Chapter 110: Epic Showdown: The Unstoppable Ye Liang Versus Liu Minger, A Heart To Heart Talk.


Ye Liang let out a loud bellow as he moved to strike Liu Minger and Ye Zeng with a flurry of punches and kicks, only narrowly missing them.

The two quickly darted out of the way, avoiding frontal confrontation with him. Their tactic to keep him off balance by dodging his attacks was successful at first, as their swift movements made it harder for Ye Liang to land any clean blows.

However, they still weren't able to deal much damage to him despite their efforts--he seemed like an unstoppable beast. 

Ye Liang's muscles seemed to swell with newfound power and he moved with effortless grace, as if his body was no longer bound by gravity. Normal attacks bounced off him like pebbles against a boulder. When Liu Minger unleashed her deadly ice swords, Ye Liang avoided them with blinding speed, instinctively finding openings in her attack pattern.

Liu Minger had a plan though, and she started spreading her Yin Poison on him while continuing to dodge his attacks. Within seconds, Ye Liang's movements became slower, and his reaction speed decreased drastically due to the poison. 

Energized by the newfound advantage, Liu Minger and Ye Zeng moved in closer and began attacking more aggressively now that they were no longer being driven back by Ye Liang's assaults. 

With a combination of her Yin Poison paralyzing his body parts and Ye Zeng's physical strikes landing accurately on Ye Liang, the duo managed to deal some damage to their adversary. 


But despite all this advantage, it still wasn't enough to do a lot of damage to him--every successful hit seemed only to make Ye Liang angrier and more determined. His skin was much too tough for any physical attack and his seemingly unbreakable will kept him going even when he was covered in chilly yin poison. It felt like there was no end in sight and they were running out of options fast.

Liu Minger dodged Ye Liang's strikes while trying to figure out how to beat him. Yin Poison had slowed down his movements, but his body was tough. 

She only had two attack methods: Yin Poison and Ice Sword, and she lacked the control to use many swords at once. Then an idea struck her—she could conjure a bunch of ice swords and throw them close to Ye Liang. Even with her low control over them, her plan might work.

'He would be able to sense my approach before I can make any move, and I need a few moments of peace and quiet to form ice swords. Judging by his stance, he's not in the mood to give me the time I require.' This was an obstacle that had to be solved for her strategy to work.


Ye Zeng rolled on the floor to dodge a strike from Ye Liang, his clothes in tatters and injuries sustained. "Young miss Liu, what should we do?" he frowned. "If this continues, I don't think we'll be able to defeat elder brother." 

"I have a plan but it will be dangerous," Liu Minger said. 

"No matter how dangerous your plan is, it's better than our current situation," Ye Zeng said. "If we keep dodging like this, we'll be dead before his pill wears off."

Liu Minger's words spilled out quickly as she outlined her plan to attack Ye Liang. "This is dangerous," Ye Zeng interrupted, his voice heavy with dread. "If we so much as slip up, one of us will die for sure." He shook his head sadly. 

A single misstep would mean death for one of them - but they had no choice; the young man who'd come with her was already occupied fighting the elder in black robes, and his father was too injured to fight. There could be no doubt of the danger, yet Ye Zeng still gave his assent - if they wanted to survive, it was their only option. His tones were heavy with resignation and anguish.

Ye Zeng was determined not to fail this mission. He leapt into action, understanding his role in the plan immediately. 

Liu Minger took a step back as she conjured an array of shimmering ice swords, her mana swirling around her with unrestrained power. Each new ice sword appeared above her head, hovering silently as seconds passed by. 

The boundless mana Long Shin was providing through the mark of dual cultivation made it possible for her to keep summoning these swords. However, that wasn't the only challenge she faced: she also had to maintain constant control over each individual sword; otherwise, they would disintegrate automatically.

fortunately for her Ye Zeng kept Ye Liang occupied at all costs, dodging and weaving to keep himself out of range from the latter's attacks, yet even though he tried he was still struck by Ye Liang a number of times.

He had no other avenue to take, he was powerless when Ye Liang strayed from his gaze. He would use himself as a decoy, initiating an attack on the latter just to be repelled by a counterattack. 

Despite the dire circumstances, there was a glimmer of hope to be found: Ye Liang's movements were gradually weakening due to the Yin poison that Liu Minger had unleashed. Although its impact was minimal, it was enough to slow down his reaction time and movability. 

Ye Zeng was being mercilessly pummeled by Ye Liang, the sound of flesh-on-flesh ringing in his ears. 

Then he heard Liu Minger shout "I'm ready, get him in front of me!" He had no time to see what she had prepared for her attack - all he could do was trust her and make sure Ye Liang didn't spot her coming, a seemingly impossible task. 

The seconds seemed to slow as the air filled with tension; faint alarm bells were ringing in his mind.

As he lured him closer and closer to the epicenter of Liu Minger's attack. Before long, Ye Zeng had managed to get within striking distance - and with a final effort of courage and hidden strength, he thrust Ye Liang forward towards the barrage of blades that awaited his arrival.

Liu Minger's gaze locked onto Ye Liang's almost three-meter tall frame that was barreling toward her, 'This is the only chance' she knew that this was her only chance, and if she missed it, the consequences could be dire.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, she centered herself before Ye Liang closed the distance between them, every second felt like an hour to her. 

'Now!!!' finally, when he was within five to seven meters of her, Liu Minger made her move.

"Take this!!!" Liu Minger manipulated the swords hovering around her and launched an onslaught of no less than twenty crystalline ice swords in his direction. A dazzling sight unfolded as the shining silver-blue river of swords cut through the air with unstoppable force.


Ye Liang released an anguished roar as he had no time to dodge or block the onslaught, he was flying backwards, so the swords cut into his back, neck, limbs, and other body parts; drawing blood everywhere. His agonized screams echoed through the air.


The icy blades slashed across his back and neck, rending flesh from bone and drawing out blood with each stab. Ye Liang screamed in pain before finally succumbing to the assault.

With a deafening roar, Ye Liang's massive body smashed to the ground as a river of crimson life-force oozed out from his battered frame.

"Is it...finally over?!" Ye Zeng's exhausted voice rang out, confusion and shock written over his weary face at the carnage that had taken place here - what he thought would be an important family gathering had turned into a treacherous bloodbath. 

A hush descended upon the scene as Liu Minger declaimed in a loud, triumphant voice, "Yes, it is finally over." As her words settled like a heavy blanket, the mana that had been pulsing through her veins began to fade away and with it, the magical swords dissipating into sparkling dust.

'I really did it...' Pride and awe coursed through Liu Minger's veins, for she had just accomplished something previously thought inconceivable - she had successfully subdued an opponent two layers above her own level. 

Even though Ye Liang had become a rampaging beast whose might even gave Ye Zeng at the 6th layer of black iron rank pause, Liu Minger had ultimately triumphed over him.

'Although I had darling's unusual mana helping me, people don't need to know that right!'

"Finally, it's over" Ye Zeng sat down and let his tired body rest, 'looks like things over there are going to end as well' he muttered as he looked at Long Shin and black robed old man fighting.


'Damn it' The old man in the black robes was seething with rage. His body was wracked with wounds, both small and large, from his battles against Long Shin. 

The young man had used only his physical strength to block and dodge the old man's attacks, as well as launch strikes of his own that were full of raw power. 

Blood streaked down the man's face as his ribs and shoulder's made crackling sound as if they will be snapped under the onslaught. 'He's treating me like a plaything!' he thought to himself, fury boiling within him at the prospect that he wasn't being taken seriously by his adversary.

Meanwhile, Long Shin looked on with a smile, admiration in his eyes for Liu Minger who had just completed her fight against the old man. 

"The things over there are over huh, she did quite well, Minger has even exceeded my expectations," he thought contentedly, pride swelling up inside him at the sight of his woman standing victorious. 'She definitely is mine'.


The old man charged at Long Shin, his wrinkled hands raised in a wind-shocking palm strike. The crisp air reverberated with his angry shouts of 


"You don't have the qualifications to make me die" But Long Shin had already anticipated the attack, saying that he stepped lightly to the side, avoiding it. 

The old man's momentum carried him past Long Shin, and as he stumbled off-balance he felt a dire sense of foreboding from behind him. 

'He is behind me' Before he could even react, Long Shin was on him.


His fists pounded mercilessly against the old man's body, each punch leaving an explosive sound echoing in its wake. All of the brittle bones that were already cracked were now pulverized by this relentless assault. 

'No, No!!!' The old man could do nothing but watch as his body gradually disintegrated under each hit. The old timer opened his mouth in a silent scream of pain, reverberating through the air until all that remained was an unrecognizable pile of broken bones.

"Hmn, done," Long Shin said, examining the old man as if he were a sculpture he had just finished. He grabbed him by the hair and lifted him, frail and fragile, before heading toward Liu Minger. 


Liu Minger was savoring the feeling of victory when she heard a familiar voice ringing in her mind, saying 'Not bad for your first battle since you started cultivation.'

  She didn't need to turn around to know who it was; with a smile, she said, "You're done," and just as she spoke, Long Shin appeared beside her. 

"Yup, already done," he replied, tossing a human-sized sack onto the ground. Ye Zeng, not far away from Liu Minger, thought to himself about how quickly Long Shin had finished his task: He hadn't detected any trace of him until Liu Minger had said. 'But how did she know?'

Long Shin turned to Ye Mo and asked him, "What do you want us to do with these guys?" Ye Mo appeared from the corner of his eyes, walking towards them with Zou Qingzhao supporting him. 

"Thank you for your assistance in getting my family and me out of danger. Senior, I am forever grateful for your help." His pale face and disheveled appearance made clear the devastating injuries he had sustained in this ordeal. 

A wave of fear swept across those who had sided with Ye Liang, they were instantly regretful for their actions and hastily dropped their weapons, kowtowing to Ye Mo and begging for forgiveness. 

Ye Mo's booming voice filled the air as he commanded the group while still dripping in authority, "You all have indeed done a great sin". He couldn't bring himself to kill them, as their talents would be an immense loss to the Ye family if let go. Thus he sternly declared, "you will all be punished severely - every one of you must consume the Yu Xing Soup!".

Long Shin stared at her, bewildered. "Yu Xing Soup? What's that?" Liu Minger sighed and explained. "It's an herbal soup with medicinal properties, and it is used as a severe punishment by many cultivation families. Although it won't harm a magister's foundation, the pain Yu Xing Soup causes is so intense that even the bravest magisters will cry and moan in agony. The Liu family also uses this method of punishment. That's why I know about it."

When Long Shin saw what was happening, he uttered a stunned "I see" - he hadn't realized that drinking a simple soup could become a torturous form of punishment.

The experts from the Ye family implored Ye Mo for mercy, but the stern old man snorted and exuded a bit of his immense pressure, causing them all to become silent.

Once everything was settled, Ye Mo asked the people at the Green Garden to switch their private room. The disturbance they caused was subdued through the Ye family's influence.

Liu Minger was a shrewd businesswoman and still didn't give up on signing the contract. This pleased Ye Mo since it would establish a connection between the Ye family and Long Shin, the previous battle with old man in black robes showed that he was more powerful than an average half-step BRONZE rank powerhouse.


After signing the contract, Ye Mo had given Liu Minger as much benefit as possible. 

Long Shin and Liu Minger were now leaving the green garden hand in hand, like a sweet couple: Long Shin and Liu Minger on one side, Cha Ying - who was back to her old self - lagging behind feeling as though she was being fed dog food. 

"Thank you for your generosity, old master Ye," Liu Minger said gratefully.

"No need to thank me, young miss," Ye Mo chuckled. "You don't have to call me 'master', just call me Old Ye or Old Man Ye instead." Liu Minger merely smiled in reply.

Long Shin, Liu Minger, and Cha Ying leapt into the Mercedes-Benz S class as soon as they had concluded their conversation. 

As soon as the vehicle disappeared from view, Ye Mo called out to the rest of the Ye family, "It's time to go! We still have a lot of things to do!" Without hesitation, everyone else in the family rushed off to fulfill their obligations. 


Back in the car...

Cha Ying's foot pressed hard against the gas pedal, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the wheel tightly. 

Liu Minger and Long Shin sat silent and still in the backseats, feeling like they were being sucked towards a bottomless pit. 

'My heavens this is so scary, young miss doesn't seem to be in a fine mood, I can only prey for young master Long'. 

The air crackled with tension as no one spoke; even breathing felt prohibited. Finally, it was Long Shin who broke the oppressive silence. "Did I scare you back at the hotel?" 

His voice was gentle but behind it lay a deep brimming anxiety. He didn't know what he had done wrong that caused Liu Minger to suddenly give him silent treatment.


Liu Minger's loaded silence left him feeling tense with anticipation, and he could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest. Just when he thought that she never would answer, her voice pierced the heavy air "What am I to you?" His breath hitched as fear bubbled up inside him, and a thousand thoughts raced through his mind - what did she want from him?

Long Shin spoke with resolute conviction, his voice firm and unwavering. "Very few people have ever held a place in my heart, but you are one of them. You are now the woman I cherish above all else and for your sake I will take life and gladly give up my ow-" before he could finish his sentence, a pair of soft hands covered his mouth. 

Liu Minger leaned on him, her hazel eyes filled with tears as she spoke in a faint yet desperate tone: "Please don't say any more..." 

Long Shin looked at her with great alarm; he had never seen such an expression on her usually cheerful and mischievous face before. He spoke softly with worry in his voice: "What happened?" Liu Minger's sad and pitiful face made him to want to protect her and make her happy again.

A burning rage surged through her veins as Liu Minger harshly inhaled, sharp words of helplessness spilling out between gritted teeth. Since the day she was born, it had been expected that as a direct descendant of a cultivation family, she would be a magister — but even with her parents and family wholeheartedly pouring their resources into every conceivable method to help her cultivate, no matter how hard they tried, nothing seemed to work. In the end, Liu Minger accepted her fate as a failure: a cultivation trash. With a final deep sigh of resignation, the tone of despair in her voice resonated unpleasantly in the air.

Long Shin saw Liu Minger's hands trembling, and he instinctively reached out to console her. Her voice began to waver as she spoke of the past; "After that I stopped trying to cultivate altogether and instead poured all of my energy into martial arts. I took on the business of the Liu family soon after and would mercilessly crush anyone who stood in the way of maximizing profits, no matter how innocent or insignificant their plight. I had become so cold-hearted that it became second nature for me to be calculating and emotionless towards others, even those who had nothing to do with me... yet..." Her voice trailed off as tears streamed down her cheeks.

She lifted her gaze, hazel eyes capturing Long Shin's attention. Her voice, barely a whisper, was thick with emotion as it spilled out of her mouth "Everything changed when I met you…it was you who changed my life.. all of that happened when I met you." 

The words were like shards of glass slicing through tense air. She continued tremulously, "I never expected it; if I felt sympathy for what I had done to you, or if I wanted to make up for it, that's just what happened. I started feeling familiar with you without even trying...without me realizing, I started to open up to you. I laughed, smiled and cried in front of you— things that meant so much to me. That's when I knew how I felt about you. When you helped me become a magister—that was when I knew for sure, it sealed the deal. No matter how hard I tried to keep my feelings in check, they began to pierce right through me, at some point of time ii had stopped holding back. 

The more i got to know about you the more i realized that my feelings for you were growing stronger every day; The little time we spent together made all the difference in the world; All those days we spent together made up such a small amount of time, but it meant so much to me; during those moments, my emotions ran wilder than they had in two decades."

"I can say without any doubt that I love you. You mean the world to me. Before I was unaware of how anyone could so fully be in love with someone else. All the times I'd seen women make their loved one the center of their universe had made me scoff in ignorance; I scoffed at those who made their beloved their world, but now I understand why. It wasn't foolishness, it was a feeling I hadn't had until then—a feeling I never thought I'd have, yet here it is."

Liu Minger's eyes brimmed with tears that hung precariously from the corner of her eyes, ready to fall at a moment. Long Shin felt helpless, he wanted to take away her pain, wipe away those droplets of sadness and put a genuine smile instead. But he knew he couldn't do anything else besides allowing her to vent out her feelings. He held her hand firmly and silently listened to her pouring out every suppressed emotion she had kept caged within her. 

"When I began cultivating I thought I would be able to stand by your side and help you on your path, but tonight I realized how arrogant I was. After Ye Liang transformed after consuming the blood-colored pill, I experienced my own powerlessness. If it weren't for you transferring your unusual mana to me, I wouldn't have even been able to defeat him, let alone that elder in black robes. I was powerless and nothing more than a burden you have to bear."

Liu Minger's hazel eyes were swollen with tears that streamed down her face in a constant flow. She spoke through sobs, her voice raw and broken, "I thought of you as the world to me, my entire universe. But when you needed me most I was helpless, weak and unable to do anything for you. You were the one who came to save me instead. I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at myself because of my own powerlessness and for allowing myself to be content with this empty victory."

Long Shin let out a deep sigh after seeing Liu Minger's tears. He took out his handkerchief and gently wiped away her tears. "There," he spoke softly, "I've heard people say that women look ugly when they cry. I want to smack them now, for how could my honey look anything less than beautiful when she cries? But I find you much more attractive when you smile and are happy." His words were accompanied by a warm smile as he tenderly fixed Liu Minger's tear-stained face.

He placed his hand beneath Liu Minger's chin and lifted her head until their eyes locked—his blood-red with her hazel. "Minger, don't blame yourself," he said. "no one would believe it's only been a week since you started cultivation, look at how much progress you've made in just one week! and you've already reached the 4th layer of black-iron rank. It's clear that you are more talented than any Heavens' daughters. Plus, I'm the one training you, so it won't be long before you hit even greater heights! Trust me, the people we recently faced aren't anything compared to what lies ahead." 

He peered deeply into her eyes as if trying to ensure she focused only on him. "Don't forget that I love you and no matter how formidable the enemy, I know you will never be a burden to me, my woman will never be a burden to me. Right now you may feel powerless, but I have faith that someday you'll be so strong that you will need to protect your husband!" he added jokingly.

As his trick seemed to have worked, Liu Minger laughed with an intensity that almost made her chest burst.

"See you look so beautiful when you are happy," he said, gazing at her, his admiration for her beauty was clear in his gaze.

Liu Minger rolled her eyes in response, telling him, "Hump, glib tongue, you really won't allow me to be depressed huh." 

He had a triumphant smirk on his face as he replied firmly, "Of course my darling, when you are with me you can be happy or angry, but never, ever depressed." 

Despite her snort of disdain at his haughty attitude, she was deeply moved by his words. Her conviction to become stronger only grew fiercer. 'Yes, he believes in me,' she thought. 'And not just that - even Mom, Dad, and other members of the Liu family who don't know that I am a magister now still have hope and believe that I will be able to cultivate further. I don't have time to be depressed; if I do have time, I should cultivate more instead.'

As she came out of her thoughts, both of their eyes met, Long Shin held her in a tight embrace, her curves molded into his muscly chest as her delicate hands pushed against it with determined strength.

Liu Minger breathed softly in his ear "My love, kiss me now" and Long Shin was completely entranced by her request, even if his life hung in the balance.

Their lips collided in a passionate frenzy, the taste of her mouth sending a surge of electricity through his entire body. He felt himself being pulled further and further away from reality and into the depths of pure ecstasy 'every moment I'm with him i feel safe, secured, and happy.'

The two embraced, forgetting all about Cha Ying who was driving the car. "I didn't see anything, I'm nearsighted!" It was a good thing that there was a glass pane in the car which blocked out their voices.


After the couple talked to each other, opening their hearts completely to one another, the rest of the journey was quit.



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