
Lovely afternoon isn't it, Harry?" asked Dumbledore as he looked out the window. Harry's originally calm face contorted with worry as he attempted to sit up only to wince in pain.

"Sir! The stone! It was Quirrell, he was the one who attempted to steal the stone! He must have esc—" his voice faded fast as he saw Dumbledore's hand rise up.

'What about me you stupid dumbass! I literally saved you fucking life!' I cursed in my head as I heard his words. 'Ungrateful bastard!'

"Calm yourself Harry my boy, you are… a little behind the times," he said before looking at me from the corner of his eye. I only grinned slightly before pretending to sleep.

"Quirrell does not have to stone." He said slowly and confidently.

"But…" Harry sounded hesitant, as if finding it hard to believe.

"Harry relax, or Madame Pomfrey will kill us all." Said Dumbledore with a chuckle.

I opened my eyes when he said that; it did in fact look like the infirmary. I looked over at the nightstand that was next to my bed only to see a thick book on it. It was puzzling but upon turning my head to see Harry's I couldn't help but frown, his was covered in sweets. It seems being an inept idiot earned more brownie points from the masses. It really was the upside-down, only here in a magical high school would others look down on you for being smart.

"Tokens of your friends and admirers," said Dumbledore with a smile. I almost choked at his words. Who in their right mind would admire him? He did jack shit the entire time. The only he did was taste Quirrell's shoelaces. The injustice.

"What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is not a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows. I believe your friends Mister Fred and George Weasley were responsible for sending you a toilet seat. No doubt they thought it would amuse you." He said with a warm smile.

'Something caught my attention, the lack of items on my nightstand, completely ignoring my existence can only mean that I wasn't mentioned. Sure, it was my goal, but I exhausted myself and couldn't talk to Dumbledore before I fainted' I thought seriously.

[yeah… about that. That was my doing. As soon as you fell asleep Dumbledore arrived, I quickly took over your body and explained the situation to him and exclude you from the news as a form of repayment for saving the boy's life. He readily agreed. Luckily, we have the stone, or we would be screwed on how to extort the old man. He actually traded saving Harry for excluding you from a rumour,] said Drak angrily.

Upon hearing that I couldn't help but nod in admiration. Dumbledore sure knew how to turn the situation in his favour. 'Wait!' I thought before touching my pocket only to feel the stone in it, tightly hidden in my robes.

Thinking about Dumbledore's scheming nature there is no way he would just let me have it, 'there's no way he actually left me a way out?! Nah! He can't be a good person; I refuse to believe it!' I thought adamantly. 'There must be a catch.'

"How long have I been in here?" Harry asked awaking me from my internal argument.

"Three days. Mr Ronald Weasley will be most relieved you have come round; he has been extremely worried.

"But professor, if he doesn't have the stone…" he stopped.

"Insistent on that matter aren't you, Harry?" asked Dumbledore with an amused expression.

"Ok, well, the stone. Professor Quirrell didn't manage to take it; I thank you and Mr Knight for that. You did extremely well on your own, I must say."

Harry who seemed to have realised something turned towards me with a surprised expression. But it didn't last long before he got downcast.

"I was useless," he said.

"Yes! Exactly!" I yelled sitting up quickly before realising what I said. I didn't mean to actually say it out loud dammit. I looked at Harry's reproachful gaze and could only smile apologetically.

"Are you ok?" he asked begrudgingly. It seemed that whatever good intentions about me he had, died off again with what I said.

"Exhaustion of magic, torn muscles, but he is good as new, as you can see," Dumbledore said happily before I could answer.

"I see, so you got Hermione's message then?" Harry asked.

"I arrived at Hogwarts in time when Miss Granger came looking for me."

"Sir?" said Harry. "I've been thinking… even if the stone is gone, Vol-, I mean, you-know-who--"

"Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increase fear of the thing itself." He spoke.

"I think you are mistaken Professor," I interjected as I sat up on the bed.

"How so young man?" asked dumbledore with intrigue.

"I don't say his name not out of fear but because it's plain idiocy to do so. After all, the taboo curse has been placed on that part of his name. I would think that a great wizard like yourself would know this. And if you do, then why advertise his name to everyone you meet? It tracks the person who says it, very useful for let's say… kill a certain someone?" I said looking at Harry.

"He hasn't stopped saying it all year, if he was alone in the world and you-know-who was alive and well, Poor old Harry would be chased around like a dog," I spoke. Naturally, I was talking about the time he said the name in the forest and was subsequently chased and caught before being sent to the Malfoy mansion. Dumbledore's recklessness never ceases to amaze me.