Past, The Hateful Boy And An Annoying Girl, The Two Who Were Destined To Remain As Strangers.

"Alright students take out your math books"

Wu Xiaobo's sudden voice made Wang Ruoli come out of her daze, she adverted her gaze away from Long Shin.

Wang Ruoli searched through her bag, but didn't find the math book.

'Damn, did I forget to bring it while in hurry'

Just as she was in a dilemma Wu Xiaobo's voice came.

"Student Wang, why haven't you taken out your book?"

Hearing him ask, Wang Ruoli didn't bother to hide the fact that she had forgotten her book at home.

"I'm sorry teacher, I didn't brought it, I forgot it at home" even though she said sorry, her voice was calm it was difficult to tell if she was truly sorry or not.

Wu Xiaobo was angry at her calmness, but he didn't dare to show that on his face, he wasn't like the ignorant students present in the class.

The principal had already told him that the girl in front of him had a mysterious but very powerful background, even as a teacher it wouldn't be easy if he made her upset.

"Sight, I'll overlook this as this is your first day, but this won't be tolerated next time please keep that in mind, with that said borrow someone else's book"

After that he didn't say anymore, even the previous words were just to keep his teacher's faced, it was unknown if he will be able to do anything even if Wang Ruoli did make another blunder.

Wang Ruoli began to look around, many of the students were looking in her direction, mainly boys, some of the boys were signaling her to take their book, but it was clear as day to her that they were just trying strike up a conversation with her.

Coincidentally her gaze landed on Long Shin's desk, he was reading something else, while his math book was out in open, his handsomeness and unique temperament had caught her interest.

It made him stand out among the masses like a dragon in the pack of snakes.

'He too will try to talk to me after I take his book, but I think it would be better then the rest'

To her every boy in the class was only trying to talk to her, and that was also the reason they were ready to help her, if she is going to get entangled with one of them anyways, then it would be better for it to be Long Shin, not only was his temperament unique even among the young masters she had seen until now, he was also very, very handsome.

She tried to muster the most innocent smile she could "Excuse me, may I borrow your book"

As she said this Long Shin halted his reading.

Seeing this Wang Ruoli smiled while thinking inwardly 'Yes-yea, so what if you're handsome , I'm not any less beautiful you know, there is no way you won't melt in front of me'

But, in the next second her smile disappeared as Long Shin again started to focus on his book, ignoring her in the process.

'WHAT, this basterd dares to ignore me, ME?!' since when has she Wang Ruoli ever been ignored, the answer is never.

As the young lady from one of the most prestigious family in the city, everyone will fight to get her to give them one glance, in the past it is she who ignores others and not the other way around.

"Hey You-" just as she was about to say something, she saw a book flying towards her, the book landed on her desk, right in front of her.

"Don't forget to return it back before the next lecture" a cold voice reminded her from the side, yes indeed it was Long Shin who had thrown the math book to her table, thinking that she might disturb him further, he just let her borrow his book, anyways it was just lending a book.  

He didn't even bother turning towards her, as if not wanting to waste anymore energy on her then necessary.

"Can't you give me your book in a normal manner" only she knew how she was able to hold back her anger, as she squeezed out these words.

The most enraging fact was, that the book was straight in an orderly manner, if someone were to see they will surely say that the person has placed it with care, while the truth wasn't even remotely close to that. 

"Do you want it or not, if not then return it" he just stopped for second and looked at her for a second, his answer was simple, no explanation or apologies, return it if you don't want.

"Hump, just you wait" she was fuming inside, but somehow managed to contain her temper.

'I'll let my men beat him up, hump'

With this though in her mind she opened the book, yet her gaze was still subconsciously going towards the indifferent boy beside her, not paying any attention to Wu Xiaobo's lecture.

Wu Xiaobo was also fuming seeing the two's interaction, but didn't say anything.

What a joke, none of the two are someone he could provoke, if he upset the girl his job might be in jeopardy, as for the boy…he isn't a masochist, getting humiliated once was more then enough for his poor heart to bear, if it happened again, he might die of heart attack.

'Its best to just ignore these two oddballs'

He sighted inwardly and continued his lecture, all while ignoring the two who didn't bothered listening.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The school bell sounded, signaling the start of a break.

Wang Ruoli came to Long Shin's desk.

"Thank you for lending me your book" even though she tried her best to smile, the corners of her mouth were twitching slightly.

"It's alright" Long Shin didn't say much, taking the book from her hands he put it back in his bag, after making sure that nothing was out, he took the book he was reading and walked out of the class.

'What, he ignored me again?!' Wang Ruoli was once again ignored mercilessly.

'Even though I tried my best to be as polite as possible after all that, yet he still ignored me, how can someone be so hateful' she could only curse inwardly.

Just as she was fuming inwardly, one of the girls present came towards her "Don't mind Long Shin's behavior, he is just like this"

She turned towards the girl, she had long green hairs coming to her waist, brown eyes, and a beautiful oval face.

Although not as beautiful as her, the girl's beauty was enough to make men go crazy for her.

"So his name is Long Shin?" she asked the girl, who was none other then Lin Yu who also happens to be the girl who sits ahead of her.

"Yup, even though he behaves a little colder to everyone, he is nonetheless a kind person" Lin Yu said while her eyes were glittering as she talked about him.

Wang Ruoli had her eyes widened 'He and kind, ooh girl you need to have your eyes checked, or maybe your brain instead' she said inwardly while rolling her eyes.

"Anyway why didn't the teacher say anything when he wasn't listening to the lecture" Wang Ruoli changed the topic, Wu Xiaobo didn't say anything to her for not listening to the lecture wasn't surprise to her, after all he might've already been alerted about her identity, but the same couldn't be said for Long Shin.

Lin Yu who heard her question sneered "Of course he won't say anything, he is afraid"


'A teacher being afraid of his own student, where the hell have I arrived'

Lin Yu saw through her thoughts as she continued "Wu Xiaobo was previously humiliated by Long Shin, he always takes his anger out on the students, abuses us with a lot of homework and high difficulty tests, he even curses the students sometimes.

But, a few days ago when he tried doing the same to Long Shin, the latter totally humiliated him to the point of coughing out old blood and being bedridden for a few days, after that Wu Xiaobo has gotten a little less strict"

'What, this guy isn't afraid of being expelled is he?' she though, yet nonetheless this raised another question, even after doing all that 'the hateful guy wasn't expelled?'

"He wasn't punished for going against his teacher?" She asked Lin Yu who seemed to be quite knowledgeable of the situation.

"Nope, not at all, what he said wasn't wrong, he didn't spoke badly about other teachers either, and also the fact that his father holds more then 40% of the shares of Danxing high school makes it difficult for him to be expelled"

Unlike the River town city, the Danxing city doesn't have any hegemonic families controlling the underworld of the city, the city doesn't have any rare ores or materials that might aid magisters either, this 'might' also be one of the reasons why none of the righteous or demonic sects try to come here to establish a base in the city, also there is a rumor circulating in the underworld that a mysterious personage controls the city, that said personage is powerful enough for even great families from Beijing to give him respect when they meet him, so none dare to have any ill will towards the city.

While talking with each other Wang Ruoli and Lin Yu went to the cafeteria.

As the most prestigious high school that didn't lose to some of the well know schools in the country, be it in performance or grandeurs.

The cafeteria of the school was also very spacious and splendidly designed, the cafeteria was covered by glass windows, and there were even tress and fountains inside, giving a soothing feeling to those present.

The area for students and teachers were separated.

All the students were seated in the area designated for students, while Long Shin being the son of one of the major shareholders had special privilege to sit in the teacher's area, be it in terms of food or accommodation it was obviously a better choice.

After Wang Ruoli took her share of food Lin Yu said.

"let's go there, there are many empty seats" she signaled towards a table which was empty with no one sitting on it.

Wang Ruoli showed a smirk "Why should we sit over there"

Saying that she began to walk towards the teacher's area.

Lin Yu was stunned a little, but still feeling a little worried about her, she too followed after her.

They walked unhindered, even the security present at the entrance didn't stopped them.

'What!' Lin Yu was shocked, looking at Wang Ruoli with a stunned face.

Wang Ruoli only smiled and didn't bother to answer her.

Even though she was new here, it didn't mean that she didn't have any special privilege.

Instead of going towards the tables which were empty, she walk towards Long Shin's table "Can we sit here?"

Long Shin raised his head, he had already seen her walking in the teacher's area, but didn't anticipate that she will come to his table.

"No" Of course that doesn't mean that his answer will change.

"You-Alright Lin Yu we're sitting here" she didn't bother to please this hateful person anymore, without caring if he agreed or not she just sat with Lin Yu.

"What, what can you do I'm sitting here no matter what" she smirked as she looked at Long Shin who's eyes were becoming even more colder then before.

'Others might be afraid of you, but this young lady is not, Hump' since the incident with the book, the guy in front of her was getting in her nerves, how dare he disagree to her not just once but multiple times, even though she went to all the trouble of smiling for him, a smile from her was worth more then gold.

Long Shin's though were also a little bit similar 'This girl is getting annoying' from the moment she sat next to him in the class she was annoying him, she has been annoying him. 

"Oni-chan" just as he was getting even more angry, a soft voice pulled him out, making all of his anger disappear in the process.  

The one calling him was a beautiful girl, she had long jet black hairs that gently fell to her waist, and blue eyes which seemed to have a peace of sky within them, her skin was white as snow, her light pink lips were like soft petals of lotus, any one who sees them would want to touch the soft flesh.

Her figure was although not as developed as Wang Ruoli, the hourglass figure was still able to take the breath of all the make students present, she was like a budding flowery beauty after the rain.

Long Yin, Long Shin's little sister was also one of the school flowers, and that to number one in the school flower ranking.

"Can't you just call me 'gege' or big brother" although he was complaining, his face was filled with a light yet genuine smile, as if the previous coldness was never there in the first place.

Long Shin gently pated her head, his movements were so gentle as if afraid that even a slight mistake might hurt her.

Long Yin smiled at her big brother's complain, she enjoys it when he pants her head and dotes on her.

She knew very well that he was just saying this, in fact he doesn't dislike her calling him 'oni-chan'

"Don't want to, 'Oni-Chan' has a nice ring to it, and I like to call you oni-chan so i won't be changing it" she stuck out her tongue in a cute manner as she said like a spoiled child.

"He, he, he, alright as long as you're happy" Long Shin gently cherished her delicate soft cheeks.

Wang Ruoli was stunned seeing the young man which she had only saw prior to this moment as cold or indifferent making such a genuine smile.

This smile could be said to be fatal for her young maiden's heart, she nearly had a nosebleed.

'Damn, wasn't this guy a loner, how can he know such a beauty, although it's terrible to acknowledge but this girl is as beautiful as me, and once her figure fully develops she might even surpass me in terms of beauty' for some reason she felt a sense of crises, when she saw Long Shin interacting with the newcomer with such gentleness.

He didn't even bother with her anymore, which was surprising considering that he was looking as though he will kill her in the next moment.

Long Yin elegantly came near and sat besides Long Shin, each of her movements indicating that she isn't your average neighborhood girl.

No, this must not go on, she must know just who was this girl trying to grab her target.

And to know she must ask someone who has knowledge, who could be a better choice then the girl besides her, yes Lin Yu she must know.

Wang Ruoli looked towards Lin Yu who was eating her food beside her as she whispered in her ear, her voice was so low that except for Lin Yu no one will be able to hear her, that includes Long Shin and Long Yin as well.

'Hey Lin Yu who is this girl talking to him so brazenly, and didn't you said that he always remains alone why is she sitting with him then?'

Lin Yu looked at her for a second then whispered 'Ooh she, her name is Long Yin, and as you might've already guessed by her name, yes she is Long Shin's little sister, and he dotes upon her a lot'

'I see' hearing she is Long Shin's little sister, Wang Ruoli unknowingly sighted in relieve.

Lin Yu further continued 'Don't try to upset her though, or the consequence will be anything but good, when I said that Long Shin dotes on her a lot, I mean in literal sense, at the start some boys had tried to ask her out, when she rejected them they started trouble her.

Once three boys on the first floor were troubling her, they thought that there families will handle it even if the school tried to act against them, and as they were from some of the prominent families in the city, no one came forward to help her either fearing their revenge.

Coincidently Long Shin happened to be strolling nearby at that time.

When he saw them troubling his little sister, he didn't waste any words on them, instead he beat them and after that he threw all three of them out of the window of the first floor, which resulted in many broken bones and being hospitalized for almost four months, oh yeah that's also one of the reasons why the boys in the class shut up previously when he spoke"

Wang Ruoli felt she just heard someone joking, she even thought that Lin Yu might be exaggerating things "He threw them out from the first floor?!"

She nearly cried out, almost alerting the two siblings.

Lin Yu knew how unbelievable it sounded, but it was truth "yep you can ask anyone in the school, this incident isn't a secret anyway, and also for some reason principle too didn't do anything , when the families of the injured came to the school, they were only said that if they want their child to stay in the school then they must follow the rules like others, or else they will be expelled"

"That was the moment everyone understood that Long Shin wasn't just cold but also very ruthless, after that none dares to step on his bottom line, and Long Yin wasn't bullied after that ever again"

Wang Ruoli looked at the young man in front of her 'He did so much just for her' unknowingly she was feeling a little envy and jealousy towards Long Yin who was smiling happily.

While they were whispering to each other, Long Shin and Long Yin were talking with each other, the one talking was mostly Long Yin while Long Shin listened to her patiently, he would nod at her and talk from time to time as well.

Soon the break time ended, both students and teachers went back to there business.

In class Wang Ruoli would still peek at Long Shin every other minute, she was feeling curious about the young man sitting beside her desk, Long Shin on the other hand only looked in the book in his hands.

The school ended after a few hours, and it was time to leave.

Wang Ruoli tried to talk to him, but found that he had already left the class.

When she came out of the school building, she saw Long Shin and Long Yin stepping inside a black and gold colored Rolls-Royce cullinan that was parked near the entrance, before she could even say anything the car went away.

Wang Ruoli was feeling depress, she wanted to talk to him, know more about him, alas he was already gone.

 "Drive home" in her depression, she got in the Mercedes Benz s class that came to pick her up.

This was there first meeting, at first glance they were two people with a totally different destinies, there fate didn't allow them to stay together.

She was a spoiled young lady from a prominent family, while he was a cold person, indifferent by nature, never caring to give too much attention to strangers.

There destinies were different, there interests were different, there likes and dislikes were different.

They were strangers who will meet for a moment in a narrow path and walk away, this is a daily occurrence for the people living in the world.

Yet…something happened, something that changed her from a stranger to someone he loved and cared for more then his very life.

