Chapter 87: Tempest Wolves Vs Goblin Village [Part 2]

The goblin scouts were thrown into a state of alarm upon sighting the approaching pack of monstrosities.

A deep growl emanated from Storm, and the tempest wolves surrounding him began to converge the surrounding wind elements.

The mana gathered around their four limbs, augmenting their already sharp claws.

As their paws impacted the ground, the wind elemental mana erupted, creating craters that revealed the ferocious power of the wind element.

The addition of wind element not only augmented their attack strength but also greatly enhanced their speed, making the tempest wolves twice as fast as they had been before.


The goblin archers stationed on the walls pulled their bowstrings and launched a volley of arrows towards the charging tempest wolves.




The wind was sliced apart by the rain of arrows as it flew towards the wolf battalion.

These were not normal goblin archers, each of them was a Magister at the 3rd Layer of the rank. The force of the arrows pulled by someone of such rank could only be imagined. Even if an army tank stood in their way, it would be pierced through with ease.

Unfortunately for the goblin archers, their enemies this time were not normal wolves.


Unfazed by the rain of arrows, the tempest wolves let out a fierce howl, their movements becoming even swifter as they charged towards the wall. In no time, the rain of arrows crashed upon the bodies of the tempest wolves, yet the goblin archers' expectations were betrayed.




Instead of piercing the hide of the dark wolves, the arrows made a sound as if they collided against metal plates and bounced off harmlessly.

The arrows that did manage to make contact were crushed by the sheer force of the tempest wolves' movements, their incredible strength generating an intense wind pressure that made the very air tremble.



The goblin archers were stunned by the ongoing scene, never expecting their prized arrows to fail in leaving even a scratch on their enemies.

Their chance for another assault was quickly taken away as the tempest wolves had already arrived at the base of the wall.

A group of goblin warriors, adorned in worn armor and wielding rusty longswords, charged out of the gaps between the walls to meet their incoming foes. The enemies consisted of only a handful of tempest wolves and a large, winged wolf.

With all their might, each goblin warrior swung their sword at the approaching wolves. But as the lead tempest wolf charged forward, it released a low growl, overpowering the goblin's feeble attempts to defend themselves.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion rocked the battlefield, hurling the goblin who had bravely confronted the tempest wolf tens of meters back. When the goblin landed, its mangled and bloody body revealed the extent of the vicious claw marks left behind.

The creature was barely clinging to life, and the possibility of returning to the fight was out of the question.

The tempest wolf, on the other hand, didn't have a single drop of blood on its claws. The wind mana coating its sharp talons effectively scattered any blood that tried to cling to them.

In rapid succession, explosive sounds rang out as the tempest wolves mercilessly slaughtered any goblin warrior who dared to stand in their way. Though outnumbered three to one, the goblins were unable to penetrate the tempest wolves' defenses or even draw near to the mighty Storm, who watched the carnage coldly.

In no time at all, the tempest wolves had eliminated all resistance, leaving a grisly scene of scattered corpses in their wake.


The goblin village was thrown into a frenzy as the tempest wolves and their leader, Storm, descended upon it. As the chaos ensued, Storm's keen senses picked up a sound above him. He lifted his massive head, scanning the area until his gaze landed on a group of astonished goblins gathered on the wall.


Without a moment's hesitation, he parted his jaws, baring his formidable fangs, and summoned the elemental wind mana to gather in front of him.


The mana took the form of a glowing, green sphere, and Storm snapped his mouth shut. With a sudden burst of power, he reopened his maw and unleashed a deafening howl.


The mana erupted from his mouth in a half-meter-thick, blinding green pillar of chaotic wind that surged toward the wall.


With an earth-shattering roar, the wind pillar obliterated the wall, leaving no goblin on top of it unscathed.

The goblins were reduced to nothing more than a rain of blood and flesh that rained down onto the ground below. Despite the carnage, Storm remained impassive, seemingly unconcerned with the destruction he had just caused.

After the dust settled, Storm let out another ear-piercing howl, signaling his tempest wolves to charge into the goblin village through the shattered wall.


The wolves tore through the village, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. Storm sauntered into the village, his imposing figure radiating with power and confidence.

The Tempest wolves unleashed a barrage of Wind Blades upon the goblins in their path. As elemental wind mana gathered around them, the cutting wind took on the shape of sharp, curved blades that flew straight towards the goblins. Those unfortunate enough to encounter the onslaught were sliced into two pieces, while some attempted to intercept the blades with their rusty swords. However, the blades shattered their weapons in mere moments, leaving them defenseless against the ferocious attack. A handful of goblins managed to survive the initial assault, but even they were gravely injured.

The tempest wolves' presence sent the goblin village into chaos. As goblins emerged from their homes, they charged towards the wolves with their rusty weapons raised. The tempest wolves, however, were unphased, knowing that the goblins' weapons could not penetrate their natural defenses.

With their incredible agility, the wolves easily dodged the slow-moving goblins and used their wind-empowered claws to slash at them. The goblins' tough armor and natural defenses proved useless against the sharp claws of the wolves.

When the tempest wolves paused in their attacks, some goblins attempted to climb on their backs, but the wolves swiftly released a powerful burst of wind mana, sending the goblins flying in all directions. These predators take only Long Shin as their absolute master and sovereign and would never allow just any creature to climb upon them.

Had these foolish goblins tried this on Storm instead of the tempest wolves they would've been reduced to flesh pieces and blood droplets.

As more goblins joined the fray, the wolves found themselves surrounded by goblin warriors, with archers and magicians launching arrows and fireballs from all sides. However, the tempest wolves remained unbothered, confident in their ability to fend off any attack.

When the tempest wolves saw the goblins attempting to surround them, a human-like sneer appeared on Storm's bestial face. A strange glint passed through their eyes, and they quickly formed a circle around Storm, who stood in the center.


Suddenly, all the tempest wolves except for Storm let out a deafening howl that echoed throughout the village. The goblins were taken aback, stunned by the sheer power of the tempest wolves' roar.
