Opera in the morning... Really?!

As I gazed back up at the map, I finally felt like a big part of me had been unearthed. As if it had been silently waiting to be rediscovered. I would make sure to indulge in this side of me in the future. But for now, I needed to focus back on my more pressing matters. I still had a lot to do in these next couple of years and I didn't have time to travel.

So, having put myself back in check, I said goodnight to Percival and his crew and went upstairs to the third floor where the second years slept. Just like Hogwarts, the floor was separated into the girls' section and the boys' section.

There was a small lounge in the middle and corridors that lead to the men's and woman's bathrooms/showers. There was another corridor that lead to the sleeping quarters which I headed to after a quick shower.

It was a big circular room, there were ten beds and a stove in the middle to heat up the room on cold days. And although I didn't feel cold, it still felt uncomfortable to sleep on cold sheets. So, I lit the stove quickly and swiftly headed to bed for a good rest.

The night passed without me noticing the arrival of the rest. When I woke up, the sound of opera blasted into my ears. I jumped at the sound since it was too sudden. I looked for the source and saw a kid combing his hair as he looked out the window. I grimaced at the sight.

I got out of bed walked over and pushed him half out the window. His half neat hair was thrown into disarray. I then kicked the device that was playing that horrendous shit several times to shut it up completely.

"The first thing you play in the morning is this horrible trash! Are you trying to make our ears bleed!" I yelled in his ear. The kid who was half out the window was panicking.

"My hair! You're messing up my hair! It took me a whole ten minutes to get the first half just right. Look what you've done!" He yelled angrily.

I was momentarily stunned before grinning slightly, "You must have a death wish?" I asked as I let him slip out the window.

"AHHHHHH!" he yelled and closed his eyes. I sat down at the edge of the bed and continued to hear him scream.

"Oh? A new tune?" asked Percival as he walked over with a smile on his face as he observed the kid who was clearly hovering beside the window.

I shrugged, "what can I say, I'm a composer myself, I couldn't help it," I joked and smiled. Percival chuckled. We turned and continued to stare at the kid who by now realised something was wrong. Even though we were pretty high up since the floors were taller, he should have landed by now.

When the kid opened his eyes and noticed that he was still hovering he looked in my direction with a questioning look. I had been using telekinesis this entire time. Although new at it, I was already able to use it to keep the kid in the air. It wasn't efficient since I had no mastery over it, so I was burning a lot of magic this way. But I had almost infinite at this point, so it didn't affect me.

Also, from the memories of the elf, there didn't seem to be an upper limit to the quantity of weight he could lift as long as he poured enough medical energy into it.

Percival turned to me with a curious look, "what spell are you using?" he asked.

I shook my head, "not spell, telekinesis," I said with a smile. Percival's smile froze and he looked at me in shock. "You know, your quite the irritating fellow," he pouted in annoyance. I couldn't help but smile slightly before Percival began to float slightly off the floor.

"I didn't mean it! I didn't! You're lovely, beautiful and handsome! You are the conqueror of woman and slayer of dragons," he spouted quickly. honestly, it worked, simply because his shamelessness and bootlicking were too much. I dropped him back on the ground.

Percival smiled slightly and perked right up as he patted the dust off his ass.

"Hey! Are you just going to leave me hanging here all day?" the voice of the kid I had momentarily forgotten about sounded in our ears. I turned my head and looked at his red face. it seemed that a lot of blood had rushed to his head.

I chuckled slightly and waved my hand, a gust of wind completely messed up his hair before I decided to bring him back in.

"NOOOOOO! MY HAIR! I CAN'T LEAVE LIKE THIS!" he shrieked as he clutches his ruined hair.

'What the fuck is wrong with this kid?' I asked myself as I stared at him.

Percival leaned in, "John Perkins, son of an extremely wealthy businessman. This kid is well known for being too pompous. He also has a thing about looking his absolute best, even when he sleeps." He said with a mocking grin.

I nodded in understanding, there were many odd characters in the world, especially in the wizarding world, I just happened to run into quite the odd case.

John by now had gotten up and had black lines all over his face. he looked like an old man as he stared at himself in the mirror. A tear fell from his eye in an overly dramatic way.

"*Sniff* all the ladies will shun me because of you. I'm unsightly. Almost as much as you two," he said seriously. I swear I felt a vein pop on my forehead. Percival was also incensed. I turned to him with a playful smile.

"If that's the case…" I grinned.

Percival smiled evilly as if completely reading my mind, "you can stay here all day." He finished. We laughed eerily which made John shiver slightly.