Quidditch match part 1

It was surprising how terrible the grades of the golden duo truly were. The absence of Hermione in their lives basically destroyed any chance they had at getting good grades. They didn't behave, mostly due to Ron and being the only friend Harry had made him go along with his antics. Hermione was the one that kept them stable but since she was gone it all went to shit.

Not that I regret it in any way. Fuck them, it wasn't my intention to split them up, but Hermione proved to be someone who I could get along with incredibly well. I didn't really like her to much in the original due to her constant "I need to study this; you should study that" nagging she did to Ron and Harry.

But later I realised that it was due to Harry and Ron's incompetence that she was forced to teach them what they should have learned in class. This effectively cut her time in half which was why she acted that way. Hermione was in fact quite reasonable… except for the physical abuse, I swear she's a sadist.

But she was quite down to earth and valued meaningful conversation and would not be hesitant to agree with you if what you said proved to be correct. She would try to learn and correct herself so that she doesn't make a mistake in that area again.

She was the type to not be annoying and butt heads with you if she was wrong since she was not prideful to that degree. It was refreshing compared to the kids I must be around all day. She was wiser than her peers which made our conversations that much more interesting.

It was currently early November and the first quidditch match was looming ahead where our dear old protagonist would debut. I remembered that Professor Quirrell would interfere and mess with Potter so I would observe and see if Hermione figures it out by herself or if I would have to do it myself.

I did think about skipping it, but I can't be stuck all day long in the school with no change of scenery. Hermione was against the Idea since she wanted to study but I dragged her along anyway since it would do her some good to experience new things. If we didn't like it, we wouldn't go again it was just that simple.

So, for the next week, we studied our asses off in the library, did our exercises in our private classroom and practised spells against each other. I would implement my memory reading plan soon since Drak said I was just good enough to read the memory without being noticed at the cost of being completely drained. So, I made a mental note to head to the infirmary afterwards just in case anything went wrong.

On the 9th of November, the first match of quidditch would be held, it was naturally Gryffindor against Slytherin. Me and the slightly unhappy Hermione made our way over to the stands and sat down in empty spots nearby. Just when we were getting comfortable, I heard the obnoxious voice of our least favourite Weasley.

"What do we have here? Our nerdy pair deciding to do something that's not study?" asked Ron who feigned shock. I sighed before looking towards Ron. "Shut it Ron, I really don't want to hear your stupid comments this early in the morning, you hear me?" I said before glaring at him. Ron was naturally angry and started to walk towards us when Hagrid appeared out of somewhere.

"Enough you two, yer need to support Harry," he said before pulling Ron away. I simply returned my attention to the field where seven players from both teams floated on their brooms. It was quite the spectacle, there were towers evenly spaced all around the field where people sat, and between the towers were rows of people waving flags from either one of the houses. Naturally, they were almost all on one side and they weren't mixed around which showed the animosity between the two houses.

"Hello, welcome to Hogwarts first quidditch game of the season, today's game, Slytherin vs Gryffindor," said Lee Jordan through some type of tube that projected his voice. He was a black boy with black hair and dreadlocks who was sporting the Gryffindor colours.

As soon as he finished the crowd cheered around us as they continued to wave their flags around. Hagrid being the giant that he was stood towering over the other kids as he watched on. I felt bad for the people behind him, I thought while chuckling.

"What are you laughing at?" Hermione asked curiously as she watched me laugh. I simply nodded in Hagrid's direction which made Hermione look that way before I responded. "I'm taking pity on the poor souls stuck behind Hagrid," I said before another bout of laughter surged.

"You shouldn't laugh at others' misfortunes," she said stoically, but a muffled giggle could be heard from her lips. "You're one to talk! Look at you, giggling like an idiot" I said before laughing again. She scoffed at me before smiling and turning around to watch as Madame Hooch took to the field.

She seemed to be speaking to the players and going off of what she said in the movies she was probably explaining the rules and whatnot. Soon we saw her kick a chest open, and two bludgers came flying out followed by the tiny little golden snitch that flew erratically.

Lee Jordan explained what happened and spoke about how the snitch would be worth 150 points and the seeker who catches it will automatically end the game. We then saw Madame Hooch pick up the quaffle and throw it up into the air.

"The quaffle is released and the games begin!" Lee shouted as the players scurried for the ball. Green and red mixed with each other as both sides swerved to avoid hitting one another. Gryffindor was lucky enough to get the first touch and headed towards the goals. Angelina Johnson made her way forward and carried the ball the entire way and scored the first set of points.

"Angelina Johnson scores, ten points for Gryffindor," voiced Lee through the speakers which made the Gryffindor supporters happy as they began to wave their flags around with even more passion.