Humpty Dumpty

I tried to compose myself to the best of my ability and stood back up.

"How can they domesticate Dragons?" I asked sceptically.

"They're a recently discovered breed of water dragons. They are much smaller than the likes of the horntail for example. But the house-elves seem to have an affinity towards them that allows for domestication. So, the school decided to employ a couple and drive several carriages full of students to the school. They provide excellent protection."

I understood. After all, there were many unknowns in this world. Maybe there was an ancient link between house-elves and these dragons. either way, it was a pleasant shock.

[stop calling them dragons! it's insulting!] Drak bellowed. I ignored him and picked my ear with my pinkie.

"Thank you for your valuable advice. Here is the money." I said and gave him a small pouch with 50 galleons. I had swapped out 10 thousand American dollars for 5 thousand galleons. The conversion was different here from what it was in England. Here, you got more bang for your buck. It seems my choice of investing in American companies was the right one.

"Thank you for your purchase." He said with a smile. I really didn't care if he did rip me off, he gave me a lot of information that would be useful and save me from pulling stupid faces and making a fool out of myself.

I exited the shop but was interrupted by the screams of a man.

"There! There he is, get him for me!" yelled a fat man. It was Humpty, the same fat man I had run into when I first arrived. And he seems to have brought the rest of the egg carton with him. 6 other men with wands and stupid grins on their faces came running at me. I sighed at my terrible luck. Not only did I run into a stone wall, but I bumped into this fat bastard that was now ruining my day.

"Kid, I told you not to mess with me." Said the fat man as he walked forward. I was surrounded, but I simply stood there with my hands in my pocket and Alfred by my side. I almost forgot he was there since he was silent the entire time.

"How can I help you Humpty?" I asked casually as I observed the six men. Two of them were obese, 3 of them were too skinny and the last one had some potential. By the way he was standing he knew how to duel and fight hand to hand.

"Again, with that name you punk. You think your tough with your tattoos and shit?" he asked.

"Listen chubs, I don't want any bloodshed. You all looked like respectable men. I'm sure we can settle this like gentlemen, right?" I asked calmly.

"Maybe if it was back then, but now, I'll teach you not to mess with the Porter family." He said with a grin.

"you're really wasting my time fatty. I really don't want to fight any of you, and I don't give a rat's ass about who your fucking family is, but let me warn you, if you continue down this path, I'll send your head back to your family in a neatly wrapped package. So, I would weigh my options carefully." I said with a hint of killing intent. I was getting the itch to fight again. It had been so long since I last did.

As I said that, there was some gasps in the audience that had converged on our locations due to all the ruckus humpty was making with his shouts.

"Did you hear what he said, he's willing to offend the Porter family? He's so dead." Said a man.

"I agree, the boy clearly looks like he isn't from around here. Just look at his tattoos and what he's wearing." Said another. I simply scoffed and glared at them momentarily which made them flinch.

"Alright humpty, times up, what's the verdict. Life or death?" I said in a monotonous voice.

"Beat him to a pulp. And do it quickly. the aurors will be coming this way in a while." Said the fat man with a vicious grin.

"*Sigh* so you have chosen death. Ok, so be it." I said with a shrug and cracked my neck. Before anyone moved flashes of light covered my vision and everything turned black and white. I left my body and gained a birds eye view of everything. Six of them surrounded me, 2 of them ran forward 3 of them stood back and pulled out their wands and the 6th ran behind the first two hiding his figure. He was going for an attack while I was distracted. Smart play. The 3 who stood behind shot out spells. One of them was petrificus totalus, another used incarcerous and the final one used expelliarmus on me even though I didn't have a wand. I really worried for his mental health. As soon as I saw all that my vision blurred, and I had returned to my body. The world regained its colour.

"So that's what the future sight ability did. Fascinating." I mumbled as I stared at my hands completely not paying attention to the six men who were already moving. The first fat man swung his fist at me, but I just leaned back barely dodging. I then pushed his elbow which made his overswing. This caused him to hit his friend.

I then saw the 3rd man who was hiding behind the two and grinned.

"Trying to draw my attention and attack while I was distracted. Nice try. Now dance for me monkey." I said with a wide grin and shot my leg out towards him at inhumane speed. The man was both shocked that I had guess his plan and incensed at being called monkey.

He twisted his body at an odd angle and managed to dodge my kick. "Wow, I underestimated you. If I'm not mistaken, you must be his retainer or bodyguard, right?" I asked while pointing at humpty casually. The man's face was red with anger at my complete disregard for his attacks.

"Here, let me introduce you, this is my bodyguard." I said with an excited grin. "Alfred, break their legs. Starting with this angry little fellow." I said before walking away. The man lost his temper and rushed at me blindly. I grin as I observed that from over my shoulder. Before his fist was able to make contact with me, he was sent smashing into the wall where he remained. Like a magnet on a fridge.

Everyone was shocked and turned to the old man who was always silently standing behind me. Alfred lowered his leg that was still in the air from his kick and looking at the man firmly lodged into the wall with disdain.

"Tch, weakling." He said before looking at the three that had just shot out 3 spells at me. I simply stood there. "Alfred go deal with those two tubs of fat. Let me handle these three." I said, my hands still in my pockets.

"As you wish young master." Alfred nodded and walked towards the two fat men who were getting up. As I looked at the three incoming attacks I smiled and stretching out one of my hands.