Hidden Room

Sneaking up close to Snape, the duo sneakily did what needs to be done. Unlike Hermione who was brilliant enough to know how to collect fire into a bottle, Pro joined in the fun simply by cheating.

To avoid the fact that of the fire-making spell being recognized and his wand being checked, Pro chose to cast the spell wandless. As Hermione set fire to Snape's cloak from one side, Pro pointed a finger at the cloak from the other side and summoned a small stream of fire, "Incendio."

It didn't take long for Snape's cape to catch on fire. Pro grinned and felt that he had vented all his frustration due to Snape's potion class. Grabbing onto the little, smooth hand of Hermione once more, Pro sneaked away before the fire got big enough to be noticed. While returning to their seats, Pro took a glance at the quest rewards.

[Congratulations! You have completed Jinxed Broom Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 100 Thieving XP]

"Oh? A new skill? I never actually got the chance to steal anything in order to unlock this skill, but now I have!" Pro exclaimed in a bit of excitement, but before he could go and check on the skill details, he was interrupted by the uproar from the nearby crowd.

Feeling Hermione's tug on his hand, Pro glanced over to see her excitedly hopping a bit as she cheered for Harry. It seemed that Harry had caught the snitch, at the cost of plummeting to the ground. After Hermione calmed down a bit, Pro gave her a hand a gentle tug which caused her to blush once more.

Smiling all the way, it didn't take long for Pro to his spot with a blushing Hermione. The two then sat down and Pro decided to keep his friend's hand warm, despite her shyness.

The group filed out of the stadium not long after. Although he got some strange stares from the students around them, Pro still didn't release Hermione's hand. Pro decided that he can't lose his homework reference any longer. He needs more grinding time. It's definitely not because her hand was smooth and soft.

Pro continued to hold onto Hermione's hand as the group of four headed followed Hagrid over to his hut. It wasn't until they arrived at the warm hut that Pro allowed Hermione's hand to slip away. Of course, Pro made sure to plop himself down next to her so she can't escape their talk afterwards.

As for the reason the group went to Hagrid's hut, it was obviously to blame Snape. Of course, Hagrid's loose mouth also revealed parts of the hidden secret. Pro could only facepalm himself as Hagrid kept revealing even more as he talked. Of course, Pro already knew the plot so he wasn't too interested in what Hagrid said. He had fun teasing Hermione's little hand instead.

After Hagrid ushered the group out of his hut, Pro held onto Hermione's hand once more as he waved to Harry and Ron, "You two go first, Hermione and I have something to talk about."

The young Harry and Ron didn't know anything about love at this time, so they just thought that the two smart kids were simply going to talk about smart stuff like usual.

After the two light bulbs were sent away, Pro gently smiled at Hermione before he said, "Let's find a warm, quiet place to talk about this."

With a cheeky smile, Pro raised his hand that held onto Hermione's hand to announce what the talk was going to be about, causing Hermione to blush as she looked away.

Returning to the castle, Pro decided to find a very private place to have this serious discussion. He didn't want any pranksters or ghosts interrupting and ruining the talk. He didn't want any chances for misunderstandings.

A secret room where the two can talk without interruption. It has to be warm, cozy, and quiet. Pro can't really think of any suitable rooms in the school, but Pro knew somewhere that could always be turned into one.

"Follow me, Hermoine. I'll take you to my secret hideout," Pro said as he led Hermione to the left corridor of the seventh floor.

Arriving in front of the empty wall opposite of the Barnabas tapestry, Pro smiled as Hermione glanced at him in confusion.

Chuckling a bit as he looked at Hermione, Pro gave her an explanation, "There's a secret entrance here. To enter, we will need to think about what room we need and walk back and forth three times. Think about needing a comfy lounge. Keep that in mind, and we will start walking. Ready?"

After a moment of silent, Hermione answered with a nod. Pro then gently pulled her along as the duo walked back and forth in front of the empty wall three times. After their third time, a majestic door gradually faded into existence to Hermione's surprise.

With a confident smile, Pro gave the door a push, opening it to reveal a comfy and cozy lounge, complete with sets of comfy couches along with a fireplace. Leading the shocked Hermione into the lounge.

"The Room of Requirements, a room that can transform based on its user's needs. A lounge, a library, a storage, a practice room, and more. It's all possible as long as the person entering needs it."

"Brilliant! This isn't just magic- it's more than that! Probably only the greatest wizards can build a room like this!" Hermione exclaimed as she examined the room in excitement.

"I know. Magical isn't it? This can be our secret hangout from now on," Pro replied with a smile as he glanced at the excited Hermione.

Thud. The sound of the door shutting awakened Hermione from her amazement. Hermione finally realized the situation she was in, alone with a boy in a room. Her face flushed red with a blush as her eyes swiveled back and forth, not knowing what to say or do.

Holding the cute girl's hand, Pro led her over to a couch and he sat her down. Pro then sat down next to Hermione and watched her facing the other way while squirming in her seat.

Chuckling, Pro raised his hand and gently turned her face over to look at him, "Hermione, why are you looking over there? I'm sitting over here."

Hermione blushed and opened her mouth in an attempt to stutter some words, but failed to do so. After chuckling at Hermione's cuteness for a bit longer, Hermione finally couldn't help it but stop Pro, "S-Stop! It's not funny!"

Pro chuckled a bit more before he calmed down. Pro then put on a gentle smile as he began to confirm his thoughts, "Hermione. Why have you been avoiding me for the past weeks?"

Hermione's answer was silence while she looked away. in the end, she whispered, "Didn't you say you know?"

Pro smiled and gave Hermione's hand a squeeze, "I just wanted to confirm if my thoughts were correct. Hermione, do you like me?"

Hermione blushed furiously as she bowed her head while tightening her grip on Pro's hand. After a couple moments of awkward silence and nervousness, she finally nodded her head.

"Mmm ... just as I thought. I also assume you know about the relationships between boys and girls right?" Pro continued to question.

Hermione also nodded as she whispered in a soft voice, "I- I know, I mean ... I- I've read about them ... in books."

Watching the usually bossy girl turn so shy, Pro couldn't help but find her cute, but he had to talk about serious business. So, Pro's face didn't slack.

As Pro gently rubbed Hermione's hand, Pro finally decided it was only fair to admit the truth to his feeling, "Hermione. You said you wanted to know how I feel. I originally just treated you as a friend. Honestly, I don't know when it started, but I want to tell you that I like you, too."

Hermione's head snapped up as she stared into Pro's eyes. Pro could see the undeniable joy and hope on her face. It was the perfect moment to seal the deal and enjoy a moment of bliss, but Pro had to continue what he wanted to say.


Pro could feel Hermione stiffen up a bit when she heard him continuing. Pro gripped Hermione's hand a bit as he gently said, "Hermione ... although we both understand what relationships are through books, I believe that we are too young to understand what love is, and we both are too young for a relationship."

Pro could feel Hermione stiffen up as her eyes widened a bit in shock and fear. After a moment, Pro saw Hermione's body tremble as her eyes become a bit watery. Seeing Hermione getting up and wanting to escape, Hermione swiftly leapt towards her and pulled her into a hug.

The couple tumbled back onto the couch with Hermione laying on top of Pro, held in his embrace. Pro hugged Hermione tightly despite her struggles, until she finally calmed down and began to sob while burying her face into his chest. With a wry smile, Pro raised one of his hands to stroke Hermione's head to comfort her.

As Hermione's sobs calmed down a bit, Pro then continued his speech, "Hermione, let me finish talking. I didn't mean that we can't be in a relationship. Remember what I told you, I do like you Hermione. I truly do."

Hermione trembled in Pro's embrace before she raised her head to look at Pro with her puffy eyes that had a hint of hope, "W-What do you mean Pro?"

Using his hand to wipe away some of Hermione's tears, Pro gently smile as he replied, "What I meant was that we are not ready for a real relationship. We are too young to understand, and we don't know if we are the right ones for each other. Instead, we should spend more time together. Get to know each other more. That way, we will slowly learn if we truly are right for each other."

Hermione went silent for a bit before nodding a bit, but then shaking her head afterwards as she gripped onto Pro's robe with worry, "B-But I know ... you are the right one for me."

Pro stroked her head once more as he continued, "Yes. I believe you are the right one for me too. We are so similar. Background-wise, intelligence-wise ... perhaps there is more."

Hermione stared at Pro with a hopeful face. Pro smiled back as he said, "But we should spend more time together to find out more. It won't hurt to wait. Instead, I'm afraid of starting a relationship early because if it doesn't end well, then we might not even be able to be friends. I don't want to end up hurting you, Hermione."

Pro could feel Hermione clutch his robe with worry as he said this. Pro decided to drop a suggestion, "Of course, I don't want to end up missing my soul mate by accident. This may be a bit selfish, but I still decided to do this. Hermione, I want us to be unofficial boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Unofficial?" Hermione asked with a bit of confusion.

"Yes. Unofficial. Instead of being a real boyfriend and girlfriend, unofficial ones will be similar but with some restrictions applied. We will still hang out like friends, and we won't tell anyone we are boyfriend or girlfriend. Of course, we won't deny it either to keep others away because we will also reserve ourselves for the other," Pro stated before he paused for a bit to let the facts sink in.

"Reserve ourselves?" Hermione mumbled as she tilted her head.

"Yes. While we are unofficial boyfriend and girlfriend, the both of us are not allowed to date anyone else. Unless we stop being unofficial, the spot of boyfriend and girlfriend will be reserved for you and me respectively. If you ever want to change this fact, then you must tell the other. Although this may still hurt the other, it may hurt less as the relationship didn't officially start," Pro explained.

After a moment of silence, Hermione nodded as if she understood, "So, it's just like being friends, but reserved?"

Pro nodded as he continued, "Yes. So, you can treat me as a friend, and don't have to be shy around me. As for the differences between unofficial and official, it is the restrictions on interaction. As unofficials, there are some bottom lines that can't be cross. We can hug and hold hands like friends as unofficials, but we can't do what an official boyfriend and girlfriend does, like kissing or more. So, how does that sound? Hermione, would you like to be my unofficial girlfriend?"

"Mmm," Hermione's soft answer echoed in the room as she buried her face back onto Pro's chest to hide her blushing face.

After sweet moments of cuddling, Pro then heard Hermione's muffled voice from his chest, "Then, when does the relationship become ... official?"

Pro smiled back while gently stroking Hermione's head as she snuggled up over his body, "When the time is right, we will know."


"Don't avoid me anymore alright?"
