I arrived at 12:30 at Whitefield. I always believe not being somewhere 30 minutes before or otherwise you are late. My friends before Matt use to laugh I was a reincarnated soldier. I walked in and was being ushered into a room. I was pushed past Adrian who was signing some papers. He yelled out " I thought you were joking about 12:30" and I yelled back "if you are on time your late" I had never seen him smile so big then I was pushed into the fitting room. The next 2.5 hours were awful. I felt like a Barbie doll, being dressed, and brushed. Lotions, creams, sprays were put all over my body. I felt like they had used an excessive amount of stuff in my hair. I couldn't see anything. I pushed and pulled in every direction between dressing, makeup, and hair. I started to feel bad for how I treated my dolls as a kid. It made me giggle a little. Then they pulled my dress tighter, and I stopped laughing immediately. I felt like I couldn't breathe. They were finally done and ushering me to the studio. I pushed back at the mirror so I could see myself. Omg! Was that much makeup and hairspray necessary? I didn't even recognize myself. I was placed in front of the backdrop. A crew moved each part of my body the way they wanted, and I had to hold it till we moved on to the next. I looked over and saw Adrian laughing. He could tell I was extremely uncomfortable. I decided to catch him off guard. I sent the crew away and took control. I positioned myself in the perfect shots and the photographer's praise was getting louder and louder. I may be tiny and short, but I did do some modeling. I wasn't runway but I was the test shoot model. The person they use before the model to make everything perfect. I positioned myself in an extremely difficult and sexy pose I had done it many times, but it had been years. The photographer commented that I could come work for Him and he'd made me a star. I did a model laugh. The flashes continued. I looked over and Adrian's mouth was hanging open. I forgot I still had it in me. He couldn't stop staring and I decided it was my time to be cruel. My back was curled, my head leaned back exposing my neck as well as empathizing my breast. The dress was pulled up exposing my legs but not too high that it was inappropriate. It was sexy but appropriate. I picked up my hand and blew Adrian a seductive kiss. The photographer snapped a picture at the perfect moment. I heard Adrian gasp which made me laugh. I couldn't stop laughing. I looked back and I had tortured Adrian just not in the way I thought. I could see his junk trying to poke through the pants he was wearing. I didn't think he would get turned in just made at me pretending to be sexy. I made direct eye contact, gave him a take care of it look, and moved my gaze down his legs. He looked down and realized what I saw. He turned around and fixed himself. He mouthed "thank you" and I just winked at him.