Chapter 88 Tempest Wolves Vs Goblin Village [Part 3] Strom Vs Goblins

When Storm saw these foolish goblins trying to surround his pack, a human-like hideous sneer appeared on his bestial face.

A strange glint passed through the eyes of the tempest wolves, all of them stood in a circle facing the goblins trying to surround them, Strom stood in the center of this circle.


The whole tempest wolf battalion howled except for Storm.


The wind in the surroundings began to gather around them as through their howling was commanding the wind mana to do their bidding, soon a fierce wind hurricane materialized above the circle of tempest wolves, this hurricane sucked every goblin unlucky enough to be within the range of the winds.

Not just the goblins, but even the primitive structures made by the goblins like huts, clubs, swords, etc.


The goblins used various ways to stand their ground, the goblin warriors tried to stab their swords into the ground, the archers used their short sword or daggers to hold steady, and lastly the goblin mages used mana to stand at one place.

Unfortunately, nothing worked, all their tricks were rendered useless in front of the hurricane that came like a force of nature.

The winds proved to be too powerful for the goblin's resistance as they were sucked into the hurricane.

Things didn't end there as within the hurricane fierce cutting-edge wind blades cut through their bodies, these wind blades were even more powerful than the one launched by the tempest wolves until now, and the hurricane wasn't normal as the whole hurricane was made by cutting-edge wind blades.

No matter what it was that went in it, then be it structural materials weapons, armor, or even living beings. Everything was sliced and cut through by the wind blades.


The lucky goblins who were far from the range of the hurricane cried out as if thinking of escaping from the battlefield, but the tempest wolves weren't done just yet.


The tempest wolves howled again, and the hurricane above them began to tremble.


The wind element within the hurricane started to get compressed into a single point and with each passing second the point of compression was swelling more and more as though it was ready to explode at any given time.


Suddenly the spot where the wind was compressed began to give out a faint but dangerous glow as small 5cm (about 1.97 in) long and 2cm (about 0.79 in) thick cylindrical shaped bullets made from wind were released in all four directions.

The wind bullets passed through everywhere, as for the goblins who were in its path.

The bullet passed through them by boring a hole straight out of the creature.

Even the rocks were crushed as the bullets sank in the depts of the ground, the giant rocks that the bullets passed through shattered right in the next moment as many goblins died beneath them.

Many of the goblins stood stunned as the wind bullets passed through their body, some went through their chest, stomach, while others even had a bloody hole bored straight though their heads, some even lost an arm and a leg.


When the hurricane subsided the number of the goblins had already decreased by a very huge amount, the remaining goblins aren't even half of the whole village's population, this showed the terrifying power of the tempest wolf battalion when they fought together and used combination skills.

Of course, all this came with a price, even the tempest wolves who were all in the initial layers of the rank won't be able to maintain this combination skill for an extending period.

The previous attack had taken almost all their mana, each of them only had a little over 10% of their mana left.

But of course, not all of this was bad, because of killing so many goblins ranging from initial layers to intermediate or even advanced layers of rank all of them had at least gone up one or two layers in their cultivation.


Suddenly an enraged roar rang throughout the goblin village, the roar was filled with fury and hatred.

Accompanying the roar, a giant goblin roughly over two meters tall came out of the central tent in the village with tens of goblin champions, dozens of goblin mages, as it faced the tempest wolf battalion

This goblin stood out from the rest of its kind, boasting a physical stature that was markedly distinct from its peers. In place of the customary spindly limbs typical of goblin anatomy, this creature's arms were thick with rippling muscles, evocative of the physique of a goblin champion. The goblin lord's nose, while not pointed, was small and noticeably bent, adding an element of ruggedness to its already formidable appearance.

But it was the creature's teeth and ears that truly set it apart from its kin. Its sharp, pointed teeth were arranged in a fearsome row, perfectly suited for rending flesh from bone. Its long, green ears were similarly intimidating, as if designed to capture the slightest sound and detect the slightest threat.

The goblin lord was taller than even the most imposing of its brethren, and its body was covered in a thick layer of hair that only served to enhance its already imposing presence. It carried a giant scimitar that was as long as its own body, its razor-sharp edge glinting menacingly in the light.

The goblin lord's armor was a sight to behold, its bloodstained surface a testament to its countless victories in battle. Adorning the armor were bones, hanging from it like a giant necklace. These were not just any bones, but those of the mightiest animals that roamed the forest of beginnings, as well as the bones of other ferocious beasts and powerful warriors from the goblin tribe.

The sheer size and diversity of the bones were awe-inspiring. Some were long and curved, like the tusks of a giant boar, while others were thick and gnarled, like the horns of a monstrous ram. Yet more were jagged and serrated, like the teeth of a vicious predator.

At the center of it all hung the skull of the previous goblin lord, a grisly trophy that served as a constant reminder of the goblin lord's own power and dominance over the tribe. The skull was adorned with elaborate carvings and painted with intricate designs, marking it as a symbol of the tribe's strength and cunning.

{Goblin lord's as well as the rest of the goblins reference can be found on the discord server}

Despite their dwindling mana reserves and a menacing creature glaring at them with the intent to tear them apart, none of the tempest wolves showed any signs of fear. Instead, a fierce determination burned within their glowing red eyes, a resolve to fight until their dying breath.

Their ferocity was not solely reliant on their mana; one should never forget that their greatest weapons were their razor-sharp claws and formidable fangs.


A low growl echoed through the air, causing the wolves to come to a halt and back away, leaving a clear path. The sound of footsteps approached, and Storm emerged from behind them, his wings folded, and his head held high, his horns pointed towards the sky.

As he passed by the tempest wolves, each of them respectfully lowered their heads in deference. When he reached the front of the battalion, he raised his head and let out a deafening howl that froze the goblins in their tracks, filling them with terror.


Listening to the earth-shaking howl even the mighty goblin lord and his champions, as well as the weakest of goblin scouts, were petrified by the power of Storm's howl.

The scene was shocking to say the least, as all the of the goblin village that had survived the tempest wolves' assault had fear filled their eyes as Storm's presence alone struck terror into their hearts.


With a satisfied growl, Storm lowered his head and looked upon the fear-stricken goblins, signifying that he was now their only enemy in this battle.

