Training and September 1st

It was currently the 2nd of march and the day after my birthday. I received my gifts from the knights and It was the usual clothing and so on. I was more of a suit person, to be honest, there was something alluring about a three-piece suit. But it would look very weird on a child so for now, I think I'll resist my temptation. I spent most of my time training doing small spells with my wand under the instruction of Drak. He was able to create a dome of sorts that would stop the ministry from being able to detect the use of magic in the muggle world which made it easier to practice. The whole statute of secrecy in my opinion was a useful thing since it would just be chaotic and messy if muggles found out about magic. Envy and greed are fundamental parts of humans, some are just able to control it better than others. Such an ugly characteristic If I have to be honest. I wouldn't mind having a world where wizards are in charge just like Grindelwald imagined. Sure, he failed, but there will always be someone to come after.

We have all this power at the tip of our fingers and we are still forced to hide. I get that it's for the benefit of both parties but it just makes me feel inferior to a bunch of people without magic. The way I see it, we are evenly matched in terms of military strength. They have far more numbers but we have much higher quality. Though, a war between us would mean an enormous loss of life. "Drak, what would you say if I told you I wanted to make a world in which wizards didn't have to hide anymore?" I asked spontaneously.

[It is a tough question, It would take years, you would have to make difficult decisions constantly, your loved ones will be endangered. That is the immediate cost. It is logistically impossible to do since you will never have enough wizards and witches to govern over the muggles and there will come a time when they will fight back. That is not even mentioning the wizards who would be against you. You will be forced into a dark corner where you will never find happiness, you may rule with an iron fist and you will probably succeed while you live. But what would happen after you die? you would have achieved your goal but you would have accomplished nothing. It is a waste of time and resources better spent doing something else.] he dissuaded.

I stayed silent for a while as I contemplated his answer. He was right, maybe I could control them through fear, but people like Harry would pop up and rise to the occasion. There would always be people who went against me. Not to mention what he said about the logistical problem, it really was impossible. I soon came to the conclusion that going through with such a crazy idea would only end in everyone suffering. Shaking away the weird train of thought I continued with my day.

I went on to practice further with the conjuring of spells, charms and even early transfiguration. It was difficult since it involved a lot more imagination than it did knowledge. Creativity and visualisation of what you want to transfigure was a lot more challenging than I thought. but that didn't stop me and finally after much effort, two days later I was able to change the shape of a brick into a very basic 30 cm tall human-shaped statue. There was barely any detail in it but it was a good start.

This went on for the next 4 months. During this time I read through the books for school and memorised all the knowledge in them. Potions was the most interesting since it had a lot of varying ingredients and one small step can throw you off completely. The defence against the dark arts was lacklustre and had almost no information on spells we need to know. It was all theoretical. History was boring, but I did find some aspects of it useful, such as the history of the first world war and the founding of the school and so on. Herbology was incredibly boring and it took me ages to get through it since I kept falling asleep.

Eventually, the first day of September rolled around and it was finally time to start my wizarding journey. It was early in the morning and as usual Luke was reading the newspaper at the kitchen table, Diana was making breakfast. The only difference was that there was a big owl in the kitchen standing on the backrest of a chair. Diana fed Aria treats as she hummed a lovely tune. That's right, we decided to name it Aria since that was the only name she seemed to like. She was as feisty as always and after much effort, finally warmed up to the Knights.

As I walked in Aria immediately flew towards me before perching herself on my shoulder. Diana looked at me with reproach as if I had just stolen her best friend. Diana seemed to really like Aria and spent most of her time with her. I could only smile stiffly since I could do nothing about it. I sat down and Aria went back to her chair and continued to be fed by Diana who once again had a smile on her face.

"Tom today we will be taking you to Kings Cross Station. Make sure you have everything packed before we leave, you don't want to miss anything." said Luke as he put his paper down. I nodded seriously, I had spent the last hour making sure that everything was in order before coming down to eat. After a hearty breakfast, I made sure to put Aria in her cage before we got ready and then drove to the train station. I hugged them goodbye and walked into the station with a trolley that had my trunk and Aria on it. I soon reached platforms 9 and 10 where I saw the pillar I was supposed to go through. It really did seem idiotic to run through a wall with a trolly.

Shaking away the thoughts I lined myself up and ran towards the wall and closed my eyes. I braced myself for impact but nothing came, only a sensation as if you just got out of the water flooded my senses. I opened my eyes only to be stunned by the scene. It was colourful, cheerful and boisterous all in one. parents and children running around here and there, all dressed in weird clothes. some came in uniform like I did and some were still in their normal clothes. It was just- chaotic. I even saw the Weasley family running around as if they had their ass on fire. They sported their Iconic second-hand clothes. It was like they just put on whatever they could find.

Before I got on the train I saw a boy who seemed to be distraught looking for something. "fuck" I muttered as he came towards me looking as if he was about to ask something. It was the chubby little boy Neville Longbottom. "have you seen a toad anywhere?" he asked looking teary-eyed. I shook my head before thinking of something. I looked at the kid who was about to walk away to keep looking when I thought of something.

"Hey wait! I might be able to help" I said reluctantly. My sympathy got the better of me. I took my wand out silently and looked around to make sure that there was no one looking. "what's the name of your toad?" I asked quickly. "Trevor" he answered looking at me nervously. I nodded, "Viverra toad, Trevor" I whispered as I flicked my wand in a set motion. It was a spell that I tweaked by changing the actions of accio. It was incredibly difficult and it took a long time but with Drak's experience I was finally able to pull it off. It would find the specified individual and pull them towards the user. Naturally it has its limitations, it would only work on things half the size of the caster at maximum.

Soon an ugly looking toad came flying from somewhere and landed on my hand. I was completely disgusted and threw it at Neville who caught it just in time. "thank you so much. My name is Neville Longbottom, whats yours?" he said extending his hand nervously. I looked at it and then at him before smiling and shaking his hand. "My name is Thomas Knight, I'll be going then. Make sure to keep your toad in your hands ok?" I said before patting his shoulder and walking away. Why did I help him? I wondered before shrugging and continuing to walk. I should get extra karma points for that one, I thought with a chuckle.