Chapter 89 killing one of the four Goblin Lords

[Forest of Beginning]

In the middle of the ruined goblin village, Storm and the bulky Goblin Lord stood facing each other, their gazes locked.

Storm's expression was one of indifference, while the Goblin Lord glared at him and the rest of the tempest wolves with a seething mix of anger and hatred.

It was understandable, really. On what had seemed like any other peaceful day, the tempest wolves had suddenly descended upon the village, slaughtering any goblin unfortunate enough to cross their path. It was no wonder the Goblin Lord was so furious.


After a few moments of staring at each other, Storm made the first move.


Storm began gathering a tremendous amount of wind mana in his mouth.

The goblin lord recognized the move; it was the same one that Storm had used to smash the walls surrounding the village.

"KUKUKU!!!" the goblin lord cackled, ordering the goblin mages to prevent Storm from launching the same attack again.

"KUKU!" "KAKIKU!" "KIKUI!" "KIKU!" The goblin mages behind him raised their wooden staffs one by one, chanting in a strange language. As their chant continued, large fireballs the size of footballs materialized on top of their staff.

Each fireball appeared harmless and would not have been able to scratch the tough hide of the Wolf King. However, this changed when more than 75 goblin mages created fireballs together. The scene of almost a hundred fireballs materializing together was anything but harmless. The heat of the fireballs was so intense that it nearly melted the grass near the goblin mages just by being near them.

"KRRRUUUUU!!!" The goblin lord raised his scimitar and pointed it towards Storm, and all the fireballs hovering on the staffs of the goblin mages flew towards him.

Despite the incoming attacks, Storm remained calm and condensed the mana into a glowing green sphere as he closed his mouth.

"SWOOSH!" "SWOOSH!" "SWOOSH!" Storm coldly gazed at the incoming attack as he opened his mouth again.


When the distance between him and the fireballs was just a few meters, a thick pillar of chaotic wind shot straight from Storm's opened mouth. Unlike the previous time, the pillar was more than five meters thick.

To decrease the damage of , Storm had exchanged its damage output for thickness. This time, he had only compressed more than 50% of the condensed mana, and the rest of it was used to increase the thickness of the pillar. Although the damage this pillar could cause to a single target was less, the destruction it could cause to multiple targets and the surroundings as an AOE attack was five times the previous one.

"BOOOM!!!" The wind pillar tackled all the fireballs thrown by goblin mages, and both exploded together, canceling each other. Large amounts of dust and smoke rose with the explosion, covering everyone's sight.


As a goblin mage prepared to cast another spell, a sudden sound interrupted him.


The wind howled behind the creature, and it heard a low growl causing its body to tremble.

KU! When the trembling goblin looked behind him, he saw Storm, the mighty wolf king, glaring at him with his sharp eyes and growling ferociously.


Storm released a deafening howl as he used another one of his skills to strike fear into the heart of his enemy.

The large mouth of the wolf king opened wide, showing rows of razor-sharp fangs as Storm lunged forward, biting down on the goblin mage's body with a satisfying crunch.

KRIII!!! The goblin mage gave out a shrill cry as Storm tore into his flesh, devouring him alive.

[Black-Iron] [Name: Crunch] [Grade: Peak-Grade] [Description: this skill makes the fangs of the user as sharp as sword, reduces the opponent's pain tolerance by –10%, increases penetration damage by +10%]



The smokescreen had no effect on Storm's keen eyesight. Without hesitation, he swiftly attacked one goblin mage after another, reducing their numbers drastically. As Storm continued to slay his foes, the energy within his body surged, reaching its peak.

Each goblin mage was a formidable 5th layered rank magister, and the energy released from killing them elevated Storm's level from the 7th layer to the peak of the rank. He was now on the cusp of reaching the rank.

Previously, only the tempest wolves had been fighting the goblin village, slaying goblins left and right, and as a result, all of them had leveled up to the rank. However, Storm had only destroyed a wall and killed a few weak goblins in the process, naturally not leveling up like the rest. But this did not make him weak; even when all the tempest wolves had leveled up, he was still the most powerful among them.

Now that Storm had reached the peak of the rank, he had become even more powerful. He had crossed the entire advance phase of the rank, reaching its pinnacle and was now approaching the next rank.



The goblin lord was fully aware that its minions were being mercilessly slaughtered, yet the thick smokescreen prevented it from even glimpsing its enemy.




Meanwhile, Storm relentlessly continued his assault on the goblin mages, not allowing the smokescreen to hinder his sight. He darted from one target to another, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The remaining goblin mages, now desperate to stop the beast, controlled the mana in the surroundings, creating a gust of wind that cleared the smokescreen.



When the smoke cleared, the goblin lord saw that almost two-thirds of its goblin mages had been killed under the beast's fierce assault. Storm had become even more powerful than before, and his strength was palpable.


The ground was littered with the battered, incomplete corpses of goblin mages, their blood having soaked the earth around them.

A deafening roar echoed through the clearing as the goblin lord expressed its fury. It cared little for the lives of its warriors and archers, but each goblin mage was a valuable asset. With a birth rate of 1 in 50, losing even one was a significant blow to the goblin forces, and in just one day, the goblin lord had already lost more than a dozen.

The surrounding goblin champions understood their master's anger, and one of them wasted no time in rushing towards the Wolf King. Confident in leaving a few injuries to its enemy, the goblin champion was a peak Black-Iron rank magister and an apex hunter in the forest.

However, the being before it was no ordinary opponent. He was the KING of wolves, , among the many boosts provided by this title was wind elemental damage increase +200%. Storm watched the incoming goblin with an indifferent eye, and in no time, the goblin had arrived within three meters of him.

With a swift motion, Storm spread his wings wide, and the wind roared around his body. The wind condensed into spheres ranging from ten to twenty centimeters in size, numbering in the dozens. With a single thought, all the wind spheres rushed at the incoming goblin.

The goblin champion raised a giant wooden club in its hands and swung it frantically to tackle the incoming attacks. The club collided with the nearest wind sphere.


The sphere exploded, and the extreme wind pressure hit an area of one meter around it. The goblin champion cried out in intense pain, letting go of the club as its hand was torn to shreds, and the flesh inside the skin was visible. With no time to lament, more than ten similar spheres rushed towards the goblin champion.

With nothing as their obstacle, the spheres made contact with the goblin's skin.




One after another, they exploded on the creature's body, the compressed wind within them turned into numerous small sharp needles which attacked the poor goblin's very being and when the explosions stopped, nothing remained of the creature, not even ashes.

[Black-Iron] [Name: Wind Blast] [Grade: Peak-Grade] [Description: this skill allows the user to compress a highly pressured wind into spheres, when the sphere made of wind touches anything they erupt as the compressed wind turns into countless sharp-small needles that attacks every part of the enemy's flesh] [Note: 20 spheres can be created at a time/ the user can also will the sphere to erupt on their command]


The goblin lord's heart was gripped with fear as he witnessed the devastating power of his adversary. However, the thought of retreat did not cross his mind. He was not alone, for he commanded an army of dozens of goblin mages and champions who would follow his every order.


With a maniacal laugh, the goblin lord barked out commands to his champions to attack as a group and for the mages to rain down another round of long-range spells. The goblin lord's plan was simple: either kill the enemy without giving them any chance to retaliate or wear them down until they could no longer fight.

Unknown to the goblin lord, his plan was doomed from the start. The enemy before him was tireless and unyielding, a true force to be reckoned with.

The goblin champions were hesitant to face the wolf, who stood like a devil before them. However, they were under the control of the goblin lord and had no choice but to fight. The goblin hierarchy was deeply ingrained in their beings, and obedience to those of higher bloodlines was an unbreakable rule.

Storm easily saw through the crude strategy of his enemy, but he did not want to play with the ants anymore. It was time to take things more seriously. Before the goblin champions could rush towards him, Storm moved swiftly, his target not the goblin champions or the goblin lord, but the remaining goblin mages.

Combined, the goblin mages had enough power to cancel out his elemental howling. As long as they remained, Storm could not easily finish off the rest of the goblins. He condensed wind into curved sharp blades while moving, similar to those used by the tempest wolves, but much larger, with each blade exceeding 1.5 meters. Through channeling mana under his four limbs and enhancing his already fast agility, he closed in on the goblin mages in an instant. His speed was so fast that even the goblin lord could not react in time, let alone the goblin mages who were not adept at close combat.

"Howl!" Storm let out a deafening roar as more than a dozen sharp wind blades flew towards the goblin mages. Their limited agility prevented them from dodging the blades, and one by one, the wind blades sliced through the goblin mages' bodies like a hot knife through butter. Their frail physique held no chance against the sharp wind, and their futile attempts to protect themselves with various skills were rendered useless in front of the might of the Wolf King. Each of Storm's wind attribute attacks was enhanced by 2x


The wind blades cleaved through the goblin mages' frail bodies with ease and continued on to slice through any goblin that stood in their way. Within just ten seconds, over 90% of the goblin mages lay dead on the ground, their bodies mutilated by the Wolf King's barrage of wind blades.


With a fierce growl, Storm turned his attention to the remaining goblins. The goblin lord trembled with a mixture of fear and anger as he watched the destruction wrought upon his forces. But with the goblin mages eliminated, Storm was now free to unleash his most deadly skills upon the remaining goblins.

The goblins were too slow to react and stop Storm from casting his killer skills. The goblin lord even considered fleeing while sacrificing his minions to buy time, but Storm was not about to allow any goblin to escape alive. He remembered the command he received from his sovereign to eliminate every last goblin.


With a deafening howl, Storm raised his head towards the sky and unleashed another skill.


The wind around him grew more violent, swirling chaotically within a 100-meter domain that Storm had created around himself without the goblins even noticing.

Gigantic gusts of wind battered the goblins inside the domain, weighing them down with extreme force. The remaining goblin mages found it nearly impossible to move, as did the heavy goblin champions and even the goblin lord himself. The chaotic winds pushed them back and forth, making it difficult for them to maintain their balance.

[BRONZE] [Name: Extreme Wind] [Grade: Low-Grade] [Description: after the skill is cast, the area of 100 meters (about 328.08 ft) with the user as its center will turn into a domain of extreme wind. The wind will pressure all enemies decreasing their movement speed by –80%, all enemies weaker than the user by three layers will have their movement speed decreased by –95%, all allies will have their wind-based attacks will be enhanced by +50%]

Most of the goblins abruptly came to a halt, their movements ceasing to a crawl, while some of the more powerful goblin champions and the goblin lord struggled to move forward, their progress limited. Despite the chaotic winds, Storm moved through the domain with ease, undeterred by the goblins' feeble attempts to stop him.

Knowing that it was time to end this farce, Storm widened his mouth and began to gather mana. However, this time, he used lightning mana instead of wind mana.



The sound of lightning crackling filled the air, and a giant yellow sphere began to take shape in front of his mouth, rotating clockwise.

Although the sphere was already as big as the one, he used in the beginning, Storm continued to gather and compress the lightning attribute mana, making the sphere even more condensed. The goblins were terrified by the amount of mana being gathered, especially the goblin mages, who could sense mana better than any other goblin present. However, they were unable to move, their bodies refusing to obey their commands.

Helplessly, they watched as the wolf king prepared for his ultimate move. Every passing moment gave them the sensation of death looming over them. Even the goblin lord tried to communicate with Storm, but his efforts were in vain as no one except goblins could understand him.


As if he had gathered enough mana, the rotating sphere of lightning mana, which was half of Storm's frame, began to shrink at a dizzying speed until it was the size of a tennis ball. Although the sphere had seemingly decreased in size, the aura and mana it emitted sent shivers down the spine of every being within a radius of hundreds of meters.

With a snap, Storm closed his mouth and, in the next moment, opened it again, unleashing a yellow pillar of lightning more than ten meters thick. In less than a second, the lightning pillar swept through the entire battlefield, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.



The goblins had no time to scream before they were obliterated, their forms reduced to nothing but charred remains. The lightning's ferocity was awe-inspiring, the destruction absolute. Even the goblin lord's attempts at communication fell silent as he was consumed by the storm. Storm stood victorious amidst the ruins, a testament to the raw power he commanded.


Long Shin was left in a state of shock as he beheld the immense power of the tempest wolves. He had not anticipated that they would prove to be so formidable, to the extent that not even the dark army's special abilities were required. Storm, in particular, had demonstrated an incredible level of strength, so much so that he alone had the potential to obliterate the entire village alone.

'All of them exceeded my expectation, I didn't think they won't need to regenerate even once' as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle, Long Shin found himself lost in thought, his attention drawn to the that he had previously neglected. He couldn't help but marvel at the wolves' extraordinary performance; they had exceeded his every expectation, not once requiring regeneration.


[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 7th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 9th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 7th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 8th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 9th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 10th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 10th layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier tempest wolf has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! your dark soldier (ELITE) Storm Wolf King has reached 1st layer rank]

[Ding! Congratulations you have defeated one of the Four Goblin Lords of the 1st floor]

[Ding! The other three Goblin Lords have found about the Death of the Goblin Lord and thus have begun to exercise more caution]

[Please kill the rest of the Goblin Lords to clear the floor and obtain rich rewards]


