Adrian was taken back, and he knew I was right. He didn't like it, but he knew it. "How old is your son?" he asked me. He was six years old. He plainly asked me "What about his father?" to which I responded the best I could, not in the picture is all I could muster out. I wanted to say he was his sperm donor or the man who used my son against me, but I didn't. I never say those things out loud. I guess I was in my thoughts to long, so Adrian rerouted to what he really wanted to know.

"What does my father have on you? Embarrassing photos?" I knew it was coming but I still didn't feel prepared to answer. All I could say was "I guess we are done with small talk. He's offered to help me with my debt and keep me out of jail. Take care of my son. I put my head down in shame.

Are you a junkie?

My eyes flamed red. "No!" My ex took out 65,00 in debt In my name. He took all my money, all My savings. He took my money and never paid the mortgage, the car, the bills. I'm not a damn junkie, I'm a single mom whooped across the country for a monster who took everything from me. Except for my son, that he never wanted" I was screaming, j couldn't believe it.

"Alright then" Adrian smirked. It made me laugh and relax.

"Your turn"

"Why does your father want you to marry me?"

He sighed "I'm a great businessman, amazing actually but my personal life is a disaster. He thinks you will ground me.

"Why would you agree to it"

"He won't let me take over the company otherwise," he said

I gave him a sad look. "Maybe we can come up with some other reason for him to trust you."

He's stubborn and he is dead set on you marrying me. When my dad gets something in his head, he won't let it go"

"Have a feeling that runs in the family" I responded

An awkward silence fell around us. I sighed, it was time, to be honest.

"I can't give you the things a wife should. I can be your arm piece at events, laugh at your jokes in front of investors. I can play a role, I'm good at that. I've been doing that a long time. I can't give you all the other things. I can only play the role of wife; I don't have the other things in me anymore" I held back my tears.

"What does that even mean?"

"I can play the role of your wife, but I can't be yours. You wouldn't want me anyway."

"How the hell do you know what I want"

"Brunettes, tall skinny model form. Long legs, voluptuous butt. High cheekbones, fake laugh. Sexually promiscuous that is willing to put on a show in public. Lacks the ability to hold a conversation or anything meaningful. Hot as hell but dumb as a box of rocks".

I had just described the lady 15 women he'd been with.

"How the hell?"

"I'm good at reading people and knowing what they want. It's my superpower" I giggled

"Maybe in changing my type?" He was not likening that I called him out.

"You don't want me, I'm damaged. Like really damaged. I don't want to talk about why but I'm doing you a favor. I'm untouchable. I can't be a good wife. I can only play a part so that you can please your father".

Later, to find out, despite how unhappy he was with me, he did not like how I talked about myself.

I had to cut the awkwardness. "Ok, now to the important questions" he narrows his eyes, what could I possibly ask after that speech. "Chocolate or vanilla?"


"Which is your favorite?"


"Mets or Yankees?"


"Yikes, Mets. Though I'm still upset about Shea stadium becoming citified".

He laughed, I managed to break the ice.

"Let's forget about all this crazy arranged marriage stuff for a bit. It's just too heavy and crazy"

"Oh, thank god. I think my head is about to explode"


"Do you think they have ice cream in this fancy place?"

"We haven't even had dinner"

"I'm an adult. I can eat ice cream for dinner" I laughed hard. I had never felt so comfortable with someone even before Matt.