I arrived at the restaurant; I was completely out of my element. The hostess welcomed me; the restaurant was empty. He informed me "Adrian has rented the entire restaurant for the night, you must be special," he said. It made me blush but concerned about what was about to happen. The waiter dropped me off at the table and scurried away. Adrian looked up, all he could spew out was "you" and went back to his phone. This was going to go great. I sat down and waited for him to put phone down. It didn't seem like that was going to happen, so I mustered up enough courage to speak "I wanted to meet you before I made my decision". I could tell he was listening even though he didn't look away from his phone "I am not going to agree if this is something you don't want. I would never want anyone forced into something they don't want to do. Please just tell me you don't want this, and I will tell your father you wanted it and I didn't". He looked up at me, puzzled. Like "why would she offer to do that for me". He replied, "Is this what you want?" I didn't want to answer. Part of me wanted this, to be close with someone but not be expected to do anything. Part of me wanted to rip Adrian's clothes off right there and part of me wanted to go hide in my bed forever or at least till I went to jail. "Um, not exactly but it's the safest option for me and my son". He dropped his phone, "you have a kid?" He seemed annoyed. "What did your father tell you about me?". He sneered "Absolutely nothing" ok, this was bad. He was seething and I knew he was about to lose it. Usually, I'd try to comfort someone like this, but I knew I was making him angry, and it would only be worse. I pushed myself a further away, putting distance between us "ask away?" We might as well get it all out beforehand. He was still about to blow a gasket, "you think I'm going to marry you?" This was getting worse by the minute "actually no, I don't. But we need to come up with a plan. Your fathers going to ask a lot of questions and I noticed his Health doesn't seem as good. I'm not going to be responsible for putting him in an early grave".