reveal themselves as they have the confidence that even if the righteous sect band together to attack them they will lose an arm and a leg, and ‹Demon Heart Sect› is definitely not one of them.

As for the injured party not to mention demonic sects, even the righteous sects will see the vulnerable party as a fat piece of meat and will pounce on it like starving beasts.

Long Shin revealing so much about them from their assassination that was only ordered to them a few hours ago to their master plan regarding the river town city which was made years ago was akin to telling them that they had a traitor in their ranks.

Tao Jian was burning with fury, if anything happens to the plan that Jin Donglai made he will be on the forefront to take the punishment and Jin Donglai won't be lenient when he punishes him.


