
Following Joseph, Pro strolled on the fairly quiet streets of Diagon Alley. Hermione was cheerfully walking next to him and their hand occasionally brush by each other. Pro wanted to reach out to grab it, but he had promised the shy Hermione not to do so in front of his parents.

The group passed through many shops and finally arrived at a white building that towered over the other shops. It was Pro's first visit to Gringotts.

Strolling inside, Pro was greeted by the sight of many short, humanoid goblins in uniforms hard at work. Well, at least that's what they seem to be doing, but some of them do it so slowly that it seems they are one of those lazy workers that intended to waste time. Of course, Pro would never know because those goblins were never the friendly type that would tell him these secrets.

Joseph walked up to a goblin and initiated a conversation. The goblin didn't have a friendly tone even though Joseph put on a big, friendly smile; however, it became a bit more friendly once Joseph took out wads of British pounds to exchange for galleons.

After the exchange, the group left Gringotts under the scrutiny of the goblins. It was then that Joseph handed a pouch of coins to Pro.

"Here you go lil Pro, you said you needed 2300 galleons, but daddy added 200 more. So, that's 2500 galleons. I don't know why you need so much galleons, but tell daddy if you need more. Daddy will get some for you," Joseph chuckled as he ruffled Pro's hair.

"It's alright father. It's already enough that you buy books for us, and you will probably pay for school supplies as well. I know it will strain you a bit financially, but I promise I will pay back the amount eventually, 2200 galleons in total because 300 of them were exchanged from my savings," Pro replied as he stashed the pouch in his robe, but secretly stored most of the galleons into his inventory.

"Alright lil Pro, if that's what you want. Do tell daddy if you need more money to spend, daddy has work so you don't have to worry. You don't have to pay daddy back even though you said you wanted to borrow it, Mommy will also nag daddy if you do. You don't want daddy to end up on the couch do you?" Joseph said with a chuckle before he led the way, "Alright, let's go. Hurry up and get your books. Then, you two can go on your lil date."

Hermione blushed a bit as she heard this. Pro chuckled but only got a glare and a pinch on his waist in return. Well, as long as she's happy.

The group then went off to purchase extra books to read. Pro happily watched Hermione pick away while he symbolically picked a few, including a certain Lockhart's book so he could continue to help Hermione realize the truth. Of course, Pro had already squeezed the XP out of these books by borrowing them from the library, so this set is simply for cheating during tests.

After handing over their purchases to daddy Joseph, daddy Joseph bid them farewell, "Daddy will go put your things in the car and shop for a while. Remember to come back here in one hour, and we'll go home. Also, make sure the both of you don't lose the feathers from Beatrice's hat. If you get lost, daddy will use that to track you. Alright, you two enjoy your lil date."

Waving farewell to daddy Joseph, Pro and Hermione watched the hole close up before turning to smile at each other. Pro reached out his hand and asked in a soft voice, "May I?"

Hermione giggled and then slipped her hand into Pro's hand. Pro happily tightened his grip over her soft hand as they set off on a stroll through Diagon Alley.

There wasn't many places for dates in Diagon Alley. The couple simply visited shops like the jokes shop and also enjoyed some ice cream together. Of course, Pro happily paid for everything. Even after all his expenditures, his savings was still as high as 5015 galleons, 421 sickels, and 632 knuts.

It didn't take long for the two to finish their stroll in Diagon Alley. The two then decided to leave through the Leaky Cauldron and returned to the Muggle world outside. With another smile, the two happily strolled on the sidewalks of London hand-in-hand.

The two cute children attracted some attention from the adults walking around, and some couldn't help but ask if they were lost. Of course, they intelligently replied that they were simply out for a walk and their parents were nearby. Seeing how they weren't so young to get lost, these good samaritans happily let them go on their way. Some even wished them a happy date.

Pro had exchanged most of his British pounds savings into galleons, but he still kept around 100 pounds for usage. So, Pro happily brought Hermione into some Muggle shops for snacks.

Just when Pro thought he could continue to spend a happy date with Hermione, the duo noticed two sketchy looking men stalking them. They were dressed fairly shabbily and they wore a hood to hide their faces.

"Oh boy, of all the children they chose to target, they target a wizard and a witch," Pro chuckled in mirth.

"Pro! It's not time to laugh. Remember that we aren't allowed to use spells outside of Hogwarts! If we use underage magic in the Muggle world, we will get in a lot of trouble, and even worst, expelled!" Hermione whispered in a panicky tone as she tightened her grip on Pro's hand.

Well, Pro didn't feel much worry. After all, he can cast spells without a wand. The only thing that needs to be taken care of is the stupid tracing magic on the wand that will cause them to take blame even if they were not the ones using the magic.

Pro knew his wand won't be a problem because he has it stored in his inventory. There's no way the tracing magic is passing through the system barrier, but Hermione's wand would be a problem.

So, Pro could only rely on his fists to solve the problem, but that is only as a last resort. As a law-abiding citizen, the smartest thing to do was to avoid the trouble. Hence, Pro led Hermione and detoured away from his stalkers.

As if noticing that they had been discovered, the two stalkers sped up their pace to chase them. Pro grinned as he knew it was impossible to be caught with the assistance of his mini-map. Just when Pro thought they could escape safely, two more assailants came from in front of them!

"Ugg ... they got four. Is it necessary to have so many just to kidnap two children," Pro groaned while Hermione gripped his hand tightly.

Pro's eyes sneakily glanced at the innocent civilians around him. Well, they are adults, they should do their job. Grasping a nearby man, Pro acted out a panicky face as he hollered, "Mister! Those four people has been stalking us! Please help! I think they are kidnappers!"

The random passerby froze in place before he looked towards the direction that Pro pointed. Realizing they were revealed, the four stalkers froze in place. Pro snickered, and just when he thought the four would run away, one of them actually pulled out a pistol.

"Oh sh*t," Pro shuddered and quickly pulled Hermione to run towards the side.


Eeeeeek! The crowd of people shrieked in fear as the innocent passerby, that Pro stopped, collapsed to the ground with a bloody hole on his chest. Pro glanced back with a frown, but he didn't expect things to get out of hand like this.

"What the hell ... what crazy fools would make a big mess out in the public with a gun? Do they want to sit in jail for the rest of their lives? There's no way for them to escape!" Pro growled as he led the pale Hermione through the messy, stampeding crowds and towards the shortcuts displayed on his mini-map.

To Pro's dismay, he discovered the four stalkers actually continued to chase after them! It was like their target was them from the start! The hoods fell off of two of the men, and revealed two tanned faces with lots of scars over them.

Fortunately, their goal didn't seem to be to kill them because the man with the gun didn't aim his gun at them. Instead, the four man increased their speed, intending to close the distance to capture them.

Pro quickly followed his planned route on the mini-map, and swiftly approached an alley. The dark, twisting routes of this alley was a perfect place for kidnapping to happen, but it was also a perfect place to dispose of enemies. However, Pro intended to use it as a shortcut to get through to the other side. The cross paths of alley were the best way to throw off stalkers.

Running into the alley, Pro led the panting Hermione forward as the pursuers approached from behind. Just when Pro turned at an intersection, he actually saw two man dressed in black robes standing not far in front of them!

"Lord Lucius will not be happy with your price-"

Pro barely heard what one of the man said before he went silent. The two men in black robe noticed the two children coming in and turned their face over to reveal masks with snake-like eye slits covering their face.

"Two Muggle children? How did they find us?"

"Perhaps they are lost or came here to play. How much did they hear?"

Pro felt that the two men in front of him were even more dangerous than his pursuers. However, Pro had no time to think. He pulled Hermione and charged forward towards the two men who were suspected to be wizards.

The two men stared in shock and confusion for a bit as the two children brushed past them. After all, shouldn't the children be running in the opposite direction? Why run towards them? However, they still reacted not long after the two children ran past them.

"Get rid of them."

Both man pulled out a wand and prepared to end the two children's lives, but they suddenly heard loud footsteps from behind. Just when one of them turned to look back, they saw a group of scar-faced man rounding the corner of the intersection. The one in front had already raised his gun and aimed it towards them.



A bloody hole appeared on one of the black robed man's head as he fell backwards while his face was still stiff with shock. His companion swiftly turned around and with an angry growl, he waved his wand, "Avada Kedavra!"

As the voice echoed from behind him, Pro's heart tightened as he watched the alleyway lighten up with a flash of green. Pro felt the world was crazy. He was just going on a date! Then, stalkers came out and now even dark wizards popped out!

The shrieks of surprise and fear echoed in the alleyway as the group of man saw their companion drop dead after being hit by a green light. Of course, the dark wizard wouldn't let them off as another killing curse was sent towards them.

Gripping Hermione's hand even tighter, Pro pulled her forward even faster. Pro could barely still hear the faint growl of the dark wizard as they alleyway flashed green a couple more times, but Pro didn't look back. They needed to escape!

But will they escape?