Liu Minger's Hatred For Wang Ruoli, Wang Family Has A Business Deal With Liu Industries?


A single tear unknowingly fell out of Liu Minger's beautiful eyes as she finished reading the file in her hands.

She was sad that the person she loves suffered so much, and after this sadness her anger towards Wang Ruoli soured, the more she looked at the file the more angrier she became.

She felt if Wang Ruoli was in front of her then she would've killed her by now.

The girl didn't just came after him by herself, but even ended their relationship for her own selfish motives, she basically used him and when his worth was complete she tossed him aside.

She felt hatred at her for playing with Long Shin's feelings, yet at the same time a part of her was also happy that she left him, because she was able to get together with him after their relationship ended.

'Sight, feelings are so complicated'

'Does he still loves her, even now?'

'What if one day she returns, will he leave me?'

Liu Minger sighted as she questioned to no one in particular.

Suddenly an uncomfortable suffocation assaulted her heart as she thought of Long Shin leaving her.

'No, I won't allow it!' she placed her hands near her heart.

'Even after you were hurt so much, you still smiled at me, hiding all of your pain behind your smile, I feel helpless because I am unable to share your pain, at the same time the happiness of being cared so much by you doesn't leave me'

'I won't mind if you have multiple wives, but I won't allow you to leave me'

In the Earth Star polygamy was never dismissed from the very beginning, the successful people have multiple wives.

This was even more so in the Underworld, many of the powerful experts have multiple wives, some have even made harems of hundreds of beauties.

As a handsome person with unparalleled talent, Long Shin will naturally attract many women, Liu Minger didn't mind him having multiple wives as long as she had a place within his heart and could stand besides him.

Not to mention she needed several sisters to battle Long Shin in bed, if she wanted win, unknown to her, Long Shin's sex drive is already so great and it won't matter to him even if she brought hundreds of sisters for battle, and this was increasing with his cultivation.

Of course she won't just allow anyone to become her sister, she doesn't want a second Wang Ruoli in her gang of sisters.

As she was in deep thinking she didn't notice the crystal-like tears that had previously fallen down her angelic face.

Cha Yin who was in the room also saw her tears, to say she wasn't shocked would be a lie.

'Is this the so-called power of love that they talk about in those ancient eastern dramas!!' she couldn't help but question herself inwardly, well who could blame her, the young miss who had always maintained a cold face and an aloof temperament, was now sometimes smiling and sometimes crying, she was like a young maiden in love.

Cha Yin glanced at Long Shin's photo and thought 'This must be young miss's boyfriend, he is so handsome, no wonder young miss fell for him, he must be a very capable person, knowing young miss, even if he is handsome she won't choose him if he is just an empty vas'

'I won't ever leave you, hubby' in the end Liu Minger only had one thought in her mind, she will spend the rest of her life with Long Shin and that was all, she smiled as she thought of his handsome face as she gazed at his photo in the file.

'Hum, you are so gentle, yet these guys made you look so cold, not to mention this photo isn't even as handsome as your current face'

The photo on the file was from past, even though Long Shin was very handsome even in the past, but if the current him stood beside the past him...Nah both are incomparable.

After the orb transformed him, he got even more handsome compared to before, so both the current him and the past him can't put on the same stage, that was also the reason why Liu Minger felt that the Long Shin in the photo wasn't as handsome as the current him.

After calming herself and regaining her domineering bearing again Liu Minger put the file in the drawer, but not before taking out the photo of her husband.

"Cha Yin find out about the current ongoing situation of the Wang family" Liu Minger said to Cha Yin, she really wanted to strangle this Wang Ruoli, but the situation was very complicated, she doesn't know if Long Shin still has any lingering feelings towards her, if he does then she would no doubt hurt her own man.

So before making sure and eliminating every variable, she won't move against this Wang Ruoli…'Directly' that is.

'Dealing with the Wang family shouldn't be difficult' she thought as she smiled coldly, she can't move against this Wang Ruoli, but that doesn't mean that she can't make things difficult for Wang family as a whole either.

"Wang family… young miss we have an ongoing business project with them" Cha Yin thought for a second then said.

"Ooh, tell me about it…" knowing that the Liu industries had a project with them interested her a little, looks like she doesn't need to wait for long to make trouble for this Wang family.

Cha Yin told the details of the business deal with Wang family after seeing the cold smile on Liu Minger's face.

As it turned out, the Liu Industries had a joint project with their company.

The Wang family are planning to create their own brand for leather handbags, and the materials needed were going to be supplied by the Liu Industries.

After getting to know the details of the project Liu Minger couldn't help but smile, but of course her smile was that of mockery 'Wanting to create their own brand, Hump as if it's that easy to create one'

"Who is in charge of this project?"

Cha Yin answered her without leaving anything out "Young miss one of our higher-up's son namely Zhu Zedong is the one handling this project, also he is also the one who suggested that we corporate with the Wang's, if I'm not mistaken then this project is between him and the young master of the Wang family Wang Xiaojian"

"Wang Xiaojian is also the one who planned and initiated this project from the Wang family's side, the older generation of the family won't be interfering in this matter, be it profit or lost Wang Xiaojian will be the only one who will have to sustain them"

"So even if we terminate our contract, Wang family won't suffer much, huh" Liu Minger was down casted after knowing that only this Wang Xiaojian will suffer and not the whole Wang family of she terminated the contract.

'Hump, well no matter, dealing with the whole Wang family can wait, I'll first deal with this guy' she shrugged her shoulders, even thought terminating contract with Wang Xiaojian won't effect the Wang family by much, it doesn't mean they will be left unscathed either, after all even a slight damage is still damage.

"Cha Yin call, this Zhu Zedong to my office"

