Sword on the Throne

I closed the door on my way out as I exited Luke and Diana's room. I no longer had any reservations about the trial. It must be done so that our plan can proceed. The trial involved a magical circle, so that is what I'll be focusing on from now on. It involves a couple of charms.

One of them involves a teleportation charm. An extremely rare and difficult charm to acquire. Drak had learned it many years ago and used it for this trial. Sadly, it wasn't a long-distance charm, or I could have used that instead of a portkey. But it was what it was.

Next, there was a linking charm, one that used the magic of the user to set up a pathway between two places. Drak explained that since he was fused within me since birth, my magic has taken some of his characteristics. This wouldn't happen normally which meant that the others would have to simply let Drak infuse his magic into it.

It wasn't that big of a difference since it didn't take much time either way, but it was interesting to know that the time period in which Drak is placed, affects people differently. It seems that a lot of benefits were associated with growing up with one inside of you.

I pulled out my wand and began to inscribe the charms into the floor. It was a very archaic and dated method of doing charms but brought a much greater stability to the overall magic circle. Something similar to this was the engraving of the expansion charm rather than just casting it into an object.

The circle would also turn invisible when it was not active, that was useful since the cleaners at the hotel would come in regularly. It took about 5 hours to complete. The beginning stages were rough since I was assimilating knowledge as I inscribed, and it failed a couple of times. When I finally got over the initial hurdle, the immense concentration began to take a toll on my mind and body. Right at the very end, beads of sweat dripped on the floor like a leaking tap. The last touches were being set when a muffled rumble could be felt under my feat.

The magic circle lit up in various different colours as they followed the outlines and finally, a portal opened, through which I could see a dark cave with stone pillars. A massive amount of heat could be felt seeping through the portal. The smell of ash wafted in uninvited, forcing me to cover my mouth and nose.

I waved my wand, "odor sectum!" The ashy smell that was everywhere instantly disappeared as a small membrane covered my nose and mouth. One of the many spells in the library at Hogwarts.

As I looked in, I heard Drak's voice, [go in, the portal won't hold on for long. Unless you feel like walking back.]

I nodded and walked in through the purple portal that looked like a whirlpool. As soon as I stretched my hand out, it was like I was being sucked in by some force. I didn't resist and was soon engulfed before feeling weightless. It didn't last long before I felt a blast of heat smash into my face. Naturally, this would be lethal heat for any normal person since I was actually at the bottom of an active volcano.

There seemed to be a room surrounded by lava and covered with incredibly detailed and confusing engravings. I could only assume they were there for multiple purposes, some of them being concealment from unwanted attention, heat absorption and others.

As I looked around at the dilapidated room full of cracks and broken pillars, I noticed a throne. On the throne, there was a sword. If it wasn't for the sword being in a place where it was eye catching, I wouldn't have noticed it. It was pure black in colour; odd red rings could be seen slightly glowing along the blade.

As I walked over and attempted to reach out Drak immediately stopped me.

[Never touch that sword, it has killed several reckless people with a mere touch. All of them were the same as you, they attempted to touch the sword only to die.] he said in a grave voice.

"Why, what's its history?" I asked with puzzlement. I felt a yearning for the sword. Like I needed to touch it.

[I know what you're feeling. This sword… was the evil part of me that my father had sealed in order for me to live peacefully amongst others. It was an intense ritual, and this carved out a big chunk of my power. Even though I was still the second strongest after my father, when I was whole, I could rival him. It is only due to my unwillingness to be consumed by my own darkness that allowed him to separate me in two.

It has been sealed in here ever since I found him. It was killing everything that touched him as he tried to find a worthy wielder. But no one has been able to withstand his power. Never, I repeat, NEVER! Touch this sword for it will be the end of us both.] he said with an amount of seriousness and graveness I had never heard from him before.

{What a party killer, my boring and depressing other half. Why must you ruin things for everyone! I just want to be free. You might like being locked up inside of others, but I don't, I've been stuck in this fucking sword for several millennia, and no one has enough strength to wield me before falling flat on their faces!} Yelled a voice incredibly similar to Drak's.

[Hmph! Maybe if you didn't suck them dry of all their magical essence, you could have gotten out of here centuries ago.] said Drak in annoyance.

{HA! You know just as well as me that it doesn't work like that! Who are you trying to fool? The boy? Ha! The boy does seem promising, maybe more so than that other guy. Hmm, no… he will die if he attempts it now. You need to get stronger,} he said calmly.

[Hm? Why are you in such a good mood? You're never like this,] said Drak with heavy traces of astonishment and surprise in his voice.

{like I said before, I'm sick of being stuck here looking at the same stone walls over and over again. Plus, the boy seems very promising,} he said.