
On the calm streets of Hogsmeade, a young man wearing a mask and donned in a black robe appeared at the center of the street. After calmly glancing around, the young man strolled off and entered a shabby shack on the street. After staying there for more than half an hour, the young man grinned before setting off towards his destination.

Traveling through the secret passageway, it didn't take long for the intruder to sneak into the Hogwarts castle. The intruder's eyes peeked towards the upper right corner of his vision as if checking something before he confidently strolled off in the familiar corridors of Hogwarts.

From time to time, the intruder would hide or detour around certain areas. Through this movement, the intruder miraculously avoided encountering the residents of the castle. Eventually, the intruder arrived in front of an empty wall of the seventh floor corridor. After walking back and forth three times, a giant double door appeared. The intruder grinned and pushed open the door, entering into a room filled with heaps of items.

As the door closed behind him, the intruder finally breathed a sigh of relief as he muttered, "Fortunately, it seems that man didn't spend time checking for intruders into the castle all day. Perhaps, only Harry and those around Harry deserves his special attention. Or maybe I'm just a Pro at doing sneaky things. Hah!"

Sweeping his eyes over the mountains of 'trash', a pair of dragon hide gloves materialized on the young man's hand and he began to dig through the piles one by one, hoping to find interesting objects that he can sell.

After a couple of hours, the young man was finally satisfied with his harvest. He had also separated a small pile of suspected dark magic items, and prepared to take them out the next time he came.

Whoosh! With a grin, the young man vanished from the room with messy piles. In the blink of an eye, the young man found himself inside a small garden, next to a purple portal. Smiling, the young man finally took off his mask and robe, revealing the maturing, young face of Pro.

"Well, that was easier than I thought. Now, I should schedule a hand-off time with Mundungus. I will also need to bring the suspected dark magic items over to Mundungus manually. Perhaps, I will need to get a separate container for those items because the system inventory can't store them due to the fact that they seem to have sentience of some sort or were restricted by some curse."

Although Pro could easily just take those suspected dark magic items over to Mundungus with his hands or within a bag, Pro didn't want to risk being discovered. After all, Dumbledore may not care about a weak intruder, but if Dumbledore senses dark magic items within Hogwarts, he will most likely pay attention.

There was only a slim chance of this happening, but Pro didn't want to ruin his silk road just for a couple of dark magic items. If Pro can't find a way, then those suspected dark magic items can sit in the corner forever. After all, there was plenty of fish in the sea of 'trash'.

Having an inventory load of magic items ranging from broken trinkets to some cursed items, Pro happily tested out if any of them can be stashed in his housing space. In the end, most of the items still returned to his inventory with the exception of a couple of broken trinkets that had small forms such as quills, stopwatches, and books.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyways. All these items will be sold in the end. I won't keep any dangerous or useless items in my safe area," Pro mumbled as he picked up the remaining items that he dropped.

Glancing at his still empty parlour with no furnishing, Pro had a wry smile. Although he wanted to import furniture from outside, his inventory can't store large items so he couldn't bring them in. Perhaps, he will need to learn the shrinking charm before he could.

Although Pro had already practiced the shrinking charm with manual casting, he still hasn't mastered it. With minor success, he was only able to shrink small items and wasn't enough to shrink big objects yet.

Returning to his room, Pro stashed away his mask and robe. After sending Nightwing out to schedule a date for selling his wares, Pro went back downstairs. In the living room, Pro found mommy Beatrice in a cheerful mood as she had a conversation with Hermione.

"Darling, you must know how to keep the men in your grasp. You must let go at the right time, and hold on tightly at other times. Proper punishment is necessary at some time ..." mommy Beatrice continued her lecture as Hermione listened with rapt attention while jotting down some notes in a tiny notebook.

Oi. Hermione is only 12 years old! What is his mother teaching her?!

"Mother ..."

"Oh! My precious darling Pro finally came down! What has my precious darling been doing for hours alone in his room? Mommy was so lonely down here, but fortunately, Hermione darling came to accompany mommy. What a good girl she is, mommy always wished to have a daughter like her," mommy Beatrice commented as she grasped Hermione's hand and gave her hand a couple of small pats.

Hermione blushed a bit as her eyes peeked over at Pro.

"Um ... not studying anymore Hermione?" Pro asked,

"I am studying," Hermione replied with a giggle.

Pro's mouth twitched as he replied, "Brilliant, you know I meant studying magic."

"Well, this is important too. Auntie Beatrice is also a dignified graduate of Ravenclaw, and I can learn many things from her ... knowledge that may not be found in books. I mean, books are still the greatest in my mind, but it's never wrong to learn from the experience of other wizards and witches," Hermione replied with her serious, studious face.

"Oh my precious darling Pro, don't be so hard on Hermione darling. She is just accompanying your mommy. You know mommy gets lonely sometimes. Your baby sister still can't talk with mommy yet," mommy Beatrice said as she patted her round belly.

"Well, whatever makes you happy," Pro mumbled as he left the two ladies behind and strolled towards the tent in the garden.

Entering the tent, Pro returned to his daily life of studying and grinding. Pro also began to conduct research on the gramophone, a mechanical record player that can be used in the wizarding world. He had already acquired his own gramophone and it was sitting inside the tent.

After he learns the shrinking charm at level 30, he should be able to shrink the gramophone down to fit in his inventory. Then, he would only need the recording for the a rooster's crow and one of his defenses against the Basilisk would be in place.

Of course, the basic defense items such as mirrors and non-prescription glasses were also prepared. These items weren't too expensive on the Muggle side, and Pro even prepared a couple sets, enough for both him and Hermione. Hermione found the gift a bit weird, but she still listened to Pro and will bring them to Hogwarts.

The mirror has been proven to prevent death but not from being petrified in the books. The glasses probably won't have any effect except for being a cosmetic because it won't save anyone with a direct line of sight at the basilisk, but it may be an extra layer if it was an indirect line of sight. Pro wasn't too sure if the items would work, but it was better than nothing.

Truthfully, Pro didn't plan to fight the basilisk at all. He was only worried that he would be targeted because he could be considered a muggle-born wizard. Technically, he is not because his parents were wizards, but his wizarding family tree ends there. Hence, he was not a pure-blood and not being pure-blood means a potential target for the basilisk.

However, Pro would probably be able to discover the basilisk on his mini-map if it approaches him. Perhaps, only the rooster crow would be helpful for his escape. The mirror was only for checking his escape route without direct eye contact, in case he gets confused by multiple approaching dots on the mini-map.

Well, all of these were worries for later. For now, Pro just had to happily spend his summer vacation. Summer could be said to be long, but time passes quickly when one is having fun. It wasn't long before it was Pro's birthday.

The family celebrated his birthday with a small house party. Well, it was just the Smiths and the Grangers getting together. Pro also got some symbolic gifts, mainly Muggle items from both sides. Hermione gifted him a book ... and a peck on his cheek secretly. It was a happy moment.

The summer heat continued to blaze, but Pro didn't let the sweat bother him. He continued to launder items over the summer and was glad he wasn't caught. There was one time where a yellow dot was chasing Pro on the Hogwarts mini-map, but Pro easily escaped by apparating out before he was caught.

After a week of break, Pro continued his endeavor and wasn't bothered again. Well, perhaps his pursuer already guessed who he was, but it wasn't like Pro was doing anything bad. He was helping Hogwarts clear out dangerous dark magic items and cleaning up the 'trash' in the school. Honestly, he is doing a good thing. Dumbledore should be happy.

Still, a month of hard work still paid off. To the surprise of his parents, Pro already paid back 1000 galleons of his loan. They were even wondering if he didn't use the galleons in the first place. Pro wasn't going to fix that misunderstanding.

On the other hand, there wasn't much progress on his magic level. Instead, Pro had enhanced his foundation through the manual practice of many spells.

On the housing side of things, Pro managed to purchase planks of wood, nails, bolts of cloth, soft clay, a saw, and a hammer. Fortunately, these items could be purchased using Muggle cash, and that was something Pro did not lack because his parents still gave him a weekly allowance. Honestly, Pro has begin to wonder where all his parent's Muggle cash came from, but daddy Joseph always avoided the topic whenever Pro asked.

With the construction items prepared, Pro finally had the chance to raise his construction level by burning money. His construction level quickly rose from level 4 to 15 by grinding crude wooden chairs. The added benefit of this was the newly built empty, wooden bookcases and wooden chairs inside his house. Torn curtains were also added along with a clay fireplace and a brown rug.

Pro also tested if Hermione could see the portal in his room, and he was amazed over the fact that she could even walk through it was if it didn't exist. Of course, Pro still didn't plan to let Hermione in on the secret yet. With the bookshelves populated with his old books, the furnishing wasn't as lacking as before, but the house was still not too presentable.

Another month passed and the Smith family welcomed a new member to the family on August 14 in a Muggle hospital. Unlike the name of Pro, Pro's baby sister was granted the normal name of Sarah Smith.

The weakened mommy Beatrice quickly recovered with the help of some potions that daddy Joseph acquired. Honestly, Pro felt it was weird that the birth took place in a Muggle hospital, and it was even more weird when he realized that his father could still afford a private room after indulging in Pro's expenditures.

The fugly little Sarah finally arrived home after a three day hospital stay. Still, Pro found it fun to tease the little one, and after a month of teasing, the fugly little Sarah finally became the cutiepie of the family. Even Hermione was charmed by her.

With the new little darling added to the family, the mood livened up a bit. There was also some changes that were being made. There were already talks in the family regarding purchasing another house in the neighborhood that had more rooms. Honestly, Pro didn't know where the money was coming from, but daddy Joseph said no problem, so there wasn't. The family was simply waiting for a seller now.

Well, Pro may end up coming home to a new house next year, assuming he survives. For now, he had to deal with the dangers to come. The start of the second year approached and Pro had completed most of his goals. Even his loan from his parents was repaid. So, Pro was able to store up his funds once more. Pro also finally got a reply from Harry, who was finally saved by the Weasleys.

A meet-up was planned at Diagon Alley, and Pro believes his quest can finally move forward a bit. Pro only hopes that his quest won't require him to do something dangerous like coming into contact with the diary that has been made into a Horcrux.