Chapter 111: Cruel Interrogation.

The car pulled up in front of the Liu Industries, and Long Shin and Liu Minger got out. "I still have some tasks to take care of," Liu Minger said, "you should go home now darling; I'll be back after I finish up here."

Long Shin grasped Liu Minger tightly around the waist and pressed his lips, hard against hers. "Alright take care, make sure to not overwork yourself," he murmured before reluctantly letting go.

Liu Minger looked into his eyes with determination, her voice dripping with purpose. "Hmn, after I'm home let's begin my training for real now."

The car door opened as Cha Ying stepped out, and she bellowed, "Manager Cha let's go! We still have things to do!" Cha Ying responded almost instantaneously, "Right away young miss!"

Liu Minger and Cha Ying quickly vanished from sight, as a guard briskly collected the luxurious Mercedes Benz to the parking lot.

Long Shin prepared to depart for home as he strolled towards his car that was parked in the entrance for added ease.

He revved up the engine and drove away, heading home.



The car roared through the streets like a raging beast, leaving nothing but dust in its wake as it passed one vehicle after another with ease.

Long Shin sighed heavily, remembering all the events that had transpired that day - beginning with him and Liu Minger waking up for breakfast before discovering an insidious contract. It was soon revealed that Ye Hao, one of the city's renowned young masters from the prestigious Ye family, was behind the nefarious plan. In response, Long Shin called upon Ye Mo to intervene only to discover further treachery - even Ye Hao's own father was implicated in the vile conspiracy. The traitorous plot continued as he schemed to overthrow his father and take control of the Ye family by whatever means necessary.

Rage surged through Long Shin's veins while a possible assumption settled in his mind like a sickening stone. 'It could only be Xu Xiaosi, that powerful and mysterious master who ordered them to take Minger away. He must've arrived weeks ago and planned this whole abduction since then.' But their plan was fated to fail miserably, Long Shin had already snuffed out the life of that piece of trash, and the dark goblins had also made quite a spectacle of him. But even after death, Xu Xiaosi had caused immense distress for him and Minger. Unbridled rage filled Long Shin for a second.

In the end he could only sigh'...forget it he is already dead' the person was already dead so he couldn't do anything about this anymore, of course if Xu Xiaosi was still alive than death would've been the least of his worries.

Instead, there was a more important matter at hands now 'the Demon Heart Sect had brought their terror to the city, first with the bride incident and now with an attack against the Ye family. They were rampaging with no remorse or hesitation, but why? What power could they expect to gain in this small city where even the most powerful magisters barely reached half-step BRONZE rank?'

The only way to get the answer he sought was to question the black-robed old man that he had kept in his "pocket realm". Long Shin promptly droves to Blue Moon Bay and parked his car before heading inside the villa. After taking a shower, he refreshed himself for the task ahead. "Before Minger arrives, I should get this settled," he mused as he stepped into the "pocket realm" with one thought.



The old man in the black robe trembled as he stared up into the menacing eyes of the giant bird. His skin had been charred to a crisp, and his clothing lay smoldering in ashes around him.

Even his hair and beard had been singed away and the same could be said for his hair down there, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable all over. His tears started to fall but evaporated instantly on his scorched cheeks, the reminder of how he had come to be there causing even more anguish.

He felt like screaming yet knew that it would do no good.



The moment Long Shin threw this old man, either purposefully or by a truly remarkable stroke of bad luck, the old man landed straight onto Elemence's habitat.

Elemence had taken on a much smaller form for greater convenience.


The tiny creature was blissfully warbling in the molten lava, which felt more like a soothing, hot tub to her - when suddenly, from the sky above, came an old crone plummeting down.

The elderly man tried to get up, moaning and groaning with every inch he moved. "Aaah~ that hurts! How the hell did that little punk make me fall from the sky?! And where in tarnation am I?!" He surveyed his surroundings while grumbling under his breath. 

His face contorted into a nasty scowl as he thought of retribution for his persecutor. "Just you wait, sonny boy! Letting this old master live will be your greatest mistake yet! I'll make sure to leave you a special note in my report alrighty, humph!" He huffed and puffed as he imagined his revenge when suddenly--"OAH MY BACK! My aching back! Just how high did I have to plummet to ruin it like this? Never in my life did I think Qian Zhu would succumb to such debilitating... back pain."


The chirp of a bird made him stop reminiscing about his pain, he turned around, only to see an active volcano behind him. "Well, where the heck am I?" CHIRP! CHIRP!

Again, the sound of bird chirping came, and his eyes finally landed on the small creature that had appeared near him. He squinted his eyes skeptically and asked: "Now what are you? A baby demon beast?!" Elemence suspiciously looked at the old man observing her with a raised eyebrow, almost as if she knew what he was up to.

"Demonic Beasts," he mumbled to himself excitedly, Demonic Beasts or for short Demon Beasts, are intelligent creatures, unlike fierce beasts who roam mindlessly; Demonic Beasts are born with capabilities to think to a certain extent. "Powerful adult Demonic Beasts have intelligence no lower than humans if not surpassing them." His mouth spread into a wide grin as he realized what he was seeing. "If I'm able to capture this little guy I can sell it to a Beastmaster for a sky-high price!"

A disgusting smile appeared on his old face as he thought how he will soon become a rich man.

He thought he had struck gold until he noticed something peculiar about Elemence's behavior - she kept staring intently at him with beady little eyes as if she knew what he was thinking.

"You look smart little one, this just goes to show how intelligent you are already. com on come to me!"

Qian Zhu smiled widely as he saw the smart little one, though his smile began to edge close to a perverted one. He attacked Elemence with his technique - which looked like an innocent creature that rich young maidens would keep as a pet for their amusement.

But the next moment he was taken aback when the energy waves coming towards Elemence simply disappeared when they touched her.

"What? How is this possible?" the old man gasped in shock. But of course, there was no time for him to be startled any further. 


A loud chirp filled with annoyance and slight anger came out of Elemence's peck.


"OUCH!" Before Qian Zhu could react a black-red fire ball roughly the size of a baby's fist hit him right at his crotch, sending him crashing onto the floor.

"Oh no, my precious member! It was already a struggle to make it work!" Qian Zhu roared, rolling on the ground with tears and curses streaming down his face. 

No matter how much cultivation magisters may have, certain sensitive areas like their privates are still incredibly fragile. If their protective mana barriers are broken, and an attack lands in that area... Well, they will end up like this berserk old man.


It seems Elemence was enjoying seeing Qian Zhu rolling around helplessly. She chirped merrily while jumping about the flailing elderly...gentleman.

"You stupid little bird! I'm going to get you now!" Qian Zhu stumbled to his feet in a huff, and Elemence couldn't help but giggle at his hunched posture - it looked as if he had been holding his piss for centuries.


To add insult to injury, she resumed her hopping jig, flitting around him teasingly. "Die, you mischievous creature!" Furious, Qian Zhu fired off wave after wave of energy blasts, though Elemence easily evaded each one. In the heat of the battle, one of his errant shots ended up hitting a statue that they had created together the day before while playing with Long Shin.


Their work of art crumbled into pieces on the floor. 


Elemence was so upset by this that she completely stopped dancing around, and instead ran over to inspect the ruins mournfully. 


A quiet sob escaped from her beak.

Qian Zhu took advantage of her distraction and cackled triumphantly. "Hah! That'll teach ya, won't it? Now you know what's going to become of you soon enough." He pulled back his arm to deliver the final strike, when suddenly...


A melodious trill sounded as the puny bird rapidly grew in size, stopping at around three meters. 

"What the whaaat? How did this small fry suddenly become so big?" Qian Zhu was flabbergasted as he viewed the gargantuan bird that seemed to be irrevocably furious.


With another ear-spanning chortle of ire, Elemence cast her skill "Phoenix Feathers". At this instance, Qian Zhu felt like his legs had been filled with jelly.

"Fudge!" He exclaimed while shrilly hopping around. He had yet to heal from his previous bout with Long Shin, so if it was a normal day, one swift dodge would have been sufficient enough to ward off the incoming feathers. Sadly, now he had no choice but to keep on leaping about.

"AHG! OOHG! STOP, I BEG OF YOU!" The old man squawked while running for his dear life. A vivid spectacle of a giant bird chasing him with fervor and glee played out right before our eyes. It shot out black-red fireballs at the old man, launched its feathers like boomerangs, and even plucked him up in its claws and dropped him from dizzying heights. Such an outrageous yet hilarious sight first in Qian Zhu's life! more ever the one being played was him!!!




Elemence's sudden chirp made Qian Zhu practically jump out of his skin. CHIRP! CHIRP! CHIRP!

The giant bird took off in a flurry, wheeling around and then landing behind Qian Zhu, who watched in terror as Elemence chirped happily. When he turned to see what had caused her joy, he was astounded by the sight: the 'demon lord' of a bird was rubbing its face and pecking at the young man that had suddenly appeared.

His mind raced with horror as he thought, this is no ordinary man - surely this must be a crueler demon lord!

"Awww, I missed you too," Long Shin smiled affectionately and patted Elemence on the head. Qian Zhu was beyond shocked when he realized who it was - the demon lord of demon lords himself! "This guy..."

"YOU!!! How are you controlling this demonic beast!" Qian Zhu shouted in disbelief as he saw Long Shin patting Elemence.


Elemence was basking in the attention, but her chirps were filled with indignation at the way Qian Zhu had treated her.

Long Shin could feel her emotions through their connection and his eyes flashed dangerously. "I see, so this scoundrel destroyed it. Have no fear Ele, we shall build it anew - and this time make it so strong that no one like him will be able to destroy it ever again!" he declared, managing to calm her temper with his gentle words.


Satisfied with his response, Elemence nodded and after massaging her beak against Long Shin's face lovingly she flew off towards the volcano again.

Watching Elemence leave contentedly Long Shin fixed Qian Zhu with a piercing gaze. "Now then, let us have a chat - wouldn't you agree?" he said, his lips curling into a cruel smirk. 

An icy smirk spread across Long Shin's face, sending an unbearable chill down Qian Zhu's spine. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget that this same boy had humiliated him just a few hours ago; battering him so brutally that his body became crippled with pain and agony.

Qian Zhu stumbled backwards in terror, "Youu...What do you intend to do? I'm from the 'Demon Heart Sect', I'm an outer court elder! If you dare lay a hand on me, the 'Demon Heart Sect' will never let you go!" His voice quivered as he tried to threaten Long Shin, but the slight stuttering betrayed his true fear. An ominous silence hung in the air...


Only to be quickly broken by an agonizing shriek that echoed through the cold night air. The scream was deep and guttural, resembling a dying pig's squeal of terror.


Long Shin cruelly tortured Qian Zhu for hours, as his cries of anguish grew louder and more desperate with every passing minute. His hands and feet had been brutally pierced by Long Shin, leaving a gaping hole in each limb – then the rope was threaded through those punctures, suspending him sensitively from a splintering wooden log. The rope was no ordinary material, it was an obscenity that he'd found from the system shop, he totally didn't ask little snow to find something like this for him– it felt like barbed wire against Qian Zhu's skin as he hung helplessly in mid-air.

The rope was like a living organism, a parasite thirsting for its victim's blood. Qian Zhu's body was the perfect host for it, as the rope began to suck in his blood, spikes of the cruelest metal grew from its once smooth fibers, their jagged points piercing through his skin and injecting him with excruciatingly painful poison that caused his limbs to weaken and bleed endlessly. His nerves felt as if they were burning inside out, and his flesh began to slightly rot. The ropes tried to suck away every drop of life-giving liquid that ran thick and red down his skin.

Qian Zhu's body trembled with agony as his bones protruded under paper thin skin. His skin became thin and papery, as if he were a puppet on the verge of its unraveling.

A whimpering plea escaped his lips, "No more...please no more...why are you doing this to me?" His voice was filled with terror and desperation as he pleaded for mercy.

"I want to get some information out of you about the Demon Heart Sect," Long Shin said, feeling he had punished Qian Zhu enough.

"Couldn't you have asked me that directly instead? Why did you have to torture me?" Qian Zhu felt tears running down his face after being beaten so badly; had Long Shin only applied a bit of pressure, he would have revealed anything.

But Long Shin, in the name of 'talking', began cruelly torturing him from the start, not even giving him time to say anything apart from screaming and crying in pain.

Long Shin smirked at Qian Zhu "I wanted to test my torture skills, and I found you just right for it." His expression this time was different from when he was with Liu Minger or Elemence--it showed a cruel and ruthless nature without any mercy.

Qian Zhu was so scared that after seeing this devilish smile, he lost control of his bladder. 'Demon! This man is truly a demon!'



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