I had met Adrian's Friend Jack and I was not a fan. He spent most of the night hitting on me and making inappropriate passes at me. He must have known about the arrangement. The night was coming to an end. Adrian grabbed me and led me to meet someone. He was giving me a weird smile; I knew it was not going to be good. He introduced me to Paris: tall, brunette, dumb as a box of rocks. His ex. I made sure no one else saw me but he and I rolled my eyes at him. It was not the reaction he was expecting. He leaned over and whispered in my ear "maybe I'll fuck her tonight". I felt my blood boil, I was jealous. I was shocked at my reaction. I leaned in his ear "whatever you like husband, jack has already made me an offer. Should I take him up on it?" I don't know what came over me, I couldn't. Believe I said it. I would have never done that with Jack or anyone, well maybe Adrian. I mean I wasn't ready to be intimate, but I wanted Him. Whenever he was near, I was hot and wet between my legs. I knew he was trying to be mean, not cruel to me but something new inside me didn't let him. I knocked him right back. He grabbed my arm hard, he almost seemed jealous. There was no way he could be jealous; I was overthinking it. He grunted in annoyance and walked off. I talked to Paris for a good 20 minutes. I couldn't stand her; she was dumb and high maintenance. I thought for sure she would be rude and condescending, but it didn't happen. She seems to be laying on every word I said. It was so weird, and she was laughing at my jokes. I gave her some advice on her life and choices. She seemed to be standing taller and she took in my advice. She seemed like her self-esteem was building I couldn't relax though; it could be an act. Adrian walked back over, completely ignoring me, he whispers something in her ear. I already knew what he said then he gave me a devilish smile. He went to grab her hand to walk off, but she pulled away. "Don't play such mean jokes on your fiancé". Adrian leaned in so I could hear him, "it wasn't a joke, let's go" and he grabbed her hand. "No! Stop being a dick! She's amazing". Adrian was taken back and looked at me "e tu " I shrugged and then I looked over at Paris. She was about to cry and that couldn't happen. I grabbed Adrian's arm and leaned over into his ear. "I'll take care of this; you don't want to be on the front page of the tabloids" he nodded in agreement as I lead Paris into the bathroom. I consoled her as best I could, assuring her Adrian was just playing around. I was lying through my teeth, knowing he was trying to hurt me, but I had to protect him. She calmed down and I lead her back into the party. I made sure we took a picture together, hoping to squash any rumors. I realized I had my hands full; Adrian was acting out. Great, now I have 2 children. I knew there was more to Adrian, and I knew he needed to be protected. I didn't know why but it was just instinct. The guests were leaving, Adrian wondered over. He whispers in my ear "I promise to be good to your son. You did well tonight". As he went to walk off, but I pulled him back. I lead him to the garden and sat him down. He went to speak but I put my finger over his lips "I promise to fulfill my duty. I will protect you; I will clean up your messes when I can. I will do everything in my power to stop pr nightmares like tonight. I will build you up. It's not necessary to be so cruel to me. I don't have the expectation for you to respect or protect or take care of me or hell care about me or even like me for that matter, but cruelty isn't necessary" I walked away and left. I didn't have to turn around to know Adrian looked like a cartoon character this time. It made me crack a smile thinking about it plus it had been a long time since I stood up to anyone.