New world

"Go ahead, it's not like I have much of anything to do except float around until I'm born anyway," I said sarcastically. There was a silence before the dragon spoke again.

[very well. The story begins at the start of the wizarding era or more precisely when magic was first discovered. It was far too long ago to remember. all you need to know is it's a heck of a long time ago.

We the dragons were at the top of the pyramid when it came to power. At least that was the case before Wizards became adept at using magic. There are only a dozen or so of my species in the entire world to begin with, we were the ones in charge of keeping the balance in nature. 5 of us lived together here in Europe.

The first head of your Pendragon family was a wizard himself, but he loathed humanity and decided to make a pact with us dragons. In order to gain our power, he divulged the secrets of the budding magic community's that were being built where all the current countries reside today.

The reason was simple, the wizards who were now coming to terms with magic and learning to use it efficiently began to commit atrocious crimes. millions of lives lost worldwide. Nature being destroyed, animals killed in mass hunting for their materials. It all disgusted the first head of the pendragon family.

He traded information for the ability to seal one of us within himself using ancient rituals that us dragons had long forgotten. His name was Liam pendragon. Also known as the harbinger of death. but that is for a later time.

Liam rose from the ashes and brought destruction to his enemies and created a powerful family around him. With age, his hot bloodedness slowly cooled and with it came wisdom and experience. He saw that there was nothing to gain anymore from seeking war with others who would never change, and now that he had a family to think about it, was not wise to continue on that meaningless quest. one man can only do so much.

Soon he and his family went into hiding and separated themselves almost completely from the human world. The only thing they still did was give us information and rare resources that we needed. And so the dragons and The pendragon's came to a long-lasting relationship. Sadly all things must come to an end and the other three dragon's or at least true dragons from old died under the deceitful and despicable ways of those disgusting wizards.

The Pendragons tried to hide me since my father was sealed inside of Liam in order to save me, but I was too big, the only option was to use the ancient ritual to seal me within a human. This worked for a time but slowly the Pendragons bloodline started to diminish. all that time spent in seclusion generation after generation caused a big decline in the family.

All of the relatives from your family have died out along the centuries from the incessant pursuit of those wizards. But sadly there is only me left from the original 5. My father passed away due to the contract when Liam died of old age. Now there is only your father, mother and brother left. and I am the only dragon left to guard the family as gratitude for what your direct ancestor did for us.] he said sadly.

So he really is a dragon. And it seems like my ancestor was a bit of a weird guy but I can't really judge him. As for why the other dragons died, it's a shame and I wonder why the family didn't leave their hiding. As if reading my thoughts, Drak spoke again.

[it is simple, we are labelled as sinners and traitors to wizards and muggle kind for as long as the family stands. it's sad really, and I don't understand why your family protected us the way they did but it really touched me and my father. I am sorry we couldn't do more.] he said apologetically.

"it's fine I don't really have a say in anything since I'm not even born but I do have a question. why are you able to talk to me and are you the dragon inside my mother?" I asked curiously.

[No, I am the son of the dragon that lived inside of your first ancestor and I have been passed down along the direct line of your ancestor's descendants after my father died. meaning your mother and father is one of them and so are you. The family would marry from outside and split off into different families under the one banner, but usually, they were muggles and are not aware of what we are.

They marry and the son is told about their heritage. The reason I am talking to you is that I sense an anomaly inside of Nina your mother and found you. Your father is the one I am sealed inside of but I can extend my sensing radius for about 100 meters outside of the human body, thats why i was able to sense you.] he said truthfully.

I see, so that's the case, it seems that my family is directly related to the first head of the family. All this dragon stuff is cool but what powers do the wielders get I wonder. "what do the Dragon wielders attain by having you inside of them?"

[ well there are many abilities but most of them depend on the dragon, but they have similar abilities. For one, talking to lesser dragons is easy as well as taming them since they will obey us and by affiliation, you as well. Your animagus form would be a dragon thanks to being the wielder of a dragon.] he said.

I see well that is all very helpful information, It seems that this is something that did not come up in the original storyline or at all really, so it either means that no one came upon the secret and the family kept on living in secret or they were all dead, I hope it's not the latter. I thought before feeling uncomfortable, and suddenly felt something pushing me downwards.

"Oi Drak what is going on?" I asked. [it seems you are being born kid, you should be alright for now, I'll talk to you later] he said before the area I was in regained its peaceful silence. Damn, I didn't even get to enjoy this comfortable feeling. tch, whatever, I wanted to know what year it is but I'll ask Drak later.

Soon the contractions began to squeeze me downwards through a tight opening for a while. It felt like hours before I finally saw light. It was blinding and for some reason too painful for me to handle, along with the pressure of my first breath, I began to cry. Don't tell me I became so weak-willed? I asked myself. Nah, I think it's just my fragile baby body that's all.