A nice chat

An: just stepped on a 4-centimetre shard of glass. now my stupid ass can't walk.

"I would love some, thank you," I nodded and took the cup of tea with a smile. I sat down comfortably on the chair opposite her and took a sip before placing the cup on my side of the desk.

"So, what would the headmistress want with me?" I asked calmly. I already had some idea. I just didn't expect that they would come looking for me instead of the other way around. Seems they take this whole competition very seriously.

All the better I say. The more they want the win, the more they'll pay to attain it. The crazed laughter of a certain clown kept ringing in my ears as the same quote echoed in my head, 'if your good at something, never do it for free!'.

"You don't have to be so formal; Violet is fine. Violet feathermore. How is Dumbledore?" she asked, not answering my question. I smiled slightly; I didn't mind talking to her for a bit since I had nothing better to do. And assessing her character wouldn't be a bad thing either.

"He's as scheming as ever. He's busy doing what he does best. Being irresponsible." I said casually. Violet's reaction however was a different matter. She almost had to spit out her mouth full of tea at my remarks as she stared at me with shock.

Calming herself down she spoke, "you don't get along with him?" she asked.

"Nah, nothing of the sort. Well… at least I don't have a problem with him. He probably does after I extorted and blackmailed him for some minor things." I said with a chuckle. Good times.

Violet raised an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly. She looked as if she found a hot bit of gossip and wanted to know more. "We had a problem during the school year. I naturally helped him fix it and save a life. There was also some other stuff. He's probably not happy with me. But! What can you do." I said with a shrug.

Violet didn't seem to be content with the explanation, but I was not going to tell her more. I don't know how well the two countries get along. But basing it off canon events, I take it not too well. Rivalry I suppose. Or greed. Who knows? But telling her secrets about what goes on at Hogwarts is not the wisest thing I can do currently.

Seeing my silence, she seemed to let go of the topic and she began to smile slightly, "I watched your performance at the stairs earlier today. I must say, you are immensely talented. I was also surprised that you chose the thunderbird house when the wampus house was an option."

I smiled slightly while placing my cup down on the desk again, "Well, I had some… enlightenment and decided to go for a new option." I withheld the part about the statues talking to me since I didn't know what reaction they would have to it. rather safe than sorry. I don't need to be hassled for details and shit like that.

"I see, well, that is of no consequence, I have brought you here because of your outstanding performance earlier today. I don't know if you are familiar with the tournament that is held every decade?" she questioned.

I nodded, "I was made aware of such a thing a few days ago. I find it most fascinating. It reminds me of the Tri-wizard tournament that Hogwarts used to hold." I said with hints of excitement. I loved tournaments that involved magic.

Violet seemed to be a little more excited but controlled her expressions and actions very well. The only reason I knew she was excited was because of the magical energy in the air, I felt it swirl slightly for a moment. I had only come to realise post rebirth after the trial when my sensitivity towards magical energy was heightened that magical energy reacts based on emotions and such. Although it was minuscule and almost untraceable, for me, it was as clear as day.

"That is good, it saves me the time of rehashing the same content. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. You were able to freeze the entire student body within seconds. You were meticulous and thorough in your approach and had the foresight to set up measures against those who managed to get through your first set of obstacles.

This is something that I would like to have in my team when facing Mahoutokoro. I believe that you would be a great addition that will boost our chances." She explained with a smile. I nodded, it wasn't that surprising, after all, I did show off for this very purpose. Although I didn't know if it would come back to bite me, I was almost certain that they would overlook it for the purpose of using me for their tournament.

"I would be happy to join…" I paused, but Violet mistook that for my final answer.

"That's great then-"

But I cut her off, "but I won't be doing it for free." I finished with a merchant's grin. Violet squinted her eyes as she stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"It is only right. I wonder what Mr Knight has in mind?" she asked with a smile. but there was a clear trace of warning in her tone. Telling me to not go overboard. I naturally knew my limits, but I wouldn't be humble about it either.

"I was wondering if you know the location of a key, given to a previous headmaster of this school by my great grandfather," I explained. I wondered if I should be more careful about how I asked about the key. But there should be nobody who knows about the pendragons.

Violet's eyes constricted slightly as she stared at me. It only lasted a split second, but I was able to instantly see it. I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"So, you do know what I'm talking about. That's good. It saves me the trouble. That is my condition, the key, for a landslide victory." I said confidently.