End of Year

The first thing that Pro did when he woke up the next day was to check on his quest completion rewards. The big first year quest has finally been completed, and Pro was excited regarding the rewards.

[Congratulations! You have completed First Year Adventure Quest. You are awarded: 3 Quest Point, 1000 Magic XP, 3 Antique Lamp, 1000 Galleons, Apparition Spellbook, Achievement Diary]

Pro's eyes glinted in excitement as he watched the fireworks decorate his system interface. Pro first focused on the new spellbook he had just unlocked. Opening his spellbook, Pro found a new tab for apparition and opening it revealed a single unlocked teleport spell, Apparate to Hogsmeade.

Pro grinned with a bit of excitement. He never expected to get the power of apparition during his first year. This was a power that only sixth years or higher hold. Of course, the system apparition had many differences compared to the normal apparition.

According to the system details, all system apparition spells can't be used in combat. Pro recalled that some R*nescape teleport spells could be used in combat, but his teleports were completely restricted. The apparition point is also fixed by the system. It is unlike the real Harry Potter verse apparition where you can choose a location to apparate to with imagination. Also, Pro could only apparate solo and can't bring anyone along. Pro also can't bring items along unless they are stored in his inventory or equipped in his worn equipment.

Additionally, new apparition spells weren't unlocked by level. Instead, Pro needed to complete the tasks for an unlocked area in the achievement diary, located in the quest interface, in order to unlock an apparition spell to the area. The basic apparition spellbook only came with one default location, Hogwarts.

Now, here is where the power of the system apparition lays. In the Harry Potter verse, it is clearly known that it is impossible to apparate in or out of Hogwarts, unless the person had a backdoor like Dumbledore. However, Pro's system apparition lets him apparate through the apparition prevention barrier of Hogwarts! There is no need to expound on how overpowered this ability is.

The system apparition's power does not end there. Using the system apparition, many of the side effects of normal apparition were excluded. Pro only felt a smooth transition in the scenario when he apparates, and there was no wild roller-coaster ride when apparating. Pro didn't have to experience the nausea from apparating nor did he have to worry about failing to apparate or losing a part of his body.

As an added bonus, Pro determined that the system apparition has a pop-up notification to confirm the teleport. As there was no level restriction on the usage of the apparition spells, this confirmation was useful for preventing accidentally taps so Pro won't have to suffer for no reason. Another restriction that helped to prevent accidental taps was the fact that there is a 30 minute cooldown on all spells in the apparition spellbook after casting any of the spells in the apparition spellbook.

On a side note, the Hogwarts apparition point was located on the Hogwarts ground in between Hagrid's hut and the Hogwarts castle. Pro also unlocked the Hogsmeade apparition spell easily by visiting all the shops in Hogsmeade and making a purchase at some specified shops. The Hogsmeade apparition point happens to be in the middle of the street and out in the open. It certainly wasn't the best location to not draw attention, so Pro has to remember to disguise himself when using this apparition.

Moving on from the new spellbook, the 1000 magic XP reward from the quest brought his magic level from 23 to 24. Pro happily invested his three lamps into his magic level as well, and brought it up to level 26. This unlocked another section of system spells for Pro.

For standard spells, Pro unlocked the engorgement charm, banishing charm which is the opposite of the summoning charm, and skurge charm for cleaning with ghost ectoplasm in addition to scaring ghosts.

For DADA spells, he unlocked the full-body-bind curse, arania exumai charm which is used to blast away spiders, and fummos duo which is the most powerful version of the smokescreen spell.

For transfiguration spells, he unlocked the hardening charm and rabbit slippers transformation.

There were only a couple days left before the end of the school year. Perhaps others will be relaxing and awaiting the end of the year feast, but Pro was still hard at work ... laundering 'trash'. After the school year is over, Pro knew he won't be able to collect 'trash' as safely as now, so Pro went all out in gaining galleons even if it attracted some attention. With the 1000 galleons quest reward along with the hardcore sales, Pro increased his monetary values to 2003 galleons, 413 sickels, and 601 knuts.

Even though Pro's time was hectic, it was inevitable that the remaining time will run out. Harry was discharged from the school hospital and the end of the year feast finally arrived.

The green banners belonging to the Slytherin house decorated the Great Hall, but Pro knew that the poor, excited Slytherins would soon feel green for real. Sitting at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione who was squirming in her seat because she was hinted in advance regarding the soon to happen event, Pro calmly waited for the feast to begin.

Harry strolled in and gained the attention of everyone like a celebrity. He plopped himself down between Ron and Pro while he tried to act cheerful in the face of the Slytherin banners.

Well, the following events were expected. Dumbledore put the green hat on the Slytherins and gave the Gryffindors a surprise gift to jump their points up to first place. Perhaps, there was also the hidden motive of motivating the savior. Just Dumbledore's carrot and stick schemes.

Well, it was clearly successful for the cute, innocent children. Even the smart Hermione, that knew about the events before hand, was excited and buried her face into Pro's arms, causing it to become wet from tears.

Pro wasn't too surprised that he wasn't awarded any points. After their talk, Dumbledore probably already knows that he can't motivate the mature Pro with some trifling points, so he didn't even bother. As for why Neville was chosen, Dumbledore probably wanted to prepare a backhand. After all, Neville was speculated to be the second chosen one.

The Gryffindors stood up and cheered in excitement as Pro happily clapped along with a smile. Pro also gave the cute Hermione a couple more pets on the head to make her even more blissful.

A couple days passed and Pro rushed to collect his end of the year welfare. The exam results also came out, and Pro was surprised to find himself topping the list for his year! Perhaps the bonus points from casting his spells silently in the practical test boosted him to first place.

The cute Hermione could only pout in dissatisfaction over second place while complaining to Pro, "I was the one that helped you study. Brilliant, now you are first and I'm second. I couldn't beat you back in primary school, and I still can't beat you now."

"Does it still matter who beats who? If we are together, it doesn't matter which one of us wins because it'll still be us winning."

Pro chuckled as he comforted Hermione by petting her head. The cute girl's blissful smile enjoyed the pets as much as a cat does. On the other hand, Pro was happy as he got another batch of quest rewards.

[Congratulations! You have completed First Year Exams Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 1 Antique lamp]

[Congratulations! You have completed Outstanding Student Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 2 Antique lamp, 200 Galleons]

[Congratulations! You have completed Top Student Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 3 Antique lamp, 500 Galleons]

With six antique lamps, Pro invested 3000 XP into his magic skill, bringing his magic level up to 28. Needless to say, more spells were unlocked, including the Freezing spell, Vera Verto for transforming animals into water goblets, bird-conjuring charm, and the Boggart-Banishing Spell. This meant that Pro can cheat with his system to use many third-year spells already!

After Pro collected the quest points from the exam rewards, Pro returned to picking up 'trash' and managed to unlock a new quest when he checked out the dangerous Ravenclaw's crown once more.

[Crown of Wisdom] The crown that has been deemed to be lost is now contaminated by dark magic. Cleanse the crown. Return the crown to its rightful owner.

"Great, now I need to find a way to destroy a horcrux and return the crown to the Grey Lady," Pro mumbled as he scratched his head in frustration, "I'll have to deal with this later and come up with a good plan. It's not easy to fool Dumbledore, and I still need to prepare for next year's danger."

Soon, it was time to return home for the summer vacation. The contract that restricted underage magic was unknowingly signed and the students were sent back home on the train. Pro sat on the train with Harry, Ron, and Hermione as the group celebrated the end of their first year. As they came closer and closer to King's Cross, poor Harry became more and more depressed. Well, nothing Pro could do for the poor bloke, he lived too far away.

On the other hand, Pro was fairly excited over his summer vacation. There is still lots to do, ranging from preparations for next year to earning galleons for his house. Perhaps, Pro might even welcome the birth of his sibling.

Of course, the most exciting part is probably the fact that Pro gets to spend more time with Hermione. After all, they were close neighbors. Pro knew his parents won't restrict his use of underage magic because they spoiled him and knew he was responsible enough to not doing anything dangerous. Plus, his father had already registered their house as a magical household to avoid trouble.

Well, they probably didn't know the dangerous adventures he already had at Hogwarts or mommy Beatrice's rant would have been heard from miles away. Pro also fooled Hermione to help him keep it a secret, under the excuse that his mother was pregnant and he didn't want her emotions to fluctuate too much.

It was simply a delay to the outbreak as Pro knew that it would be dangerous next year regardless, but at that time, his sibling would have safely arrived in this world.

Arriving at King's Cross, Pro saw daddy Joseph waiting for him while chatting with Uncle Granger. Of course, Ginny Weasley's excited squealing was also heard nearby. Ron also introduced his family to Pro, Hermione, and Harry. The parents of three of them also got along, but poor Harry was steered away by the grumpy, furious Vernon before they could actually get along.

After the meet and greet, Pro and Hermione bid farewell to the Weasleys before heading home with their respective families. Daddy Joseph happily chatted with Pro along the way home, revealing the fact that Pro will get a younger sister soon. Even with an eleven year difference, Pro is still happy with a cute sister. At least she could avoid all the dangerous events that have yet to come if she ends up becoming a witch.

Pro was welcomed home by a big-bellied mommy Beatrice as she dotingly smooched him all over. Well, Pro honestly missed it a bit so he won't complain about being a big boy. Pro was especially happy to see his father's jealous face.

With the end of a year, a new story begins. The wonderful summer of freedom, adventure, and grinding awaits. It's time to turn up the heat and watch Pro's life full of flip-flops.