
The plane ride was terrible. I really thought I had been missing something, but it seemed that I had actually been doing myself a favour. The overly tight seatbelts that dug into your hips, the tasteless bag of peanuts that were half-crushed in the pocket seat in front of me, the cheap blankets that didn't do anything to keep you warm, even if I didn't need it was still appalling. the sound of poorly behaved children and parents lecturing them to no avail, the fucker who was constantly kicking my seat from behind, the gnawing irritation of constantly having to hear a screaming child in the row behind me, an old couple grumbling about the noise, the bored teen sitting in the row across from me listening to overly loud music in an attempt to drown out the increasing boredom visible on his face.

Let's just say that it left much to be desired. Such a letdown. By the time the captain said something, it had already been eight and a half hours later.

"Hello everyone, we will be descending shortly, you may experience a bit of turbulence, but I assure you, that is normal, please, fasten your seatbelts and await instructions from the cabin crew, I thank you for flying with us," he said before the PA system cut off. I sighed in relief; it had been a terrible time. I had barely any sleep and my nerves were already worn out by the continuous kicking of the seat and children crying. But what really made me depressed what that there was still another flight to take.

We would stop in Los Angeles before taking another six-hour flight to Honolulu. That was where my training would commence. The active volcano Kīlauea was where Drak's trial would be held. He said that it wasn't necessary to go there specifically, but that it would provide the most benefit in one shot.

As the plane descended, I felt slight weightlessness spread across my body, it was a pleasant experience that lasted a while. I could see the city from the window to my left, it was a marvellous sight to behold, tons of skyscrapers and hundreds of houses spread all over the place. As we went lower and lower, I was able to make out the Hollywood sign that stood proudly.

It didn't take long for the wheels on the plane to land and a terrible shaking began to travel across the entire plane before slowly easing and eventually coming to a stop after the plane taxied its way over to the gate where we would be disembarking from.

It wasn't until five minutes later when the cabin crew flooded into the isles to make sure everything was alright before helping people with their stuff. It took 10 minutes to get off the bloody plane due to the unorderly and pushy nature of some people who tried to cut in front in order to save some time. After arriving at Los Angeles's airport I found it to be… the same. Nothing majorly different from the England one. The only major difference was maybe the number of fast-food places littered everywhere. It wasn't for nothing that America had one of the highest rates of obesity in the world.

As we passed through customs we were once again intercepted by a man in a business suit.

"Please follow me," he said courteously but sounded more like an order rather than a request. I simply shrugged and followed after him with Luke and Diana in tow.

We soon arrived at a similar plain room that looked like a place where interrogations were held.

"Please sit down, I will be inspecting your belongings for any illegal magical artifacts or objects," he said monotonously before pulling out a tray. I placed my wand and bracelet on the tray and waited silently.

The man gave me the same look as the guy from England. I explained the misunderstanding and the man proceeded to check everything.

"All clear, you can take your stuff back, may I ask what the purpose of your visit is?" he asked.

"Vacation with my parents and I will be transferring to Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry," I explained patiently. The man looked surprised before looking at Luke and Diana.

"a magical wizard born of no-Maj parents, interesting, well, I hope you enjoy your stay," he said dismissively before leading us back to the main airport. he seemed to have glossed over the details since it clearly state I was adopted but who cares.

After parting with the man, we ate something to fill our empty stomachs after the long flight and headed towards the hotel near the airport we had booked at a tourist store a couple of minutes ago. The major difference I noticed right away on the road was the way they drove. The steering wheel was on the left rather than on the right, and the roads were reversed.

Since Luke wasn't confident in driving here, we took a taxi and made our way slowly towards the hotel. Upon arrival, we paid for the taxi and headed into the hotel where a staff member rushed forward to help us with our stuff. Luke and Diana were about to agree when I shook my head.

"Everything cost's money here, it's not like England where people get paid a decent wage, no, here they are paid less than proper and survive off the tips customers give. I suggest we carry our own luggage." I explained. Luke and Diana were shocked by the difference and felt pity for the people who worked here. The man who was rushing over here to help us heard what I said and became indignant while glaring at me.

I simply smiled back before walking past him as if he didn't exist. Money didn't grow on tree's, he had no one to blame but his shit government for the way they run things. America left much to be desired when it came to the quality of life. Their health care system was absolute trash, the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, it was simply a mess. Even in my past life, America was simply a shit hole advertised as the promised land full of opportunity only to kick you right back out the door when it had no room for you.

Places like Australia, Switzerland and so on were the real places of comfort and a place I would trade America for in a blink of an eye. As I thought about this, we reached the reception and checked in before heading to our room where we changed clothes and decided to look around. We only had one day to spare since we would be departing for Hawaii tomorrow morning.

An: this is the MC opinion. it is understandable if it conflicts with your's. that is ok.