Quest Complete

The tinkling of a bell echoed from within the narrow and shabby shop as Pro stepped into the silent, dusty shop. As Pro's mother steered him towards the counter, Pro glanced at the narrow boxes that were piled up to the ceiling.

"Good afternoon," a soft male's voice sounded from in front of him.

It was then that Pro noticed that an old man had popped up behind the counter at an unknown time. The man's eyes examined Pro from head to toe before sweeping over to his mother.

"Ah yes. Mrs. Smith I presume. It seems only yesterday when you came for your first wand. Ten and half inches long, swishy, made of Walnut. Highly intelligent, a very suitable match."

Mommy Beatrice gave a silent nod of respect towards the old wandmaker as she put on her graceful smile. Mr. Ollivander returned his attention to Pro as he moved closer to him in order to observe him.

"Yes. Yes, I presume this is your son ..."

Although Pro was a bit uncomfortable with an old man invading his personal space, he still confidently replied, "Hello, I'm Pro Smith. A pleasure to meet you sir."

"A pleasure indeed. What a polite child, it seems he had inherited your intelligence Mrs. Smith," Mr. Ollivander nodded towards Beatrice before he pulled out a long tape measure with silver markings out of his, "Which is your wand arm?"

"Right hand, sir," Pro replied as he held up his right arm.

"Good, good. Perhaps your parents may have already told you, Mr. Smith. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand," Ollivander mentioned as the tape measure automatically continued to measure him while Mr. Ollivander walked off and began to take boxes from the shelves.

It didn't take long for the tape measure lost the power from its source and crumbled to the ground.

"That will do. Right then, Mr. Smith. Try this one. Walnut and Troll Whisker. Ten inches. Nice and swishy, just take it and give it a wave."

Pro took the wand and gave it a wave. Seeing nothing happening, Ollivander took the wand from his hand and handed him another one, "Willow and Phoenix Feather, Nine inches, quite flexible. Perhaps ..."

Just when Pro gripped onto the wand, it was taken out of his hands. Pro dully stared at Ollivanders while inwardly complaining, "At least let me wave the wand first okay? Why is this old man so impatient?"

"No, no ... here, redwood and phoenix feather, ten and three quarters inches, nice and quite whippy."

Taking the wand, Pro felt a warm sensation flow through his fingers as he suddenly had the notion that everything will go well for him. Pro gently waved the wand as a smile arose on his face.

Although he did not cause any accidents with his gentle wave, the stream of gold and red sparks that shot out of the tip of his wand told him that he had found his partner. The feeling that everything will go well gradually faded away, but a familiar quest scroll popped up in Pro's vision to confirm that everything went well.

[Congratulations! You have completed First Wand Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 100 Magic XP, Wand Binding to System]

[Ding! New quest, First Spell, added to quest list.]

Pro's eyes lit up as he closed the quest completion page with a thought. Pro couldn't wait to check on his new system functions, but he had to finish dealing with Mr. Ollivander first.

"Yes, indeed, oh, very good. An unusual combination. Well, well, well ... redwood has a reputation for bringing good fortune to its owner. Perhaps, it may be the owner of the wand that gives the reputation to the wand. I think we must expect that you will tide through most difficulties, Mr. Smith."

Pro politely nodded back as he put away his wand. Smiling gracefully, mommy Beatrice paid the galleons for the wand before leading Pro out of the shop.

Once out of the shop, mommy Beatrice lost her gracefulness and she couldn't help but give Pro a couple smooches on the face while squealing, "Oh! When the wand recognized my cutie, my precious darling's face was too cute. Mommy almost couldn't hold back!"

Pro awkwardly smile back, but he was already used to it. There was simply no way to stop his mother from treating him as a child. Perhaps he will finally lose his child status once he gets a younger sibling.

"Alright, let's stop dilly dallying and go pick up the rest of your school supplies. A cauldron, a set of glass phials plus some spares, a telescope set, and brass scales, Afterwards, mommy will take my darling to enjoy some delicious ice cream after," mommy Beatrice happily said as she led Pro to pick up the rest of his supplies.

Bumbling around for a while, Pro finally collected all the school supplies he needed, purchased extra books outside of the curriculum, and also picked up his robes. When Pro passed by Eeylops Owl Emporium and Broomstix, Pro couldn't help but take a glance. He knew he could easily get them if he asked, and maybe his allowance would already be enough.

Noticing her son glancing at the pet shop, mommy Beatrice giggled softly before steering him away while mentioning, "No worries darling. It was supposed to be a surprise, but your father should have already went to get you an owl. After all, you will need it to stay in contact with your mommy and daddy"

While leading Pro towards Florean Fortescue's Parlour, mommy Beatrice continued to comfort, "Of course, if you want any other pet, we can still purchase it for you, but it will have to stay at home. As for a broom, you aren't allowed to have that during your first year."

An owl was just what Pro needed so he didn't complain further. It didn't take long for the duo to arrive at the parlour, and Pro found his father already waiting for them while a cage with a snowy owl, a long item hidden in paper wraps, and a bag sat nearby.

"There you two are! And here I thought lil Pro got lost!" daddy Joseph chuckled as he ruffled Pro's hair.

Mommy Beatrice glanced at the items before giving daddy Joseph a glare. Under the glare, daddy Joseph felt uncomfortable as he shifted in place awkwardly while asking, "Erhmm ... baby, is there something wrong?"

Mommy Beatrice gritted her teeth and whispered in anger, "Joseph. Is that thing wrapped in paper what I think it is?"

Joseph coughed a couple of times as his eyes swiveled around, "Ahem. Baby, listen to me ..."

"Joseph! Didn't I tell you not to buy such a dangerous item for our precious darling? You agreed and said you will only buy an owl, now you go off getting the broomstick as well? What will you do if my precious darling ends up falling off the broom?! Plus, the broom isn't even allowed at Hogwarts during the first year, and you certainly can't fly it around our Muggle house!" mommy Beatrice angrily reprimanded as she huffed in anger.

Daddy Joseph had to spend a couple minutes to sooth his angry wife with smooches and promises that were omitted because it wasn't children friendly. Pro eventually had to pop the couple's bubble and mommy Beatrice returned to reality with a blushing face as she realized where she was.

Daddy Joseph gave Pro a wink and a secret thumbs up. Although Pro couldn't say his father was the smartest, but he definitely was smooth when it comes to handling his mother.

"Alright baby, let's enjoy your favorite strawberry ice cream. I know you won't want to miss it. Lil Pro can also get his vanilla, unless he wants something else," Joseph stated with a charming smile as he pulled out a pouch of jingling coins.

Pro only nodded in affirmation as vanilla was just what he liked.

"Alright, daddy will go get your ice cream. Take care of mommy while you wait, and you can make friends with your new pet owl in the meantime," Joseph gave Pro's hair another ruffle before walking off.

Mommy Beatrice who was still blushing a bit swished her wand and fixed Pro's hair. She then sat down and checked the bags to make sure nothing was missing.

"Pet owl, owl treats, owl food, broom that will stay in the closet, school supplies, quills, parchments, books, winter cloak, protective gloves, name-tags ... and that's about everything. Oh! A beautification potion ... that's probably not for you darling. That Joseph," Beatrice muttered to herself while Pro played with his new owl.

"Mmm ... I don't know how Hedwig looks like, but this snowy owl is probably a different one. There's no way of snatching the owl destined for the protagonist, and even if I wanted to, I don't recall what the owl looks like," Pro thought as he gave his owl's head a pet.

The snowy owl cutely rubbed his hand, causing a smile to appear on Pro's face. Pro didn't know if he had good naming senses, but he decided to give a name that contrasted the owl's snowy feathers, "Let's name you Nightwing."

The owl intimately rubbed against Pro's hand to recognize its new name. A familiar quest completion screen also popped up in Pro's vision.

[Congratulations! You have completed First Pet Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 100 Hunter XP]

Seeing the notifications, Pro's eyes glinted as he gently closed the cage. Remembering the recent quest rewards, Pro decided to check on them.

Pulling up his stats page, Pro noticed two new skills at level 1, Magic and Hunter. Browsing their details, Pro learned some basics of these skills.

Hunter level can probably be raised by taking care of his pet owl. Pro will still need to figure this out later, but Pro could guess that it had to do with his pet's daily feeding.

Unlike the game where there was already a list of magic spells, the spells in this world are hidden and seems to require unlocking. Pro learned this from the short description in the magic skill's details page.

"A higher magic level will lower the chance of out-of-control spells and spell fizzing. New spells and their requirements will unlock once knowledge regarding the spell is obtained."

Reading this, Pro probably knew that he will need to cast his first spell to find out more. Checking his new quest in his quest log, Pro made a guess that he would probably know more after completed the quest.

[First Spell] With a wand, you have gained entry to the magical world. Cast your first spell successfully. Requires completion of First Wand.

After briefly checking the info on his new skills and quest, Pro then tried to find details regarding the wand binding quest reward. However, there was no hint anywhere regarding this, so Pro could only try the final option.

Pro secretly attempted to store his wand into his inventory. At first, Pro thought it wouldn't work because the wands are known to be semi-sentient, but he was surprised that it was actually able to enter his inventory! Then, Pro was finally able to gleam some details regarding the wand by examining the item.

[Your personal wand made from redwood with a phoenix feather core. The wand is bound to the system and system functions can be applied to it. When the user's inventory has open space, the wand will automatically return to user's inventory after 180 seconds if it was dropped or lost.]

Pro's eyes gleamed in excitement because he now knew that he did not have to worry about losing his wand. Well, that was an event with a low probability anyways because even Neville Longbottom didn't lose his wand. Still, better than nothing.

As for the note that system functions could be applied to the wand, Pro will have to leave that to be discovered in the future. After taking out and stashing his wand, Pro welcomed his father's return as his father handed him a cup of vanilla ice cream.

The small family of three happily enjoyed their ice cream while the couple flirted from time to time. Afterwards, the family strolled back to the London streets through Leaky Cauldron and drove home in their car.

Getting home, mommy Beatrice did her duty as a mother and lectured Pro regarding wand safe usage. Knowing her son, she knew she couldn't stop the child's curiosity, so she simply decided to take precautions and warn him.

On the other hand, daddy Joseph was caressing the Nimbus 2000 he just bought. According to mommy Beatrice, Joseph was a hardcore Quidditch fan, even though he failed to join the Quidditch team.

Although the broom was fairly expensive, Beatrice didn't comment on the price because she knew her husband won't recklessly spend all his savings. Also, the broom will eventually belong to her precious darling son, so it won't matter how much it costs.

Of course, there wasn't anywhere to fly the broom in the house, so it could only serve as decoration until the next year. After clearing a space in the living room, daddy Joseph did let Pro ride on the broom and taught him some basics so that he won't embarrass himself during his first year broom class.

Unfortunately, the broom was still locked in the closet by mommy Beatrice in the end. So, Pro wasn't able to complete the First Broomstick quest.

Time passed and the calm night arrived. Pro returned to his room and began his learning experience. After all, there is still more than a month before school starts, and Pro believed he can gather some experience and maybe complete the First Spell quest.

After a couple weeks of arduous reading, Pro read through most of the books. Although he couldn't remember everything like a certain genius, Pro was still able to grasp a lot of new knowledge.

With his repeated readings of a couple of books, he also managed to gain XP for his magic skill every time! It was like reading a book of knowledge in R*nescape; however, it had no limit to the number of reads but had diminishing returns on the magic XP acquired instead.

After weeks of grinding, Pro managed to get his magic level to level 4. His hunter level also went up to level 5 from feeding his owl, sending his owl to deliver mail, and reading 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'.

From reading, he also unlocked the new skills of Herblore from 'Magical Drafts and Potions', Farming from 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi', and Slayer from 'The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection'. After grinding these three books, Herblore was raised to level 2 while Farming and Slayer stayed at level 1 still.

After a couple weeks of gathering knowledge, the XP gained from reading had dwindled so Pro decided to start trying to cast spells. Although he could have recklessly tried casting weeks before, he still decided to hold himself back to accumulate knowledge for safety reasons. With his magic level raised, Pro believed he can finally complete the First Spell quest.