
Checking the mini-map and not seeing any other NPCs around, Pro finally stopped in a quiet corridor and turned around to look at Hermione.

Feeling Pro's gaze, Hermione clutched her book against her chest even tighter as her eyes became a bit watery. If there was anyone around, Pro might have been mistaken for a bully.

Glancing at the confident, bossy girl that would be the brains of the trouble-making trio, Pro still had no idea what he did wrong. It's not because he is dense, but simply just can't remember, but as daddy Joseph always say, "Remember, it's never the lady's fault that guys are stupid."

So, Pro decided to try out the first technique taught by daddy Joseph for dealing with ladies.

With a little bow, Pro calmly stated, "Hermione, I'm sorry for what I did. I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me."

Hermione looked up at Pro with a bit of shock in her eyes. Her watery eyes blinked a couple of times before she whispered with an aggrieved face, "So ... you do know?"

"Sorry! I don't know. I just thought I ought to apologize," Pro replied as he looked straight into Hermione's eyes.

Hermione bit her laps as she glared at Pro while stating in anger, "Brilliant. You are saying sorry and you still don't know what you did."

Pro then pulled out daddy Joseph lesson number two, lower your self worth, "Hermione, although I can say I know a thing a two more than others, I know for sure that I am in no way brilliant. In fact, I can be very stupid most of the time. Sometimes, even insensitive."

Hermione bit her lips and stared at Pro without replying.

So, Pro continued in a soft tone, "Hermione. Ever since I met you on the Hogwarts Express, I've always been wondering about something. My memory is horrible and I can't seem to recall it at all for some reason, but ... have we met before ... in the Muggle world?"

Hermione looked down at the ground while she bit her lips once more. After a moment of silence, she gave a slight nod.

Seeing this, Pro whispered softly, "Hermione ... It was not my intention, but I can tell I must have hurt you in some way. I want to apologize, so I want to know. Can you tell me about it?"

Pro can already see the tears threatening to spill out of Hermione's eyes, but she turned around and left him staring at her back. Then, it seemed that Hermione's flight on cry instinct kicked in as she began to bolt off, but Pro reacted quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist to hug her. Hermione struggled for a bit, but wasn't able to escape Pro who had exercised for years.

"Please, Hermione. Please, tell me, I want to resolve misunderstandings we have," Pro begged as he rested his head on Hermione's back.

In the midst of a couple of sniffs, Hermione finally responded after a moment of silence, "We were in the same school ... I've learned all the content beforehand by heart, but ... you were always one step ahead. I've heard everyone say you were the smartest kid in the school, a genius. I thought I've found another me ... I wanted to- I wanted- sniff."

Huh? Hermione went to the same primary school?! Pro tried to recall if he ever met her, but the answer was a clear nope. Well, Pro knew himself well. Besides the face of the teachers in primary school, he didn't bother paying attention to anyone else.

Sighing inwardly, Pro raised one of his hand gave gently stroke Hermione's head to comfort her as he whispered, "Go on Hermione, tell me what I did wrong."

Pro could feel a couple droplets of water land on his other arm as Hermione replied in a soft voice, "After gathering the courage for a year, I came up to you one day ... I wanted to talk to you, I mean, learn from you ... I asked if you wanted to be friends ... and you just walked past me."

Such a trivial event?! Well ... for a child, it may be a trauma. She must have finally gathered the courage to try to make a friend, just to be ignored. Ugg ... no wonder he doesn't recall ever meeting her. Pro knew that he rarely pays attention to the children around him, and tend to ignore them whilst he checks his system interface or plans for the future.

Hearing the sobs from the girl in front of him, Pro felt a bit guilty. Although he didn't feel like it was a big deal, the event may have scarred the poor friendless girl. Hugging the girl a bit tighter, Pro gently stroked her head as he whispered, "Alright, alright. I'm sorry, Hermione. I'm definitely in the wrong there, but I can tell you it's a misunderstanding."

After a couple of sniffs, Hermione softly asked, "Misunderstanding?"

"Yes, misunderstanding. Most likely, I haven't heard you at all or I wouldn't walk past you. You see, if I meet someone, I should be able to recall them, and I would never be so rude to walk past them, especially if that person is a cute, smart girl like you," Pro replied.

Pro could feel Hermione stiffen for a bit while mumbling something to herself that Pro couldn't hear even though he was so close. Hearing no reply, Pro continued to ask, "Are you sure that I heard you when you came to talk to me? Did you stop me in place? Did you speak loud enough for me to hear you?"

Hermione thought in silence for a bit before gently shaking her head. Pro smiled a bit before he loosened his hand a bit, and turned Hermione around to face him. Hermione trembled and struggled a bit while trying to hide her face by looking away, but stiffened in place when she felt Pro gently dry the tears on her face with his fingers.

"I'm sorry for making you cry Hermione. I truly am. I'm also sorry for ignoring you back then. Let me make it up to you now," Pro gently said as he lifted Hermione's chin to have direct eye contact with her.

"Let me introduce myself once more. My name is Pro Smith. Hermione, are you willing to be my friend?"

Hermione stared back with watery eyes in silence for a bit before she gently nodded in affirmation. Pro smiled gently and dried her tears once more as he stated, "Good. We are friends from now on yeah?"

Hermione nodded before she responded, "Hermione Granger. Pleasure."

Then, as if finally noticing the close proximity of Pro's face, Hermione frantically struggled away from his grasp and backed up with a faint blush. Her eyes swiveled around, trying to not lock eyes with Pro as she clutched her book tightly.

Pro chuckled a bit before he stated, "No hard feelings yeah?"

Hermione nodded with a soft reply, "Mmm."

Thinking about the final lesson learn from daddy Joseph that he still haven't applied, Pro decided to continue the conversation, "So, since we are friends, what should we do? I haven't really gotten any friends ever since I was young, so I don't really know what friends do."

Blinking her eyes with a hint of shock, Hermione couldn't help but confirm, "You haven't got any friends? Honestly, I thought you got lots of friends. There were many girls chasing after you in school, at least, that's what I've heard."

Time to pull out the sympathy card. Pro put on his best forlorn face as he replied, "Well, due to my weak body, I've had to drink medicine as far as I could remember, and my parents don't allow me to go out to make friends. So, I've spent most of my time on studying and exercising. My mother almost prevented me from coming to Hogwarts because of my health issue. With all this, it's difficult for me to have any friends."

Hermione mouth gaped open a bit before she stuttered, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's alright. I'm actually glad I managed to come. It let me meet a friend like you, Hermione," Pro replied with a radiant smile.

Hermione blushed a little in embarrassment as she looked away and mumbled, "Right. I'm glad as well."

"Thanks Hermione, I'm glad I met you. I hope we can get along in the future. Maybe study together, learn from each other, and help each other with homework," Pro suggested as he glanced at his friend list.

Seeing Hermione Granger popping up on the list, Pro cheered inwardly, "Homework reference library acquired!"

"It'll be my pleasure," Hermione replied with a smile.

With that, Pro's life at Hogwarts continued as normal, but the girl that has glared at him during class has disappeared. Instead, an extra diligent but bossy girl appeared around him more than usual.

Now, it's common to see Harry and Ron sitting on one side of Pro while Hermione sits on the other, quietly reading her book. Then, in the library, Hermione would occasionally recommend big, thick books to Pro ... for 'light' reading. Occasionally he would borrow her homework for 'reference'. Of course, Pro truly did use her homework as reference because Pro could easily complete the homework himself.

Of course, Pro didn't mind. Even without her recommendation, Pro would still read in order to grind XP. The basic course books had long been drained of their XP value, and Pro had to find alternatives outside of magic practice.

The days swiftly passed and after days of grinding all sorts of spells along with reading many books in the library, Pro's magic level finally reached level 11. This unlocked the level 10 Curse of the Bogies, level 11 Levitation Charm, and level 11 Switching Spell.

It also didn't take long before the first flying class gradually approached. The nervous Hermione began to vent her frustration by boring the rest with flying tips she read from a book. As her friend, Pro bore the brunt of her frustration, but Pro still diligently listened whilst doing his best to calm her down by explaining his practical flying experience taught by his father.

Although the boys usually don't talk with Hermione, Harry and Ron also listened in to Pro's explanation while complaining about Malfoy from time to time. The most nervous one that listened with rapt attention was probably Neville, but Pro didn't have much hopes regarding his situation.

Heading over to the flat, grassy lawn opposite of the forbidden forest with the Gryffindor group, Pro saw the Slytherins already proudly waiting next to their brooms. Lining up by the other set of brooms, Pro glanced down at the old, shabby broom that seemed like it would break if one swings it too hard.

His previous confidence dwindled a bit, and Pro could only comfort himself by reminding himself to hop off immediately if he can't control the broom. He didn't want to be like Neville who continued to sit on the broom like an idiot until he rose to a dangerous height.

Madam Hooch arrived and commanded the idle ones to stand by a broomstick. Then, she gave the command that would start the lesson, "Stick out your right hand over your broom and say UP!"

With the training from his father, Pro was able to confidently get the old broom to jump up to his hands. Although it wasn't as fast as Harry, it was still better than most. After Madam Hooch showed the group how to ride the brooms, she finally gave the command to start flying, "On my whistle! Three ... two ..."

As expected, Pro saw Neville kicking off the ground like a nervous wreck. Watching Neville rise up higher and higher, a system notification then distracted Pro for a moment.

[Ding! A new quest, Broom Accident, has been added to the quest list.]

[Broom Accident] Save a person falling off their flying broom by stopping their fall and reducing the fall damage. (0/1)

Seeing this new quest, Pro got off his broom while pulling his wand out in addition to opening the magic spellbook. Glancing up, Pro saw Neville toppled over from his broom and plummeted towards the ground as expected.

Aiming his wand at Neville, Pro did his best to time his spell before he activated the Levitation Charm through his spellbook, chanting the incantation softly in case his spell fails, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Will his spell succeed or will it fizzle?