Time flies

The next 30 days or so passed like breeze. We trained incredibly hard since the potion would be active for exactly one month. It was enjoyable to have the entire common room to ourselves except for Ron and Harry who played magical chess. I found it boring to play since it was essentially chess but with moving pieces.

I even played against Ron who was incredibly proud of his skills. It didn't go so well for him though as I completely dominated the entire round. I wonder if Dumbledore would still say the same things about Ron at the end of the year if he witnessed this match. Just thinking about Ron's face at the statement almost makes it worth it.

The new year was nothing incredible, a feast like always, I sent a letter by owl to the knights to congratulate them and wish them well which Hermione did as well. Students flooded back into the school on the 5th of January and school once again resumed. The weeks went by, and it was already the 25th of January and the potion had worn off. During said time though we frequently visited the kitchen and acquainted ourselves with the house-elves.

There was one named Tolly which we enunciated while in our little classroom who brought us food when we trained too hard to move. He was incredibly excited to be of service which Hermione had complicated feelings about. She was changing her viewpoint about them slowly due to my influence, but it would take a while. She was, however, getting more adamant on increasing their rights and treatment in wizarding society.

We had obtained a lot from the potion during the course of its duration. Our level of fitness rose sharply, it was more pronounced in Hermione since she had previously done much less physical exercise, I had gotten taller and stronger which was getting rather obvious due to my clothes. I was lucky however since the clothes were magically imbued and could stretch to fit the wearer. Naturally, it had limitations.

It was good to know that it would last me for the rest of the year before I would need to buy myself new clothes. I didn't even want to mention the clothes I brought, most of them didn't even fit me. I only had one or two pairs of clothes that were bigger than the rest that didn't look like they cut my circulation. Hermione naturally laughed at my misfortune before coming out with a grim face as she suffered from the same problem, albeit a bit less noticeably. I laughed as a way of getting back at her which landed me a kick on the shin. I never win.

February rolled around and the rain was coming strong since late December. There wasn't as much snow but it was quite chilly, or at least that was what Hermione said since I couldn't really feel the cold.

Classes were still boring, but I did pay a bit more attention since the end of year exams were coming up. Even though it was miles away, Hermione was still studying like a wild person. I didn't really do too much; I simply memorised all that was needed. Hermione was much more about theory while I was much more practical. She would do much better when it came to everything books and exams and help me when needed while I was much more inclined to practical stuff like physical exercise and spells and the lot. So it was incredibly convenient to bounce off of each other to help one another.

February 22nd was a good day. Me and Hermione went over to see the quidditch match as a change of scenery from the constant books we looked at all day. She was much more inclined to go this time since she was having a hard time concentrating. It was hilarious, Snape was a referee this time which was a show to behold in and of itself. But there was a brawl, or at least there would be according to the books. I tried to pick a spot that was away from the action but there were no spots and instead, we were thrust right into the middle of the group of troublemakers. During the match one of the Weasley twins managed to hit Snape with a bludger which I think was intentional, either way, the result was the same, total laughter in the stands. Later the brats began to fight, it started with Neville, Ron the hothead, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

The brawl caused chaos all around the place which sadly ended up engulfing us in it. As Crabbe threw a punch towards Neville he slipped and it headed towards Hermione instead. Reacting quickly, I got in the way and caught it in time. I grabbed Crabbe's arm and twisted it behind his back before pushing him down the stairs.

His face hit every step on his way down, almost cartoon-like, it was hilarious. Goyle tried to attack me and ended up suffering the same fate, although he had a softer landing as he ended up landing on top of Crabbe. Draco got punched in the eye by Ron which resulted in it going black. Overall, it was an enjoyable fight.

The teachers intervened quickly but no one suffered major punishments. The match was also short-lived like Neville's consciousness as it ended 5 minutes later due to Harry catching the snitch. It honestly sounded like a game you would play in prison, 'Catch the snitch' I thought with a chuckle. As for Neville, he got knocked out cold by Crabbe and Goyle earlier after he attempted to stand up to Draco.