Mini-Arc. New Teacher

𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙛𝙪𝙗, 𝙐𝘼 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡

Today the students returned to school. After the attack of the villains, the children were given a days off. During this time, the school could go back to its working hours and the students came to their senses. The attack left terrible memories for the students. They went through things that children of their age do not go through, they felt horror, fear and doom

They also understood what it was - the attack of true evil. They realized how heroes have great hope for ordinary people. They understood what it was like to feel hopelessness and again to feel hope.

Hope for salvation and life.

The students had to think about a lot, to think about things that were important to them. For some, this attack created more consequences than they could have imagined, and they will all remember this momentous day. And some have learned a lot that day. The students rested as much as they needed and were ready to return to school.

Here they are sitting in the classroom, talking to each other, making noise, in general, spending their free time from the teacher like the most ordinary class. At the moment, they were interested in two things: Aizawa's condition and that mysterious and tall hero. With the first option, they knew the possible alignment, and they hoped with all their hearts that he was much better than they had expected.

Tall hero, who is he? Who is this man who saved them, who helped the All Might. On that day, in that battle, it was difficult for the All Might and his strength was lost, he was tired, and the disciples noticed it. At that moment this hero appeared.

He, like the All Might, gave them another hope.Thanks to him, they did not receive the injuries that they could have received.

Many wanted to thank him, others to ask, and some especially wanted to ask him a few questions.

He looked cool, they could admit. He appeared as a warm ray of light, and ended the battle as a searing ray of justice, strength and brutality (: D).

His speed was just on a different level, their eyes literally couldn't keep up with his movements. Its speed was beyond their imagination, and it was a speed that they could not achieve.

Arriving in the center, it did not take him even five seconds to deal with the petty villains, and he spent the next five minutes trying to force the organizers of the attack to flee.

One of the students just wanted to remind them of these two questions when the doors opened in the classroom 1-A. The noise in the office calmed down and everyone turned their heads at the same time towards the entrance. There was also a very tall man, almost three meters tall, he was dressed in an expensive yellow suit and a military white coat was worn over the suit (it was not buttoned up, and sleeves were not worn, it would be more accurate to say that the coat was thrown over his shoulders) ... The man had yellow and seemingly expensive glasses on his face, he entered the classroom, reaching the middle, he looked at them.

« Hello kids, my name is Victor Yamaguchi and I will be your temporary teacher while Aizawa recovers. If you have any questions, ask them.» - Victor informed the students. «But please raise, your hand before the question.»

A bunch of hands immediately went up, the most active part of the class tried to raise a hand higher than the other, and the other, just calmly put out a hand. Here is the winner of the race "who can stretch his hand higher", a girl of an unusual pink color, whose hair is the same color, she had small horns of an interesting shape, with black irises of the eyes (like the sclera of the eye). Ah, Mina Ashido. Victor read the students' portfolios, so he knows their names, and there is a little bit of knowledge from the anime. He lifted Ashido from the chair and asked:

« Sensei, what is your heroic name?»

«From where I came from, I'm better known as Kizaru. Okay, you can sit down Ashido, next one. »

The next to rise was a young blond man. His interesting feature was the prominent zipper shape on his black hair, possibly made by himself. The guy was so enthusiastic and he pulled his hand no weaker than Ashido, but it was faster. He was lucky, it was his turn. The guy's name is Denki Kaminari.

« Sensei, where are you from?»

«I cannot answer this question, Kaminari, ask another question.»

« Uh, okay ... How long will you be with us? »

« This is all temporary, you can say I am a guest here, I came to give you the knowledge that I have and that will help you. Okay, you can sit down next. »

Sitting Kaminari back down, he turned to the other student, who also held out his hand.

The third student was a tall guy with black hair, a strange smile and very unusual elbows. Did they look like a roll? Judging by the portfolio, they created a durable tape that was not suitable for known materials in composition.He created these tapes from some kind of energy, sometimes quirks work strangely , and what they just did not do with people. The guy's name is Hanta Sero.

« Sensei, is this hero costume? You look cool! »

« Heh, thank you, Hanta, and yes this is my suit » - Victor replied with a laugh.

« Hanta if there is nothing more, let the next ones ask their question. »

Sero sat back and Victor passed it on to the next student, or rather the student.

Ah, isn't that his niece? Its appearance is quite similar to that of a frog; she has a very wide mouth, which drops slightly in the middle, like a common frog, and oval-shaped eyes with large black irises, their lower eyelashes are clearly pronounced.

Her hair is dark green and very long, reaching to the waist, and the ends are tied at the bottom with a large hair bow. She has two shoulder-length tufts framing her face and shorter bangs between her eyes, some of which are partly combed out in different directions.

The girl's name was Tsuyu Asui, she was different from the baby he saw in his mother's arms. She had grown very much and prettier, he believed. He just wanted to come up and pet this little one, but did not do it, not professionally and suspiciously (SUS).

« Sensei, how long will Aizawa-sensei be away? »

« Unfortunately, Aizawa's injuries turned out to be more than we could expect, he may not be for almost a month.» - Victor said, taking a look around the class, he continued. « I will clarify, maybe he will not be a month, as a teacher, but he will appear. You can sit down, Asui. »

Sitting her back down, looking at the class again, he leaned on the table and said:

« And now to the main news ... UA Sports Festival is close»

Seconds of silence. Seconds before the storm. The class became quiet for a while as the class began to hum with one voice.


« This is a regular school event! »The red-haired guy shouted. Eijiro Kirishima.

He has red eyes, slightly inward, and a small scar just above his right eye (this is a fact, Horikoshi himself said that he has one, he just forgets to draw it). He also has small eyebrows and sharp teeth. His hair is somewhat long, dyed bright red and combed with gel at all angles, with two more pronounced tufts sticking out on either side of his forehead like little horns.

« UA Festival, it's so cool! » He also shouted.

« Wait a minute ...» - Kirishima was interrupted.

« Is it normal that a sports festival is held immediately after the attack of the villains?» - continued the girl with purple hair. Her hair is short, roughly chin-length, deep purple with asymmetrical fringes and two heartbeat waveform reflections on either side of her head, what the hell are these hairy kids doing? Her most prominent features are flexible headphone jacks that hang from each earlobe at the end of two thin cords that act as extra limbs; she can manipulate them at will, and they are very flexible and can change the length if she wants, judging by the portfolio.

After a logical question, the class raised their heads (high, because he is still on the stand) and looked at the teacher for an answer.

« The funny thing is that UA wants to show its defense system is solid as a rock, and to show people that the attack of the villains was a single oversight and this will not happen again. Also, the security at the festival will be increased five times compared to the last time. Moreover, the event is very large and cannot be canceled due to the attack of some small bumps.» - Victor said, and the last part is more mocking.

«But… but, isn't that a good reason to cancel this?» - Victor heard a quiet voice in the classroom. This voice belonged to a little guy, Minoru Mineta. Height 108 centimeters, small upturned nose and large oval-shaped eyes with very thin eyebrows. He had medium-sized purple balls on his head making his hair look like an Afro, aided by his quirk that allowed him to stick them anywhere.

This guy, Victor remembers from the anime, he still disliked him and did not know how he got to UA. But after reading his portfolio and the UA document, it became clear to him that Minoru was accepted because of the potential.

At these words, Victor frowned slightly and whistled. He was going to explain something to them.

«Minoru, let me explain to you and probably everyone in the class what it means to be a hero.

A hero is someone who is selfless and a truly good person, and someone attracts everyone's attention and causes change. Someone is willing to risk their own life to save another. The hero is the one who is needed always and everywhere, the one you can rely on, trust. The hero is the one who sacrifices for the good of the good. Anyone can be a hero, from a child to an old man. The hero is determined by his heart, his valor and deeds, » - taking a breath, and looking everyone in the eyes, he continued. « The hero is not determined by strength, not by muscles and quirk, but by valor and heart. Appearance, height and physique are not important for the hero. A true hero, one who, even under pressure, remains faithful to a good cause. It takes persistence and willpower to become a professional hero.Even the weakest can become him, but unlike others, he will have to try harder than others. People who rush to help others in the face of danger and adversity do so because they genuinely care about the safety and well-being of others. » He gave the class a stern look.

« You are heroes! You should not be afraid of villains, you should not show fear of them, both for your own sake and for the sake of the people you are saving. By going to this sports festival, you will show these villains that you have become much stronger than you were. » Victor's face returned to normal and he laughed.

« By the way, your lessons have begun, I'll see you after them.» - he said, leaving the office.

Deathly silence. Nobody said anything, everyone remembered these words. We put them closer to our hearts, realized them. This fiery speech sowed in their souls a new germ of heroism, a new passion, a new will. Their teacher is right, they only became stronger, thanks to the teacher's speech, the fear of the villains who attacked them was replaced by the desire to put them behind bars. Even Mineta was influenced by this speech.


Right now there was a break and a handful of class 1-A students were sitting and talking, and Kaminari said enthusiastically.

« Guys, how do you like our new teacher? I personally think that he is incredibly cool, and you heard this speech of him » - Kaminari exclaimed with stars in his eyes.

« I agree, sensei is very wise. »- said his classmate Fumigake Tokoyami. A short guy with a raven head. You are not mistaken, with a crow's head. Thin eyes with small black pupils and a red choker around his neck. However, despite the appearance of his head, his body appears to be that of an ordinary human with fairly fair skin.

« It seemed that his knowledge had no end.»

« It was so manly! I wanted to jump from these cool words, I want to cry because it was too MANLY ! » - shouted Kirishima.

« For the sake of such teachers, it was worth enrolling in UA! » - slapped into the hands of Rikido Sato.

Rikido is a tall, very muscular young man with a broad build. His brown hair is short and slicked up from his head. He has rather small square eyes with small black pupils and a pair of bushy eyebrows just above. He has very large and thick lips that are slightly darker than the rest of his skin, and an especially large, round nose.

« I agree, he is very smart, it's even strange that we have never heard of him.» - said the student.

Momo Yarozu is a tall teenage girl with a rather mature physique, with long black hair that is usually tied back in a spiky ponytail, with a large strand hanging down the right side of her face. She has thin and sharp eyes, dark in color, and short eyebrows, set at the moment in confusion.

« Maybe he is trying to work in such a way as to be less likely to fall for paparazzi? » Shoji's classmate asked her.

Meso Shoji is a tall teenager with slightly dark skin and gray hair that is slicked down to form a bang that hides part of his face. His main characteristic was his hands - the consequences of his quirk. He has six arms, all connected to each other by a web of skin, which are very physically strong, and although his quirk is not used, only two of his front arms have arms and the rest end in thin stumps. Also, his school uniform was specially designed for him, it did not have a sleeve.

« Even so, we could hear about him at least somewhere about him, if not even about heroic activity, then at least from his height, kero. » Tsuyu croaked.

« Yes ~! Sensei is huge! - Shrugging their hands showed Mina Ashido.- So he still got up on this teacher's stand, Sensei is probably almost three meters, this is already Wow~. »

« You're right, and I don't think his quirk is to blame for his height.» - put in Jiro.

« Guys, the lesson begins ...»


It was getting dark, the lessons were over, some of the staff went home. Victor sat in the staff room and drank tea with Toshinori. Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door and a second later there was a knock on the door.

Victor knew who it was, so he immediately said:

- Come in.

And a young guy entered the room, rather short for his age, his round face framed by a short ball of fluffy dark green hair that sticks out at different angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows on itself.

His eyes are large and somewhat round, their iris the same green color as his hair, which is sometimes very watery and usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent, energetic look. He has a set of four symmetrical diamond-shaped freckles, one on each cheek, which gave him a childlike grace. In general, a green lamb . (: D)

« Good Evening Victor-sensei, Toshinori-sensei. » Izuku bowed as he entered.

« Welcome»

«Sit down, Izuku-chan, would you like some tea?» - Victor politely asked Izuku, and you think why so kind? He is essentially a nephew for him, here's the answer.

« T-thank you Victor-sensei, b-but I wanted to ask.» Izuku asked a little nervously, probably because of the "-chan", sitting down next to Toshinori.

«Of course, ask your question.»

- Khem ... First of all, I would like to thank you for our salvation ...Sensei, you recognized my name in USJ, but you called him something else, as s

n-now ... I-I was just wondering. » Izuku asked with a cough, a little uncertain

« Hmm, tell Toshinori, does Izuku know how to keep secrets?» - raised

« I can say so. » Toshinori replied with a smile.

«Tell me, Izuku-chan, can you keep secrets? »- Turning his head in his direction, asked Victor and received a nod in return.

« Well then. Izuku-chan, I am from another universe, they threw me here when I returned home from the hospital, or rather took a woman with a child who is essentially my sister. I fell into the trap of the villain and ended up here. Then, when I was asked about the place of my arrival, I did not give an answer, why not, you yourself understand. I am ranked third in the hero rankings and am Toshinori's best friend. »

« W-what ... What ?! So ... So the Multiverse Theories ... »Izuku began exclaiming.

« Yes, yes, the Multiverse and so on, but listen further. Do you know what's the catch? Do you know who that woman with a child was who is like a sister to me? Inko Midoriya. » Victor grinned sarcastically.

-... Mom?!

« Yes, your mother, to begin with, I want to remind you that different times went by in the universes, and therefore, this child was you! » - Victor quickly took out his phone, turning on the photos of the baby Izuku, went to Toshinori and began to show his photos.

« Toshi, look at him, what a miracle. »

Toshinori looked and looked and smiled, Baby Izuku is just something, such a grace in such a bottle. It's too sweet to tell.

« This ... I ... » - surprises for today for this boy is all, the end. Right now, the campaign will be cut out.

« Midoriya, you are so ... Uh ... »- began to smile even wider than Toshinori and his eyes are closed.

« Cute. » - added Victor, and Toshinori nodded his head

« Izuku-chan, since your mother in that world and your mother are the real one and the same person, and since your mother from that world is like a sister to me, you should call me" Uncle ". »

«... H-how ?! » Izuku blushed, first from the fact that the Almighty called him cute and now from what Victor-sensei asks to call him.

- Uncle. Look, easy to pronounce, U-N-C-L-E. Now it's your turn, don't be shy. »

«U-uncle ...» Izuku mumbled very hesitantly.

« I don't hear anything .» - Victor said sarcastically, bringing his hand to his ear and pretending that he was deaf.

« U-uncle.» Izuku said a little confidently.

«Come on, Izuku-chan, you can do better! »

« Uncle! He said clearly now.»

« Ha-ha-ha, well done, that is my nephew. » - laughing, Victor put his big hand on the head of the child and patted him.

From these actions, "brocoli" only blushed more. And Toshinori, sitting next to him, first started to giggle, and then it turned into laughter.

Victor also joined him. And in the room there was a double joyful and happy laugh.