A dress arrived early Friday morning, along with a hair and makeup artist. Mom was getting fancied up too. She was excited about the wedding; she thinks I'd been hiding this guy for a while. How could I tell her that it's an arranged marriage to get me out of debt? That this poor guy was being forced to marry me so he could help his father. The guilt was unbearable. What about Michael? Omg. Would he be ok?
I arrived at the restaurant at 6:45. I like to be early. Sebastian was pleasant as ever. I made my way around the venue. There was a beautiful outdoor garden, surprising for New York City. I was in awe of the beauty, taking in the sight and smell around me. I looked over to see Adrian sitting by himself. I walked over and sat next to him. He looked nervous and worried. "I'm sorry I couldn't fix this". He responded, "you are about to be a ward, stop apologizing. Wards don't apologize". All I could respond was "got it". He was staring at me with such hate and anger I took a deep breath, "you can do what you want to me but please be kind to my son". He nodded and walked off. I could tell he was blazing angry, and he needed to cool off before the guest arrived. People I didn't know, and I knew I wasn't going to fit in with. It was 6:55, I roamed around looking for Adrian. He was hiding in the garden, though he seemed to have composed himself. I walked over to him, wrapped his arm around him "time to put on a show. You ready" he nodded and plastered a smile on his face before we walk through the door. I did the same. We mingled, introducing ourselves as fiancés. We broke off and I mingled as best I could. It was very easy to pretend everything was fine, I'd been doing it for years. It was time for Sebastian to give a speech. It was beautiful, moving, and a complete lie. We made our way to the dinner table. There was small talk for a while but then someone asked the question "how did you two meet?". Adrian went to start talking. He was completely tense and unprepared. I placed my hand on his arm, he knew I was telling him to let me. "Alexa tells it so much better. Won't you tell them sweetie?" "Of course, it's one of my favorite stories" he whispered, "thank you" to which I replied, "are you ready to be a hero?". He looked shocked. I began "I was in the park with my son. My phone rang and all I did was look down to see who it was. I looked back up and Michael was gone. I was running through the park frantic. I thought he had been kidnapped. I ran out of the park, hoping he didn't wander into traffic. I found him sitting on a park bench with Adrian, eating ice cream I might add. Adrian smiled knowing our inside joke, the only one we had. Michael had heard the ice cream truck and ran to it. Adrian found him alone, bought him ice cream, and sat on the bench with him until I found him. I rest became history" I smiled and at that point realized I wasn't wearing a ring. I leaned over to Adrian, give me your napkin ring. He was so puzzled while handing me it. I slipped it onto my finger. "Really?" He asked. "It's suspicious if I'm not wearing one" he scoffed, "I'd never let my wife wear something that cheap". I blushed "it's too bad your fiancé misplaces everything. And this is temporary till I find it" and then I winked at him. "Good story, you're very good at lying". I knew what he was implying, but I learned a long time ago to play along. It hurts less when you cooperate. I dropped my head and I guess Adrian instantly knew what I was thinking about. He grabbed my hand, "it's a good thing otherwise we would never survive the night" I smiled. He leaned over, looking like he was kissing my ear. "How did you come up with that story?". I took a deep breath, "I learned a long time ago to take real events and twist them to what you will be believable. Michael did run off and go for ice cream. The man gave him the ice cream and kept him there till I could find him. A guy that looked like you walked by. So, I just bent the truth". I smiled at him and gently kissed him on the cheek before excusing myself. I hated lying but it became second nature "no he didn't beat me. I was cleaning the attic and there were toys on the step, and I rolled down the steps". What happened was I was cleaning the attic and Matt got mad because dinner wasn't ready. He tossed me down the steps. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I made my way back into the party, making sure to mingle. I knew that was my job tonight, make a good impression and not embarrass Adrian.