Mini-Arc. UA Festival

At a time when there were no fads, the Olympic Games flourished and the fame of this event did not fade. When quirks appeared, this contributed to big problems in its organization, because of these mutations, the competition went far back, and after a long time it appeared - Sport Festival UA.

The UA Sports Festival has become the most popular sporting event not only because of the reunification of the sporting spirit and games, but also because of its specificity - how they accommodated quirks

Students in each grade and each course compete against each other in their age groups. The event kicks off with preliminary elimination rounds and those who pass move on to take part in the main event. Each stage has a teacher as the head judge, with the director usually overseeing the senior stage.

This event is a great opportunity for students from all faculties of the UA School. For heroes students, the UA Sports Festival gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities in front of professional heroes who might want to invite them after the festival ends. For General Faculty students, this event gives them the opportunity to prove that they are worthy of being transferred to the Hero Faculty. The opposite is also possible if the heroes' students perform poorly.

Students from support and business departments can also be transferred, but prefer to use the sports festival for other purposes. Some support students use the UA Sports Festival to showcase their inventions and support company leaders.

Business students, meanwhile, tend to get nothing from the festival itself, so they use it to hone their skills as salespeople and run business simulations

At the end of the event, prof. heroes from any agency can nominate students who have earned their attention as an expression of interest in their future potential. However, these nominations may be canceled by the time the Hero loses interest in them.

The Sports Festival is one of the largest events in Japan. So popular that after the competition, students begin to become recognizable on the streets.

This year's freshman competition was judged by Midnight. Present Mic and Sotrigolova acted as commentators, while Cementos oversaw the fights of the final round in order to interrupt them if necessary. And at the pre-festival meeting, he decided that the All Might would present the medals to the winners.

And where will Victor be in all this hype? His place is very important, his voice will be important, he will help students, support them in a dangerous situation ... like a fan.

Correct, VIP fan. What did you expect? Victor himself suggested this, since he did not want the news about him to spread throughout Japan, since his appearance for UA brought problems, they already had to fight off the paparazzi after the attack of the villains on the USJ.Had he appeared somehow on the news or noticed at least someone that he was connected with the UA, urgent proceedings would begin with government agents.

Victor will be in the booth with Aizawa and Hizashi. He did not go to the usual podium because of his height. Victor is three meters tall, and it is impossible not to notice him. If he were one meter lower, he would have mixed with the crowd on the podium, at the moment this is not feasible.

The booth was surprisingly large enough to fit, but the door was too small and as usual he had to bend down to enter. Victor was sitting next to the commentators in the office, and these two had microphones and you yourself understand who our main presenter is.

«Aizawa-kun, you're in luck with your students. » Kizaru said while looking at the "mummy" Shota.

« They have potential, they are very capable and they will achieved many things.» Aizawa answered sleepily.

« I agree, they will make excellent heroes, it was a pleasure for me to teach classes.»

«However, you know Aizawa-kun, I noticed some of them have problems. »

« Problems? »Aizawa turned his head.

« Problems, and I would advise you to try to solve them. The problem is not in the actions of the children, but in themselves. For example: Todoroki is not worried about his classmates much, Yarorozu's insecurity, Bakugou's overly hot temper, and I would ask you to take a closer look at Mineta, I had a conversation with him several times, and I think it would be better if the child was given sessions with a psychologist.

Todoroki, in the literal sense of these words, does not put his classmates in anything.You looked exactly at the combat tests that the All Might conducted and could see that he almost froze the rest of the test participants.

Bakugou's irascibility is like a coin with different meanings. On the one hand, this is a sharp leap that will help him to win the battle more than once, but on the other hand, this ardor should be pacified in relation to people.

Yarorozu sometimes contradicts herself, the girl sometimes underestimates herself and should send her to Nemuri, she will help her. »

Aizawa calmly listened to Victor's words and did not dare to interrupt, because he was right. He saw these things in the students and did not particularly go into them, (except for Todoroki, of course, he had already talked to him), but listening to Kizaru, he realized that they urgently needed to be solved. However, he hoped that this Festival would help children and help them to open up.

« Thank you Victor-san for your analysis and clarification of the problems, I will try to fix them after the festival.» - turning back, monotonously thanked Aizawa.


» - Yamada shouted into the microphone, he did not hear Victor's words, and did not take his eyes off the test.

« Heh, and the children are great and class 1 is in the lead. And it's not because students from other classes are weak, it's just ... »

« It's just that class A students react quicker . » - interrupted him Aizawa, Victor did not interfere with this and gave him to continue, « They came into contact with the terrifying world during the attack on USJ, now they know what fear is. They coped and got out alive and the experience they got affects their reactions and actions. »

« Ha-ha-ha, YOU HAVE PASSED THE FIRST TESTING, WELL-BEING. BUT WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT THE SECOND ?!» - from an overdose of emotions, Yamada got up from his chair like lightning, forcing Aizawa and Victor to look at himself in surprise, he got into a pose and with the same energetic voice shouted into the microphone, "FALL AND YOU LOST! DON'T WANT TO DROP, THEN Crawl, THIS IS A CANYON!

Sitting down in his seat again, Hizashi returned to his seat and continued to observe the children.

"Tell me, Aizawa-kun, is this not a real canyon?"

« No, for the sake of creating such an effect, a weak hologram effect is used, this creates illusions of great heights. If someone falls, there is a soft tissue below that will not allow them to get hurt » - the answer came from Aizawa

« A lot of people are trying to get a ticket to the finals, aren't they, Eraser? - Having said into the microphone, twisting on the chair, he turned towards Aizawa and expected an answer from him.

Aizawa didn't reply in a malicious mumble, « 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘰𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘮𝘦 . » - the thought flashed through him. And Victor, who was sitting on the sidelines, laughed at this.

« As expected from the leader, he easily overcomes the canyon! » - came the voice of Mick across the stadium.

« Bakugou only accelerated. » - said Victor.


« This is what I was talking about, Aizawa-kun. This rage of his can be used in the heat of battle to effectively deal with villains. However, it is necessary to teach how to properly direct it. I am more than sure that if he is sent to save someone, he will forget about the victims and start fighting the villain. This is the problem. » - Victor crossed his arms.

Aizawa just nodded and said nothing.

« We are smoothly moving on to the last test, in truth, this is a minefield. Take a closer look, the mines are right in front of your eyes, move your legs and be careful! » - Mic announced to the stadium.

« These mines are just an imitation of military mines. They are designed according to their pattern and have similar properties. As expected, they explode. But they explode without causing damage to children.When the leg collides with the trigger of a mine, the air collected there earlier comes out under enormous pressure. Thus, the children are thrown back by an air wave, which looks like an explosion.» - Aizawa already knew what Victor wanted to ask, so he explained.

« Thanks for the explanation, Aizawa-kun. However, the students will not have the softest landing ... It will be useful even for them, they will become stronger ... heh. »- Victor's face took on his standard form.

For a while, all three continued to look after the children, when suddenly Mick screamed.

« You just look, the leaders have started the fight! This is a fight for the first place!»Yamada exclaimed over the microphone.

And so it was, Todoroki and Bakugou began a skirmish. Todoroku tried to freeze Bakugou's hand, and Katsuki pushed him away from him in response, creating a new distance between them. Mik and Aizawa's eyes were focused on these two, and Victor noticed the familiar green curls.

He looked at the beginning of the minefield and saw his nephew, Izuku Midoriya, bring the flat part of the robot with him.

He turned the sharp end to the ground and began to dig. The guy collected a bunch of mines and put them in one place. Due to the number and power of the explosion, he could, in a small amount of time, cover a long distance. Izuku collected them and stepped back to accelerate.

Victor, without turning away from the stall mirror, reached out and patted Aizawa on the shoulder, he immediately turned around.

« Look.» Victor just said, pointing his finger at Izuku and grinning heavily.

Aizawa traced Victor's finger and instantly saw the target. Aizawa's eyes widened and he stood up from his chair.

Midoriya, holding the shield in his hands, moved away from the collected mines. Having run away, he jumped with all his might right on the heap of mines he had collected.

As soon as he landed, an immense explosion immediately rang out, engulfing most of the field.

« A POWERFUL EXPLOSION COVERED THE FIELD! WHAT IS HAPPENING?! »- after a "rocket" appeared from the smoke in the form of a student with a shield, Yamada noticed this and behind shouted, - HE IS SPECIAL OR NOT ?! A CLASS A-CLASS MIDORIA STUDY IS PUNCHED FORWARD AT FULL SPEED USING AN EXPLOSIVE WAVE! HE HAS ALREADY BEATED IN THE LEADER! »

The crowd roared. They obviously liked it. Shouts and humming were heard throughout the stadium.

«The two who were in the lead stopped interfering with each other and started chasing Midoriya! They now have a common rival and have no time for strife. The race is not over yet! »

Izuku rushed to the finish line at speeds, but due to a decrease in revs, his shield began to fall with him. The guy clearly noticed that it was time to take a new move. Luckily for him, due to the correct angle of fall, he ended up between Todoroki and Bakugou. He sharply turned his body, tightened his grip on the cable of the shield, rested on the shoulders of his rivals and with all his might hit the ground with his shield. This movement instantly caused a reaction of mines, they activated and exploded, from this Midoriya was thrown even further and he became the leader

« Midoriya immediately blocked the path of the pursuers, can you see that ?! Eraser Head, your class is extraordinary! What do you teach them there?

« It was not me who taught them, but my replacement, for which I thank him. However, these children themselves stimulate each other's development.» - Aizawa answered quietly, the microphone transmitted these words to the stadium, but they were not heard from behind the stands.

,«This is the UA sports festival, the arena of first years, who could have imagined that things would gain such a turn ... and the first who came to the finish line is none other than ... IZUKU MIDORIA!


(Let's just skip the second part of the tournament and get to the last part ... Yes, I'm a lazy asshole)

The second stage of the festival was successful.Passion ran high, people worried, shouted and supported.

During the entire battle, this strange smile did not leave Victor's face, as if he was somehow sure of something, and Aizawa saw it.

If someone else just smiled like crazy, Aizawa thought the person was crazy. But the same cannot be said about Kizaru. This is a strange smile, it even suited him very much, she completed his image. As Aizawa thinks, it would be weird not that he smiles like that, but weird that he is NOT smiling like that.

« The final will be coming soon. We'll start after lunch break and see you again! »- Yamada announced, then turned off the microphone and twirled in the chair.

« This is a festival, children are doing everything in their own power, isn't it Aizawa? »- pushed in the side Mick.

« Pupils are trying to the limit of their strength, it is commendable. » Aizawa nodded.

« Victor-san, how do you like the festival? »

« I have the same opinion as Aizawa-kun. Children are looking for different ways to achieve the goal, overcome the set obstacles, there is a spirit of competition. Well done. »

Victor said cheerfully and Yamada actively shook his head.

« Well, I'm probably going to Lunch Rush to get myself something to eat, he will have some snacks.» - getting up from his place, Victor went to the door, « Then I'll go to the teachers' room, are you guys want something?

« No, thank you. »

«- Nope. »

« Okay, I'll see you later.» - With a wave of his hand, he went into the dining room.



So, like to the right and up the stairs. These two did not want anything, so I see no point in going back to them.

Aizawa and Yamada. This duo is still the same as I saw them back in UA.One seems to add ten tablespoons of sugar to his tea, and the second does not seem to know the phrase "full sleep". This couple attracts to themselves, it is too funny to watch them. Aizawa's boredom is smoothed out by Mic's maximum optimism.

Even at home, they respected me, as I helped them many times. Here, strangely enough, they also respect me. And to be honest, I'm glad of that. I think Aizawa honors me more than Miс.

Why? Because I saved his class. More than that, taught children instead of him, giving him the day off, heh. Mic respects me because I often support him in jokes, which makes us laugh together.

He is also a UA teacher. His students were attacked, frightened. His disciples were saved by me, probably some of the respect also came from there.

However, it is better to remain a simple acquaintance for them, and not let anyone become attached to you. However, I made a mistake with Toshinori. I noticeably added to Toshinori's joy. He always smiles when he talks to me. I know him very well, and I understand that he is only starting to become more attached to me. I must leave this universe as soon as possible, so as not to inflict only further mental pain on Toshinori.

My leaving. How can I get back? During my work at this school, I have raised this issue more than once. Nezu and the support class teacher tried to correctly hypothesize about a direct passage through the reality of time, but this did not lead to anything. Power Loader was the name of the support class teacher. It turns out that during my transition from my universe to this one, "particles" of my reality remained on my clothes.

We found them by accident.One day, I was with him in the laboratory, and out of boredom, I decided to look at the fabric of my suit through a microscope (a person in a moment of boredom will do everything to cheer himself up). Putting my hand under the lens and looking into it, I saw some purple dots, I can assure you that it was not paint.

Calling Power Loader and asking him to rate it, he peered at the suit for several seconds. And after a minute of silence, he told me to follow him.

So he led me to a huge electron microscope.

The electron microscope is a more advanced design. It provides an image magnification of at least 20,000 times. The maximum magnification of such a device is possible a million times. The peculiarity of this equipment is that instead of a beam of light as in optical (simple) ones, a beam of electrons is directed into them.

Looking through this colossus onto the sleeve, we were able to see interesting atoms. They were a fancy purple color. They also had an even oval shape. For starters, Power Loader brought in a regular tissue he could find in the lab and put it under the microscope as well. The examination showed that the fabric he brought did not have the same atoms as on my clothes. Power Loader asked me how I was feeling, and I replied that I was fine. After a while, Power Loader came up with a hypothesis.

I quote: « Perhaps, when you appeared in our reality, you brought a part of your universe with you. Yes, yes, it was a part of the universe. The portal through which you passed served as a guide. reality, the portal could not completely clear you, or rather could not prepare you for our location.

It turns out that you brought a part of your universe along with you. The study of these particles has shown that they are similar in composition to photons.Well, since your quirk allows you to control photons, I think you can figure it out. Sorry, I would like to help you in another way, but the current technological progress is not enough to create portals. »

As he requested, I began to try to harness these photons. The Power Loader was right to call my quirk "controlling photons." Only superficially, my quirk can be called controlling light. Since I have photons under my control, I never stopped trying to control these photons. At this point, I got to the point where to force I think I need another week to create a full-fledged portal back.

And I can only create this portal, perhaps only one, since the particles I have left because of me being injected here. I suppose that if I capture some of the photons of this reality, then I can come back here. But these are just fantasies, nothing more.


Victor was heading to the dining room when he suddenly heard Toshinori's voice.

- Oh, Endeavor! Let's go have tea together, we haven't spoken properly in ten years, have we? I saw you and I decided to say hello.

« All Might... » - a rough and angry voice of the Prospector rang out, - Have you greeted, are you satisfied now? Leave me alone, I'm not going to drink any tea. » - he ignored the All Might and went down the stairs.

Victor heard this but did not stop his step, he continued to walk towards the dining room. His expensive shoes hit the hard floor, making a distinctive sound. All Might and Endeavor turned their heads towards the sound. A second later, Victor himself came out and glanced at the two heroes. A strange smile spread across his face.

« Ahh ~, All Might, I was looking for you. » Toshinori only smiled pleasantly, while Prospector was the opposite. His frown only intensified and he asked a question rudely.

« Who the hell are you? »

« Hmm, me? Sorry for the rude answer, but that's none of your business, hero-san. » - The prospector was angry, well, so angry. He clenched one hand into a fist, and veins protruded on his forehead (this is supposedly like in standard anime, there are supposedly drawn veins out of anger or like Doflamingo).