Sorting ceremony

It was intimidating, to say the least, having hundreds of eyes looking at you like a new addition to the zoo really makes you feel uncomfortable. But Hermione didn't seem to notice, she was too busy talking my ear off about the ceiling and how it was enchanted and this and that.

It was- annoying to say the least, but the girl was just a kid who was excited to be here. So I couldn't really blame her too much and we shared a lot in common so far, so I spared her from my opinion.

I noticed that the Great hall was really a sight to behold though, hundreds of candles suspended in mid-air which lit up the otherwise dark room. The four long tables stretched from one end of the hall to the other, fitting in the kids from the different houses, and, I hate to admit it, the enchanted ceiling really was wonderful and marvellous to look at.

As we neared the other end of the hall, Hermione was still yapping on so I had to tap her on the arm slightly and put a finger over my mouth to signal her to be quiet. She looked indignant but remained quiet when she saw how no one else was talking anymore.

Professor McGonagall soon told us to stand still as she went up a brief flight of stairs and pulled out a 4 legged stool and a hat. She placed the dusty old hat on top of the stool and after a brief delay under the curious eyes of all the first years, the hat came to life. Then it suddenly started to sing that shitty song I paid no attention to.

I looked over to see Hermione listening intently to the song and could only shake my head and wait for it to finish. After It finished I heard thunderous applause coming from the students to which I couldn't comprehend. It was in my opinion a terrible song. Sure It had a fair bit of information in it but apart from that, it's just bad. I thought before the hall went silent again.

Professor McGonagall pulled out a long roll of parchment and said in a loud voice. "when I call out your name, you will come forward, sit on the stool, and I will place the hat on your head. After you have been sorted into a house you may get up and head to the corresponding table." she said before reading out the first name.

"Abbot Hannah"

a little girl with ponytails and a shy expression came forward and sat on the stool. almost 10 seconds later we heard the hat shout out suddenly.

"HUFFLEPUFF" It said loudly.

The table that had the Hufflepuff house cheered before welcoming the girl. Soon more like her came and went, some of them in Ravenclaw, some in Slytherin and some in Gryffindor. Soon the arrogant Malfoy was called up.

He went swaggered up with a grin plastered on his face and didnt even get to sit down for more than 2 seconds before the hat announced its verdict.

"SLYTHERIN" it shouted, not even touching the kids head. I laughed slightly at the sight.

"Hermione Granger"

She looked at me with a nervous smile. "you will be fine, go on" I said encouragingly as I pushed her forwards.

"calm down, it's fine, all is fine, you have it all under control" she mumbled, seemingly trying to convince herself with her words. I was curious to see whether my interference may have caused a shift in the story. In my opinion, Hermione was much better suited for Ravenclaw, it was just meant for her. But, I also understand why the hat chose Gryffindor. The hat sees your traits and takes into consideration which house would push you furthest. And if we take a look at the original story we can see that it was indeed the right choice.

Ravenclaw was too monotonous and cold, they minded their own business and were always in pursuit of knowledge. Something akin to scholars. I soon snapped out of my train of thought as I gazed up at the nerdy girl sitting nervously on the wooden stool. She seemed to be in deep thought. After 2 minutes the Hat announced the results.

"GRYFFINDOR" It shouted to my surprise. It seems that it was meant to be even with the knowledge I gave her that she didnt have in the original story. She looked happy but at the same time not ecstatic it was more of a "she got one of the two she wanted" type of situation. She looked at me with a smile and went towards the table where all the cheering was coming from.

Soon came Ron's turn and what did you expect, the Idiot went straight to Gryffindor with almost no suspense.

"Knight Thomas"

I heard my name being called up and calmly walked up the steps and silently sat on the stool. The hat was placed on my head and I soon heard an old voice in my head.

[hmm, interesting, It has been ages since a Pendragon has visited this school," said the hat with a chuckle. I was instantly alarmed, Legilimency? but I have been working on occlumency for almost three years now. Drak what is going on? I questioned in my head.

[the hat has deep magic that no ordinary wizard can repel. its Legilimency is incredibly strong but you do not need to worry about it spilling your secrets since there has never been a conflict involving a Pendragon's at Hogwarts before. Right you dirty old hat?] said Drak mockingly.