And so it commences

Harry and Ron had just made it past our couch when I heard Ron's voice.

"Harry, you're mad, we can't do that!" he argued as he shook Harry's shoulder. Hermione who had heard Ron looked in their direction as well.

"So what Ron!" harry shouted, "Don't you understand? If Snape gets hold of the stone, Voldemort is coming back! Haven't you heard what it was like when he was trying to take over? There won't be any Hogwarts to get expelled from! He'll destroy it, or worse, turn it into a school that teaches the dark arts. Losing points doesn't matter anymore, can't you see this? Do you think he'll give up killing you or your parents if we win the house cup? If I get caught before I can get to the stone, I'll just return to the Dursley's and wait for Voldemort to kill me. I'm going through the Trap door tonight, nothing you do will stop me." He said adamantly.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Harry and Ron paused their argument when they heard the sound of clapping. They looked over towards where me and Hermione were. I stopped clapping since I had grabbed their attention successfully.

"Well, Potter, I must admit, you do have some redeemable qualities after all, and who knew you could actually use your brain, I thought it was only used to amass cobwebs," I said while feigning a surprised expression.

"But I do have to say, you are right on all accounts, this school would be over if Voldemort was allowed to return. And he would most definitely kill muggles and families who sympathise with them," I said turning my head towards Ron.

"As for your 'plan' I doubt you two idiots would be able to get through the Dog, let alone all the other traps, so I'll be coming with you to ensure our golden boy doesn't drop dead on us too soon," I said before standing up. Hermione got up at the same time as me and stood by my side quietly.

"H-How do you know about the dog?" asked Harry with a shocked expression.

"Well, let's just say I was curious about what Dumbledore was telling us to stay away from, it turns out to be a three-headed dog, I wonder how they got it in there… did they shrink it somehow…"

"That's not important Tom!" said Ron with an angry look.

"Right-right, sorry it was a question I'll ask Dumbledore later, you don't have a problem with me joining you, right?" I said with a grin. Ron was about to answer when I cut in, "And don't forget, one word about this and your stuck in here for the rest of the night, I wonder what would happen then?" I said while holding my chin as if I was actually thinking about the consequences.

Ron and Harry's faces paled slightly, and Hermione giggled at their reactions. "Tom that's not nice, we will lose more points if you do that," she said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"F-Fine, you can come with us, but we won't have enough room if we use my father's invisibility cloak," he blurted out before covering his mouth. I didn't really react to it, but Hermione looked at them questioningly. Harry was reluctant but eventually explained the use of his cloak which stunned Hermione for a good couple of seconds.

"That's not a problem, I have my way around it, we will follow behind you. Let's wait until night-time to do so though," I added since we had a better chance of going undetected.

As we were getting ready, I couldn't help but think about the conversation I had earlier this morning.


While everyone was walking out of the DADA exam, and I lagged behind purposefully. A week ago, during our couple of the last lessons in DADA, Quirrell presented himself as a servant of the Dark Lord. His task for me back then was to send a letter to the ministry that there was an urgent need for Dumbledore. Naturally, I was given the task under the premise that I was the adopted son of Lucius who he looked 'fondly upon'. Well, that was what I fed him anyway. I naturally didn't have that connection, but I knew someone who did.

I got Drak to send me the information pertaining to the use of Imperio and after a couple of hours, I was able to pull it off. It would have taken longer if it wasn't for Drak sending me the information.

I used imperio on Draco and made him write a letter to Lucius explaining that Voldemort needed Dumbledore out of the school so that he can be revived, a fake letter from the ministry would do the trick, he emphasised that this was Voldemort's idea. Lest he thinks Draco grew a brain.

Draco explained that he had made contact with the vessel Voldemort was currently residing in, Quirrell, to steal a stone in order to gain a body of his own. He mentioned his chance meeting during his detention in the forest which Draco would have reported to his father for sure, and that Quirrell who was actually Voldemort, recognised him. Naturally, due to the lack of time, he would give him this order now rather than before. he also said that he didn't mention anything in his last letter since he was nervous.

Voldemort said that since Lucius was one of his loyal followers, he should do this and that there was no time to waste. It should be sent exactly a week from the moment this letter is received.

Draco who was under the imperio curse didn't hesitate and sent the owl to his father. And that brought us to the morning before the attempted robbery.

I stayed behind to inform him that it had all been done according to the order.

"I have completed the task, professor,"