
The following days, Pro dispose of the vials of unicorn blood he collected. Along with the many trinkets and magic items he found in the 'trash' room, Pro raised his monetary value up to 513 galleons, 271 sickels, and 411 knuts. Honestly, the fifteen vials of unicorn blood sold pretty well even though he was ripped off. Pro also temporarily emptied his books for larger transactions of 'trash' disposal.

Through hardcore studying with Hermione, Pro also barely raised his magic level from 22 to 23. This unlocked the standard summoning charm, DADA disarming charm and the transfiguration beetle to buttons spell. It wasn't too much, but better than nothing. Herblore was also raised from level 15 to 17, and farming from 10 to 13. Unfortunately, the pitiful slayer level stayed the same.

Meanwhile, the summer heat gradually settled in as exam time hit them like a speeding car. At first, Pro intended to just paddle away through the exams. After all, it should still be easy for him with all the studying Hermione dragged him off to do. However, Pro decided to try harder once he got some quests regarding his exam results.

[First Year Exams] There should be no reason to fail. Pass all first year exams.

[Outstanding Student] Show the professors that you have worked hard. Have exam results that rank in the top five of your grade.

[Top Student] Tell the school that you are a study genius. Rank first in exam results of your grade.

Glancing at the quests, Pro believed that he could easily complete the first two, but the third one may be a bit difficult. After all, it will be hard to surpass Hermione even if he had books to cheat off of. Perhaps his only chance is during the practical part of the test, and hopefully his system won't fizzle his spells.

Although there was no time limit for the Top Student quest, Pro knew that it will only get harder and harder as the years go up. Pro could only hope he could complete it during the earlier years.

The exams were inevitable. Pro didn't worry much about the written part of the exam. Honestly, the studying with Hermione truly helped. Not only that, he had remembered bits and pieces of many of the higher level books he read. Add that to the cheat books and notes he stashed in his system inventory, the written test was a breeze. Pro didn't even have to reference his cheat sheets for most of the exam.

Pro was a bit worried about the practical part of the exams though. Fortunately, most of his spells succeeded on the first try due to his relatively high level of magic. The only spell that he fizzled was the Dancing Feet spell. The practical test for charms class was to make a pineapple tapdance across a desk.

Fortunately, Pro easily succeeded in the second try despite the awkwardness at first. He event got bonus points for casting silent magic from Flitwick. His original intention was to hide the fact that he fizzled the spell by recasting it silently, but his attempt was seen through, but Flitwick had a misunderstanding, thinking he was trying to show off something beyond his level.

While Pro was having a relaxed time breezing through the exams, Harry was struggling due to the pain of his scar. Of course, Pro knew why but he didn't say anything. Instead, Pro diligently prepared for his final adventure of the year while looking forward to the quest completion rewards.

After completing the boring History of Magic exam which basically was just copying content from the books to the exam papers, Pro finally got to laze around in the summer heat with his friends. Hermione cuddled up besides Pro under the shade of a tree while listening to poor Harry complaining about his scar.

Well, Pro knew that his lazy rest won't last long. As expected, Harry suddenly jumped up in the midst of his complaints as he miraculously connected the dots behind the clues. It was like he was induced to believe in something or that he finally got an IQ buff. The first thing Pro did was peek at his mini-map and as expected, he counted an extra dot that shouldn't be there.

Watching Harry bounce up and run off to Hagrid's place, Pro could only get up with Hermione to chase behind him. Of course, the duo calmly walked behind hand in hand while watching the two boys dash off.

"Pro, you seem so calm. Do you already know what Harry is up to?" Hermione calmly whispered as she saw the two boys disappearing into the distance.

Peeking at the mini-map and noticing that the extra yellow dot was not nearby, Pro breathed a sigh of relief as he replied, "Maybe. Probably something to do with the stone. We'll know once we get there."

By the time the couple arrived at the hut, Harry was already in the midst of bombarding poor Hagrid with questions. They were already arriving towards the end of their conversation and Pro was easily able to pick up the fact that Hagrid's loose mouth had disclosed the secret behind getting past the three-headed dog, Fluffy.

Seeing Harry and Ron rush off once more, Pro had a wry smile as Hermione also tugged him along with a hint of panic because she realized that something bad was going to happen.

"Pro, hurry up, we need to tell the professor, or Dumbledore!" Hermione whispered in panic, but calmed down when she saw Pro's calm face, "So ... you know already?"

Pro chuckled as he whispered back, "Even I'm able to guess, guess if the greatest wizard of all time knows."

Hermione's mouth gaped open a bit before she nodded silently in agreement. She calmed down a bit but still chased after Harry and Ron, "Then, we have to go stop those two daft dimbos!"

"No, we shouldn't. I believe that this should be the final exam for Harry. We should join them, and just treat it as an exciting adventure," Pro chuckled in mirth as he jogged after the duo.

"Adventure? Are you sure there won't be any dangers?" Hermione whispered back.

"I'm here. He's here, what are you worried about? Just act normal," Pro replied as he approached the two boys who had stopped in the entrance hall.

The two confused boys had their thoughts jumbled up, and the Professor McGonagall that just so happen to show up coincidentally only helped to make them more impulsive when she told them that Dumbledore had left Hogwarts after receiving a letter from the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, Pro knew that was bogus. Perhaps Dumbledore really did leave for a short time to put up a smokescreen so that a certain dark lord can step into his trap, but everything is probably under his control.

Watching Professor McGonagall perform her wonderful shocked act, Pro truly couldn't tell if she was really shocked or if she was a masterful actor.

"Potter, I know what I'm talking about," McGonagall said shortly as she bent down and gathered up the fallen books, "I suggest you two go back outside and enjoy the sunshine. Or be like Mister Smith and Miss Granger, enjoying their time ... it's good to be young."

Perhaps it was due to them holding hands or maybe it was due to their calmness, Professor McGonagall shot a strange glance at Hermione's and Pro's direction when she left. Although Hermione blushed a bit, she didn't squirm out of Pro's hand but continued to hold onto it.

Well, their calmness wasn't going to turn off the panicking mode of Harry and Ron. Of course, Snape stopped by to give Harry a fair warning. Honestly, Snape is truly a good guy and probably wants to help poor Harry avoid the scheme of a certain principal, but Harry just can't take the hint.

Harry then sent Hermione off to be a spy on Snape. Pro happily tagged along and sold soy sauce. Of course, there wasn't even supposed to be any substantial info anyways. Pro kept Hermione away from Snape's office and whispered towards her, "Just tell Harry that Snape left his office."

Hermione glanced back at him queerly but nodded in the end. Pro chuckled as he glanced at the Hermione that is willing to lie for him. How come he is beginning to feel like he had become a scheming b*stard? Perhaps he is fit for Slytherin after all. Well, Dumbledore was also placed in Gryffindor so maybe there wasn't too much of a difference.

Returning to the commons room, the couple found the panicking Harry who was just warned by McGonagall. Now, the poor bloke wants to cause trouble even though he might lose more house points and be expelled. Eventually, the group still came to the decision to stop the conspiracy, the smaller one that was within the control of the bigger one.

Well, the true decision came afterwards. The invisibility cloak can't fit all four of them underneath, so one of them had to be left out. Although Pro knew he could replace Hermione or Ron, he decided to play it safe. His logical abilities aren't as great as Hermione and his chess playing skills can't match Ron.

Of course, that doesn't mean he won't go. Pro simply said he will come after them. Even without an invisibility cloak, Pro can easily make his way over as his mini-map will help him avoid anyone patrolling the corridors. Hermione was a bit worried at first, but Pro assured her and told her that she didn't have to wait for him.

Night came and the group headed down to the commons room. Poor Neville was frozen in place by Hermione with the Full-Body Binding spell. Pro also wanted to try but that spell was only unlocked at magic level 24. Honestly, Hermione is a cheat machine and his manual learning of spells simply can't keep up.

"Well, I'll look after him a bit. See you all later," Pro bid the group farewell.

Hermione came up to hug Pro and whispered, "Good luck. Don't get caught."

"You too Hermione. Stay safe, I believe you can lead them through it," Pro whispered as he gently stroke Hermione's head.

After the trio left, Pro helped Neville into a comfortable position on the couch while the poor bloke stiffly stared back at him with his panicky eyes.

"Well, don't blame them Neville. Maybe we'll win the house cup because of them," Pro chuckled as he watched Neville stare back at him with confusion, "Alright, I'm off."

Checking his mini-map, Pro easily avoided all the patrolling yellow dots while he made his way towards his destination, the third floor corridor. At first, Pro had no problems, but as he approached the third floor corridor, Pro finally noticed that a yellow dot was gradually approaching him on the mini-map.

With a frown, Pro deviated from his route a bit, only to see the yellow dot continue to follow him, coming closer and closer. In the end, Pro sighed as he knew he couldn't escape. Calmly strolling back on his original route, Pro approached the third floor corridor. The yellow dot that followed him swiftly appeared in the corridor ahead of him. When Pro finally step into the corridor, the yellow dot finally revealed himself.

Waiting in the third floor corridor with his back facing Pro and with his hands crossed behind his back, Pro finally faced the man who is known as the greatest wizard of the current era, Albus Dumbledore.