MY EQ is low?

We spent the next 30 minutes in the room before deciding that it was enough, I cast the concealment spell again and headed back to the common room before releasing it and going to bed. I still couldn't figure out what Drak meant until I was already in bed.

"I got it!" I yelled which woke up everyone in the room. "Shut up Tom, some of us need to sleep," said Harry who didn't seem the faintest bit sleepy. I only smiled knowingly before lying back down. 'Drak, you don't think that Hermione like's me, do you?' I asked in my head.

[Kid, for someone who has lived two lives, your EQ is suspiciously low,] he said with a laugh.

'Tch what do you expect from me, I died when I was 16, I didn't even live my life, I was a shut-in, girls didn't really take a fancy to me, what do you take me for? A Casanova?' I asked indignantly.

[ahhhh, your right! Why did I expect better from you?] he said, seemingly asking himself this question.

'I don't know whether to take that as an insult or not,' I smiled depreciatingly.

[relax, as for your question I guess you could say it is a budding crush of sorts, after all, you are the smartest and one of the most good-looking male students in your year level so it would be no surprise, plus Hermione hasn't talked much with anyone except you, so I don't find it shocking,] he said.

'I guess you're right, thanks for the compliments… wait! This is the first time in my life you've complimented me!' I screamed in my head. 'This is a big event, I should celebrate!' I teased.

[Tch, kid rein it in ok, I don't want you to have an overinflated ego at such an early age, you're already annoying as it is, there's no need for another Draco running around,] he said with annoyance.

'I mean, you're not completely wrong but I don't think I would get that bad,' I said seriously as I thought about my personality.

'I digress, back to the main topic at hand, Hermione liking me isn't that much of a shock, but we are still kids, I think I'll wait a couple of years before trying anything, after all, we are only 11 and 12-year-old's right now,' I thought.

[correct, plus the girl affects you in a positive way, as for whether you decided to develop and reciprocate these feelings, that will be up to you,] he said flatly.

'Well, I don't have feelings for her yet and it will take time to find out if they appear, but I do agree with you on your first point, she does bring a bit of colour into my life,' I said as a smiled.

[you're a funny kid Tom, make sure to enjoy your remaining calm years, they will be getting hectic soon. The first two maybe even three years will be a walk in the park for us, but starting from the 4th year, things will begin to get complicated. You need to make sure your strong enough,] he said sternly.

'I agree, the first year is just a puppet show produced and directed by Dumbledore, the second year gets out of hand but it's still a joke, I'll practice transfiguring nonliving objects into living ones for the basilisk, a rooster should be enough to kill it without problems. Young Tom Riddle is a conceited little shit so he isn't a problem. As for the 3rd year, it will be incredibly simple, there is a lot to do between the 2nd year holidays and the end 3rd year, our plans will start to take off after that,' I said in contemplation.

[Correct, there is much to do in that time span. Sirious black will be key to continuing with our plan, as for the basilisk it will just serve as a soup ingredient, Tom Riddle will be devoured. Extorting Dumbledore will be a breeze if everything goes according to plan. The only thing left to do until then is make sure that you are strong enough. There is a person you will need to meet if you want to stand in the way of Voldemort,] Drak said mysteriously.

'who am I meeting? And why?' I asked.

[this person you will need to meet is a key factor in giving you the knowledge necessary to stand in the big leagues, but he is powerful and if you're not strong enough we might be killed instead. luckily, he is… let's just say that he's been out of commission for a long time,] he said.

I nodded silently, I had no clue who it would be, but it must be someone incredibly strong for Drak to praise them, as for the 'out of commission' part, it must mean that he is either weakened or can't fight back at full strength which allows Drak to make him an option. Either way It will be worth doing if it increases my strength.

'When would we be setting out to meet this person?' I asked.

[at the end of your 3rd year at Hogwarts, you should be strong enough to unleash almost if not all of my stage two power. If that is the case, that person will no longer pose much of a threat. But you must train harder, when we are in Hawaii especially, the longer you able to hold on when in the trial the stronger you'll be afterwards,]

'Trial? What trial?' I asked quickly, he never said anything about a trial before.

[don't worry about it, there is a trial every dragon wielder must go through to unlock more of the dragon's power, in my case, I set a trial that involves immense pain and mental torture, the longer you last the stronger you'll be afterwards, naturally, there are... consequences to failing] he said vaguely, with a tinge of sadness.

'I swear you're a fucking sadist Drak, what the fuck is wrong with you?' I asked indignantly while glossing over the sadness I heard in his voice. It might have something to do with why my father died.

[shut up, I'm no sadist you snot-nosed kid, if they can't prove that they are strong enough to withstand the intense emotions that comes with my power then they will succumb to it and die a horrible death,]

'What… the… fuck… so I can die if I'm not good enough?' I asked.


'Well luckily for me, I hit the jackpot in this department, let's just hope I can get enough power to make my trip over there worth it,' I thought.

[HA! I want to hear you be this confident when you experience my trial,] he said ominously as his voice turned metallic and grating to the ears. I involuntarily shivered at the sound. 'Creepy old man, who are you trying to fool? you're a sadist through and through' I thought adamantly.