Adopted family

After having my talk with Drak about what the future will look like, I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs and heading towards the room I was in. It was Luke Knight, who, according to Drak, was my new adopted father. He came in with a tray and walked towards where his wife slept. She soon woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, biscuits and a banana on the side. Very weird to have a banana after coffee, but what do I know.

Luke turned towards me and saw that I was awake, and came over. He gently stroked my head and lifted me up into his arms, and walked to the other side of the bed. By now, his wife had sat up and was enjoying the breakfast when she noticed what Luke was carrying.

"Dear? what is that you are carrying?" she asked while she stared at me curiously. "is it a present?" she asked before luke could answer the first question. "Well, depending on the way you see it, it may very well count as a present," he said with a stiff smile. he walked over and made a gesture to pass me over to her. She looked at Luke and then at me, who was wrapped in a cloth and put aside her tray and extended her arms to hold me.

As soon as she felt something moving inside, she freaked out and almost dropped me; luckily, Luke was there and helped get a firm grip over me. "Diana, this is Thomas Pendragon, and he is the youngest son of Lance. For some- unexpected circumstances, he has sent his son to us so that we could raise him," he said with a complicated look and a slouched posture.

"oh? By the look on your face, it seems that there is a very complicated issue around this boy, but I have no issues raising him since Lance was also a friend of mine, don't forget. We have been trying for a baby for years to no avail; it seems that little Thomas here is my little present from God." she said as she peered down at me with a sweet smile.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief. "we should change his last name to something more inconspicuous since the last name Pendragon is a taboo name in the wizarding world." Luke said. I was completely against the idea when I heard the first part of the sentence but calmed down when I heard the second part.

It made sense; I was not yet strong enough to not care about the consequences of others knowing my name. I didn't like the idea but I could not argue, It would be In my best interests to accept it for now until I had the strength to stand on my own.

"I agree, this little one will adopt the name of Knight until he is old enough to make his own choices," Diana said. "take care of him here. I'll warm up some milk for him." luke said as he rubbed my head again with a smile and turned to leave. I was indeed famished since I hadn't had anything to eat in ages. I wasn't really in the mood to eat, but my stomach forced me to compromise. Cursed baby body.

Seeing my scrunched up eyebrows which I thought made me look serious, simply made Diana giggle as she squeezed my cheeks and gave me a cuddle before placing me on her stomach in a comfortable position. The morning passed with Luke delivering the milk and lying back in bed with me in between them as they chatted about trivial things and about how exciting it was to have me in their family. Luke was a bit more reserved since he knew the reason I was here and showed less happiness which didn't escape mine and Diana's eyes. She asked what happened and Luke, who stayed silent for a while finally spilled the beans.

After hearing the story, Diana broke into tears as she gazed at me with pity; she grabbed me and gave me a warm hug in an attempt to what she thought would relieve my pain. It didn't, but It reminded me of my mother's touch, which calmed me down. The day went by with lunch, tv, dinner, movies, and a late afternoon walk in the park before bedtime. The knight's wanted me to sleep with them until I was 1 year old before sleeping in my own little room.

Days passed just like this. Breakfast, Luke would read the papers, and I would peer over and have a look, seeing that there was nothing new like most days, I stopped paying attention; after that I would play with my toys that the Knights bought for me to play with, then there was lunch, talking with Drak about magic and starting my very very basic foundational knowledge on it. Dinner and a daily walk around the block with Diana and Luke before heading off to bed.

Soon I turned 5, and I began my first year in school. I was excited about being able to go somewhere new but being in first grade felt like an insult to my intelligence. thanks to my memory from my past life, I still had my physics knowledge, university-level maths, and so on. I pretty much slept in class, talked to Drak about magic, and only occasionally answered questions when directed to me. The teachers initially brought it up with the Knight's who reprimanded me for being lazy but they all soon shut up when I got 100% on every single test they could throw at me.

That wasn't to say that I didn't do anything, my knowledge of magic expanded by the day. Currently, I was learning about potions since charms, curses, jinxes and transfiguration would come later on. As for muggle knowledge, well I didn't really need to do anything, I could pass directly into Uni and still be called a genius, not that I would want to since muggle Information would not help with anything. For the most part anyway, since I did delve into history to gain knowledge and build up my common sense, outlook on this world as well as practice heavy etiquette thanks to Drak who informed me that even though I was just a child, etiquette was mandatory for the Pendragon family.

So under the tutelage of Drak, I was in my room every day after school practising my etiquette constantly. Even Diana and Luke were surprised and impressed at the dinner table.