Painting the shed

I walked out of the Microsoft offices an hour later. It really was tiring, and my throat was sore from all that talking. It was the most I had done in a long time.

[was it wise to tell them about their future products?] asked Drak.

"I don't see why not. it brought me an edge and made me sound mysterious. I had the advantage in that conversation the entire time. Not telling them would have forced me to waste more time convincing him. I could have simply used Imperio but I would have had to explain some things anyway. At least the outcome was the one we wanted.

I'll have to spend the next two weeks or so here, giving them all my knowledge of their software. Such a headache. I'm already dreading it." I said with a slight laugh.

I got the reception to call me a cab. So, I simply stood there for a while before one drove towards me. I hopped in and told the driver to take me to the best hotel in Seattle. But I quickly noticed a problem. The driver was giving me odd stares through the mirror.

'This isn't going to end well, will it? I thought to myself.

I felt uncomfortable the entire ride. I simply wanted to get out, and soon my suspicions proved true. The man pulled into a secluded area that was run down. Obviously, not the hotel I had asked for.

'don't tell me he's a child rapist?' I thought as a shiver went down my spine. The man suddenly smiled insidiously as he got out and walked to the trunk of the car. I turned around to see him pull out some chains and bolt cutters.

He then opened up my door and dragged me out.

"Sorry kid, today isn't your lucky day." He said with a malicious grin.

'Y-You're not going to rape me, are you?" I said, faking a shaky voice and a scared face. The man froze at my words and looked at me oddly.

"No, I'm not that fucked up." He said, evidently offended.

He continued to drag me behind him until we arrived at an abandoned shed. Inside, a strong smell of damp and dust permeated the place. Decay, rust, and the odd clanging of loose chains were heard.

as he tied me up to a post in the far corner, he turned around and walked to the car again and pulled out a long knife and some other… kitchen utensils? He then walked back and placed them on a rusted metal table full of garbage that was opposite me.

"Right, because cutting kids into bite-sized chunks is much better," I said sarcastically with a mocking smile. He was stunned at my response and put down the knife he had just picked up.

"Are you bi-polar kid?" he asked as he looked at me oddly.

"No… why?" I asked.

"Why are you so strange then? One second you're scared, the next your calm. Are you pretending to be brave? Ohhhhh. Yeah, you are, aren't you?" he said in realisation and the sadistic smile surfaced on his face again. I sighed and shook my head.

"Anyway, where are you going to start? Toes, fingers, tongue maybe?" I asked calmly. The man began to laugh when he heard my words.

"What a weirdo. Maybe you have a preference?" He said with a smile.

"Right… I'm the weird one here. And you didn't answer my question." I spoke, ignoring his question. The rattling of the chains continued to echo through the room. the man's fat belly giggled as he stood.

"I'll start with your tongue, then your fingers, then your toes. Happy?"

"Damn, I was right. You're so boring. Be more original." I said while shaking my head.

"What-" he couldn't get the words out of his mouth as the sound of chains snapping could be heard. His mouth was agape as he stared at me.

I swung my free arm that still had a chain around it, bursting forward and wrapping around the fat man's thick greasy neck. I then sped forward; my other hand clenched into a fist with a chain wrapped around it. I landed a powerful haymaker that send him flying. I didn't want to kill him yet, so I limited my strength. He was only knocked out.

I stood next to him with disappointment. "Tch-tch-tch." I shook my head before unwrapping the chains around my arm. I then swung it around a beam that was on the roof and tugged. The fat man was soon dangling like a pinata. I made sure to transfigure the knife into a chair so that the fucker didn't hang. I then got a piece of scrap metal and turned it into a bucket I filled up with water.


The water hit the mans face rousing him from his sleep. He looked around before realising what was happening. He began to panic as he attempted to seep his fingers between the chains and his neck. But his sausage-like fingers were too fat so he failed.

"Don't bother chubby. It isn't going to work." I said with a mocking grin.

"L-let me go, please. I won't harm you again," he said.

"PFFFT! Bruh, who is the one hanging from the ceiling? So, moving on. I have a little present for you. Achlys, you can have your fun with him for a while. I'll go take a nap." I said before transfiguring my sunglasses into a mattress I then proceeded to lay on.

{HEHEHEHEH, with pleasure.} said Achlys before a wave of dark magic seeped out of my earing and rushed towards the fat guy.

I could hear his melodic screams as he was psychologically tortured by Achlys. I made sure to use the silencio spell on him so that no one would hear. I also used the muggle repellent spell I had recently learned from Drak while on the plane.


When I woke up, 2 hours had gone by. I hopped off the bed and looked up to see the fat guy staring absentmindedly at the wall while drooling.

"Did he break or something?" I asked as I poked the man's belly.

{Yeah… he might have snapped.} said Achlys awkwardly.

"Damn, you're a crazy mother fucker Achlys, you know that. Glad I got Drak, who knows what would happen if I was stuck with you alone." I said with small traces of fear.

[wise words.] Drak chimed in.

{I.AM. INOCCENT!} Achlys announced word by word.

"Sure you are. Anyway, I think this place needs a paint job. This is beyond gruesome, but I need to toughen up. This world is ugly, I can't be a bitch, or I'll be stepped on." I said before pointing my finger at the fat man.

"Bombarda Maxima." The man blew up instantly, I placed a protego spell in front of me to block the debris. Pieces of flesh and blood were everywhere.

We can let the police waste their time with this," I laughed before erasing all my magical and non-magical traces.

[Why must you be so brutal?] asked Drak seriously.

"Because he tried to kill me. I'm only giving back what he deserves. After all, if I was powerless, it would be me all over the floor, not him. Those that have treated me with kindness, I will repay that kindness tenfold - And those that treat me with injustice, that hurt me, that hunt me down, that hurt my friends... I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over. That is something I have sworn to live by."