Hagrid's hut

Why did you do that?" questioned Harry with tightly knit eyebrows as he looked at me.

"Do what?" I asked in response acting innocently.

"Don't give me that Tom! Why did you drop him?" he asked demandingly as his voice rose.

"Oh! You mean doing exactly what you asked me to do, I simple released him, just like you asked. Who are you blaming here Harry? Me who simply did as told, or you, the inconsiderate friend who asked the perpetrator to drop his one and only friend off a fucking bridge like a moron?" I asked mockingly.

Harry seemed to lose his cool and rushed towards me as he swung his fist forward. I couldn't help but sigh, I was seriously asking him this question, granted, the execution was somewhat lacking but still no need to attack me for it. I chuckled in my head.

I saw him coming and simply kicked forward landing my foot on his stomach which not only knocked the wind out of him, but also planted his ass on the ground. Effectively placing him next to the sorry excuse of a wizard that was Ron.

"Now that you're both seated, let's have a chat, shall we?" I said while transfiguring a handkerchief into a chair while using incarcerous on both of them so that they couldn't move.

"So, tell me, what were you two were doing sneaking out so late at night?" I asked calmly. Harry, and Ron who had just come back to himself after the ordeal looked towards me and grimaced.

"Why should we tell you anything?" Ron said defiantly.

"Because I will throw your worthless ass of this fucking bridge without a second thought, that's why," I said calmly. I chuckled inside my head as I saw Ron's face pale considerably. It seemed that it worked since Ron and Harry began to whisper something to each other before looking back at me with a begrudging expression.

"We were on our way to look at the hatching of a dragon egg," said Ron angrily. I pretended to be shocked.

"Hatching Dragon?! Where?" I asked quickly. Ron got even angrier as seemed reluctant to tell me, but Harry nudged him slightly with his tied-up body. I really needed to give Harry a treat after this, he was such a good boy.

"Hagrid, he got a dragon recently, he invited us to watch it hatch and here we are, but now that you've caught us, I assume you'll be ratting us out like the teacher's pet that you are," said Ron confidently with a disgusted look.

*gasp* "I'm offended Mr Weasley, but since I'm such a teacher's pet, I ought to clean up the trash lying around the school in order to please the teachers. I don't think anyone will miss you, and I'll probably even get points for getting rid of incompetent trash like you," I said mockingly as I got up and walked towards Ron.

Ron started begging, as his face got paler, I stopped mid-way and sat back down on my chair again with a grin on my face.

"Anyway, your wrong, opposite to what you stated oh so confidently, I will not be snitching, well, as long as you take me with you that is," I said with an evil smile. Harry and Ron looked at each other and their eyes brightened before looking back at me.

"Deal!" they said in sync, it was hard trying to contain my laugher as I undid the spell binding them. They soon got up and watched as I turned the chair back into a handkerchief before putting it in my expansion bag.

I had already been alerted of Malfoy being close by Drak but acted like I didn't know and continued forward with the duo. We made it down the snake-like stone steps that descended towards Hagrid's Hut. Ron and Harry knocked on the big run-down wooden door which swung open after a little while. Hagrid appeared and gazed down at us before staring at me in puzzlement, he looked at Harry questioningly.

"This is Tom Knight, for certain reasons," he said with a frown, "has decided to join us in observing the egg." Hagrid wasn't exactly the smartest person ever, but by no means was he stupid, but he wasn't exactly very good at picking up facial cues or their meaning. He took the statement at face value and ushered us in before closing the door after I stepped in.

The events inside the hut played out exactly the same way that they did in the movie, Ron mentioned his brother Charlie who was involved with dragons and who would eventually be taking the egg away. He also talked about fluffy and spilled some secrets which only made me chuckled. We spent around 1 hour tops before Hagrid spotted Malfoy peeping in through the window.

As soon as we turned around, we only caught a glimpse before he ducked and ran off. I couldn't help but grin victoriously before quickly hiding it and turning back to face Ron and Harry who looked at me with blaming expressions.

"What are you two staring at?" I asked.

"It's your fault that Draco followed us, he must have seen you," said Ron shamelessly. Well, maybe he didn't know the extent of his shameless words but still, to hell with him. I simply rolled my eyes and got up. My task here was complete, I had no intention of staying here even a moment longer.

"Good night Hagrid, I wish you the best of luck with your dragon," I said with a knowing smile before walking out the door, Ron and Harry caught up to me soon enough. I had no clue if Draco would snitch immediately or wait a week like in the book. I would preferably want him to do so immediately since that would speed things up. Either way was fine since I would be meeting Voldemort anyway.

"Do you think that Draco will tell the teachers?" asked Harry with worry.

"Probably, the kid is a nuisance and loves to annoy the shit out of the both of you so I won't not be surprised if he tells a teacher tonight," I said calmly.

"How can you be so calm? You got us in this mess," said Ron indignantly. His shamelessness blew me away.

"One, you have no proof he was following me. Two, he can't have seen me because I was invisible due to a spell you idiot. And three, he hates you more than he hates me, so he probably saw you and decided to ruin your night," I said with a shrug.

As we walked by the corridors Professor McGonagall walk out of a classroom with Malfoy in tow.

"Good evening gentlemen," said McGonagall as she held a candle. Draco could be seen with a grin on his face which pissed Ron off even further. For once I was more than glad to see Draco's stupid face since this meant the plot could speed up.