Back in London

As we walked through the corridors, I was almost reluctant to leave. I would miss this place. And the funny thing was, I didn't know why. But I accepted it and moved on. We went past the courtyard and down the winding steps from which we ascended when we first arrived a year ago. Hagrid was already waiting there for us.

We didn't take long to get in the boats. Seamus, Dean Hermione and I sat in the boat. The lads decided to join since there were two spots left. And I quickly chose them over the dumb duo that was making their way over.

The boats soon began to move along, and I couldn't help but lean my head out the side of the boat only to see a Kraken looking beast looming underneath. I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly scared. It was massive. I always had massive respect for the ocean and its creatures. This one was no exception and I quietly sat on the boat itching to get off. Even if I knew that it wasn't going to do anything and that it would even help me if I fell in, it was still an unreasonable fear I had.

It didn't take long for us to reach the other end and I was the first one to touch land. It really was like the saying said. Ignorance is bliss. Thankfully it was a one-year thing since we would be taking the carriages from next year onwards.

We soon arrived at the train station at Hogsmeade where the iconic red and black steam train waited quietly for the students to get on. I saw Harry receiving a book which I knew had pictures of his parents. A good thing to have. Me and Hermione parted ways with Seamus and Dean since they went to find their other friends. I followed behind Hermione as she found an empty compartment for the both of us. Once inside we locked the door so that there would be no interruptions and got comfortable. It would be a several hour-long train ride back to London so there was plenty of time to chat.

Unlike how we met though, Hermione sat next to me comfortably as she read her book happily. I smiled slightly and leaned my chin on my hand which was resting on the window ledge. I looked at the students pass by as they hurried to find their places. It wasn't long before the train departed, and I took one last look at Hogwarts in the distance. It would be around half a year before I would return to this place.

It was going to get very busy from now on. There was a lot to do in the coming years. It was constant busyness. Going to America, getting the key without being caught, coming back, dealing with the issue at Hogwarts, devouring the Horcrux successfully without repercussions. And then there was the vault to get into. Those were just the most immediate things. There was still a ton to do. The plan was set in motion the moment my foot landed in Hawaii. And I was looking forward to it.

I talked to Hermione as much as I could since I wouldn't be seeing the nerdy girl for a long time. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that I would miss her. I would not be able to send letters to her since sending letters by owl was impossible. I would be out of contact with her the moment I set off to Hawaii. So, I made sure to spend time with her as I did over the past week.

But it was short-lived as she fell asleep not long after. Her head rested on my shoulder and she quietly slept. I only sighed and looked out the window and admired the steep mountains, the waterfalls and the wildlife that could be briefly seen before vanishing off to the side. The train continued forward until we arrived back in London.

I looked at the still sleeping Hermione and gently woke her up. She looked around in confusion and then at me. There was silence before she realised what happened. I looked at her calmly as she blushed slightly before fixing her messy untamable hair.

"We have arrived, get yourself ready, we'll be getting off soon," I told her. She nodded silently and looked out the window and saw the busy street before it was covered by brick and then a colourful train station came into view.

Before the train had even stopped Hermione and I had already packed up and stood right outside the door. That way we could avoid the crush from the students swarming out. The door's slid open and we hopped out, took our luggage quickly and stood to the side. It was just in time, as the students rushed out like a plague of locusts.

We went through the wall and appeared back in the muggle world. It had been so long since I had come back. And the first thing I saw was black and white, there were no vibrant colours, none of the usually cheerful and vibrant life that could be seen daily in the magical world.

"You noticed it too, right Tom?" asked Hermione with a helpless smile. I nodded. The muggle world really was… bland and boring.

"That is the appeal of the magical world," she said, "That is why wizards are so clueless about the outside. The few that have ventured out for long periods of time only did so once. It is too colourless, boring and plain. I feel detached from this place, even when I lived here all my life," she said with a complicated expression.

I understood her perfectly, I almost wanted to return right this moment. It was simply a contrast of night and day. We shook our heads and walked side by side as we head out. We had told our parents when we would be arriving, and it didn't take long for me to spot Luke who was leaning against his Mercedes Benz in a long coat. His trimmed beard and black hair with framed glasses made him look smart and handsome.

Hermione's parents weren't far away, and when all three of them saw us they walked towards us. We soon became a party of five.