
Episode two..........GIFT OR CURSE


Luke:     A mate of Damien..."very rich".

Billy:      A genius when it comes to anything!

Alex:     The king of visions......earthly name.

Evir notlarik:     Also known as Alex.In other words,the devourer of worlds.

Viscrons:     The species of the devourer of world's.

Eleanor arep:    The leader of all lestols and King.

Notak:      A high mass of nuclear power able to destroy a whole species into dust.

Huncho girls:     Top model high school beautiful teenage girls.


(Damien,a half mortal has finally breached mortality into immortality.His rage has caused the unextinguishable flame of darkness.......the dark form to reveal itself in its least power level.Now the earth is saved from the copy of the god of sin......What else will there possibly be.)

From the author...

(Aaurgh,such problems.Buh hey guys,I know you may be mad at me for not bringing in the episode two much earlier.I can't really say it was my fault but I kinda had some emotional challenges lately.Buh don't worry.....eknir usumaku!! I'm back with more......)



Irikpahr akver iktorya.Volek mir akz mirak lo.....Darkness and pain...for all we may want.Blood of gods and mortals flowing down the cervices of no return........

Scene flashes rapidly....

There is darkness all over with no trace of light .There comes out a pinch of light from the darkness which shines brightly all over overcoming the darkness in the process.A shadowy figure is seen with its head bowed with chains around its neck,hands and legs.It is seen kneeling with enormous waves of power being exerted from its body. As the view is sent closer to the face of the figure,darkness befalls.

Voice:    Let me out!!!!!!

(Damien's eyes immediately open as he rises up from the  bed panting heavily....He notices that he is in his room and there is a noise being heard outside.)

Damien:    What is this,what happened......my arm and chest?...This dream......Jane!

(Damien gets out of his bed and runs out of his room banging the door.He notices that there is a voice coming out from the hall which is downstairs.As he tries running down the stairs,he moves very fast which tips him off his foot in the process causing him to roll over the stairs and falling with a loud thud in just a second. )

Damien:    Ouch...what's wrong with me?

Voice:      Damien,I see you now woke up.

Damien:     Huh....

(Damien turns facing the left and sees Jane and Uncle Ben sitting on the soft couch of the hall infront of the big screen television.Jane walks towards him and lends him a hand.)

Jane:     I think you really need a hand here.

Damien:   Yep,ouch! My head hurts.

Mr. Ben:     Why wouldn't it be hurting after you went on comma for two months .

Damien:     What! Two months ...?

Jane:       Yep,and you even had no bruises on you.

Mr. Ben:      True,apart from the fact that the Saint Jarvin's city is all under construction.

Damien:      Really? I didn't know that much damage had been given by the storm.

Jane:       Would you mind telling us what happened between you and that beast and why you do not look normal?

Mr. Ben:     Jane! Please let him have a little rest already.

Jane:     Kk...

Damien:     Tnx(whispering to himself).

(Jane pulls Damien up as they both head to the couch to take their seats.Jane brings in food for Damien which he consumes and goes back to her room.)

Mr. Ben:    You know Jane cares about you very much.

Damien:     Yes uncle,but I don't want her to be mixed up in these deadly stuff.

Mr. Ben:      My son,you always suprise me.....Even from day one.I knew you would become greater.

Damien:   Thanks,Uncle Ben. Thanks for being there for me.

Mr. Ben:     No worries....

A few hours later.......

(Damien moves back into his room and takes out his laptop from the wardrobe.He then searchs for the video of the destruction of the city on the Internet.After some minutes, he finds a similar video which was taken by a news room.)

Damien:   Okay,now let's see what really happened.

(Damien clicks on the video which maximizes on the screen of the laptop after loading for a short while.)

In the video

News journalist:   There has been a massive storm which seemed to have hit this city out of nowhere .We have already been told that there was a devilish figure which melted anything which it came across including people and all life force you could possibly think about.Here comes another witness! Sir,please could you tell us what you saw?

Man:   I saw the devil .....he was here ...!!

News journalist:     Well that's what we have now including this short video a satellite took.

(The video plays as Bangrok is been held at the neck by the dark form.The video is seen to be blurry and darkness covers the whole view of the satellite.)

Damien:    I don't think I can do much with this .

(The video keeps on playing as a voice immediately comes out of it.)

Voice:    Let me out!!(In a ferocious manner).

Damien:    Huh.....

(Damien steps back in shock as an electric wave passes through the laptop destroying it .The lights in the house then blinks on and off.After some seconds,the lights become normal again leaving the laptop completely obliterated. )

Damien:    There goes nothing .....but weird!

NEXT WEEK   "Monday"


(Damien holds in his hands a tray containing some buns n a separate hamburger with kristbites vanilla flavour smoothie. He takes his seat at a table on which Jane ,Billy and luke sit at.).

Billy:     So I heard Damien was a survivor....

Luke:      Yep,but tgat shit was really weird.

Billy:       Yep ,especially with the fact that our man  didn't get any cuts.

Jane:     Enough of these stuff. Guys ,we are his friends and not some kind of detectives of NYPD.ý

Billy:     As if you don't wanna know what happened.

Damien:     Gymnastics...!!

Everyone:    Huh.....!!

Damien:      Now I got your attention, please i was unconscious bruv.Don't cause a fight for nothing.

Luke:      I really agree.....

Jane:      Thank you!! Now Billy,can you shut the f*** up.

Billy:      As you say ma'am.

(All three of them change their discussion and focus on another topic....)




(War grounds of Amepholia,Ochesta)

(A portal opens a few meters infront of an army of letols which are as many as the sands of the sea.They let out war sounds

with their bodies ,souls and minds filled with the desire for blood and death.There also comes out a being in the form of a human clothed in a golden armour made from the precious stones of the galaxies.He levitates towards the army and descends slowly on the grounds of the planet.There comes another being who wears a golden armour but with less power than the initial being out of the portal which then closes the portal.The second being posses himself as a servant to the first being. )

Servant:    My king,should I destroy all of them right now?I do not want you to waste your energy on these my king! Evir notlarik .

Evir notlarik:      There is much more to being a king than to sit on a throne,Commander vostok.I may be the ruler of the 12th, 11th,10th ,6th and 2nd universe and also the ruler of viscrons but a little hunting will not deprive me of my leadership.A king at a very tender age,that is what my father left me with.

Commander vustork:     My apologies, my king!You can have your hunt.

Evir notlarik:     Count this as another planet consumed by viscrons.Hahaha.....(laughing in a devilish tone).

(Meanwhile, the army of lestols keep coming forward with immense power and start focusing their attacks on the two beings.).

Eleanor arep:     Ritorima arek kovir, laptaleh lovtock rumar.....Irosreheh!!

Army:      Aaurgh...!!

Evir notlarik:   I'm getting bored already.

(With all their strength, the lestols all descend their attack on Evir notlarik whilst come towards him at a high velocity. Evir notlarik closes his eyes as the blasts of notak are being fired at him and a whole army about to devour him.He immediately opens his eyes which locks all of them in time (freezes time).)

Evir notlarik:     Repulsive force........zero gravity.

(His eyes suddenly lit crystalline causing the whole army along with the blasts of notak to be blown away leaving the blown army suspended in the air.)

Evir notlarik:     How about we bring a little fun.

(He then takes a step forward which sends out waves of slashes which slashes the whole army into pieces whilst they are still suspended in the air.).

Evir notlarik:     Seems I am done here.Gravity pull (1000x).

(The whole liced army is immediately drawn down to hit the grounds of the planet splashing their bodies with blood all over the grounds.This leaves a blood bath all over the war grounds.)

Evir notlarik:      Get in the troops to capture the cities.I have a meeting with someone.

Commander vustork:      As you wish ,my king!

(A portal appears which is passes through by Evir notlarik, leaving the commander in charge of the planet).



(The god of gates sits on his throne with a smile on his face.A portal then opens which sucks all the dead souls which had just been killed into the underworld.)

god of gates:     Hmm,another mass destruction on a planet.At least this was better than the first.Auurgh.....I think I have been in this seat for long. It's time I have some little entertainment with the son of Zachri Oskar......ruler of viscrons.Such petty games he always brings up.

(A portal opens as a figure steps out of  it.He then walks towards the throne of the god of gates and bows.....)

god of gates:    So you finally know your manners huh,Evir notlarik.

Evir notlarik:     As if I do really care...hahah .You never also change Azariel.

god of gates:     Know your Place!!

(A strange force suddenly suppresses Evir notlarik making him bow down face front...)

Evir notlarik:     Uuuurgh.....how ....about we go for a little training lesson...teacher.

god of gates:     Hmm,the old times huh,let's do it then.I think it's time to remind you of who you are.

(As the god of gates arises from the throne,they both see themselves in another planet which is only filled with masses of gasses and mountains without a single life force.The force is then released from Evir notlarik making him stand straight with a face intended to kill.)

Evir notlarik:      As usual,no power ups...just raw power and strength.

god of gates:     As usual ...uurm,I have waited so long to exercise a little.

Evir notlarik:       Exercise huh,pathetic (whispering to himself).Aaaargh!!

god of gates:   Hmm...

(The eyes of the Evir notlarik lit crystalline. As he walks towards the god of gates,it sends huge slices of wind which is repelled by the air mass surrounding the god of gates.The eyes of the god of gates also lit red which also sends large slices of wind against Evir notlarik. The two slices of wind clash together which causes the mountains by them to be blown away in each collision.)

Evir notlarik:   You are as good as always...but I became better....Aaaargh.....!!

(Evir notlarik steps on the ground to sprint which causes a large mass of air to surround him. Immediately he dashed towards the god of gates,it caused the large mass of air to blow away anything behind him into dust,sending him at light speed towards the god of gates.A ball of immense energy forms around his right hand which had been adjusted to punch the god of gates upon reaching him whilst been suspended in the air(levitating).)

Evir notlarik:    Gotcha...!!

god of gates:     Too slow....even upon reaching me in a micro second.

(The god of gates then uses his index finger to block the punch in that same light speed lapse of time which causes a large volume of power to completely obliterate large acres of the planet. It becomes a little bit blurry upon the clash.As the smoke comes down,Evir notlarik's punch is seen to be locked on the index figure of the god of gates near his face as he is in the air.).

Evir notlarik:   Huh,how did you ....huh.

god of gates:    As I always say,you never learn that you cannot just defeat a god with raw power.

Evir notlarik:      I'm not still done ye...

god of gates:     Too late...!!

(The god of gates flicks his left index finger towards the face of Evir notlarik whilst he was suspended in the air which sends a large wave of energy to blast Evir notlarik away and divides the skies and the moon in the process. ).

god of gates:   Uuurgh....too much to restrict my power.But I know that one day he would be able to punch me. Hmm.....

(The god of gates then teleports back into the Realm of gates and goes back to sit on his throne,placing both of his palms on his sword. Meanwhile, the sliced moon drops down on the planet which causes the planet to completely obliterate. ).

god of gates:    Hmm,I think it's time to bring him back.Eloq vinaro.....

(A portal opens which drops Evir notlarik down to the ground causing a loud thud.Evir notlarik then opens his eyes and moves towards the god of gates.).

Evir notlarik:    So you won huh, I never get the chance to even punch you.

god of gates:    Hahaha,you will...when the time finally comes. But I have a quest for you. I want you to take el sacre' for a little tutorial.

Evir notlarik:   I am okay with that ....but next time ,I am winning....!!

god of gates:    We will see about that though,hahah.....!!

(A portal opens which sucks  Evir notlarik in making him vanish out to nowhere.)


Back on earth



(Damien,Billy and luke are all dressed in the all new school sports wear of tennis which are the usual t-shirt and shorts which also has a modified cap.They all move towards the shade made for resting).

Damien:   Hurhm,what a day! I am feeling so tensed already.

Billy:     Really, can't you get something better to say than that.

Luke:     I already agree though because you never did anything stressful.

Damien:     I know ,I know ....but already I got some problems too you know.

Billy:     What kinda problems,don't tell me you dreamt about flying pigs eating doughnuts again....

Luke:       Or the avengers swimming in a pool of chocolate.

Billy:      And also....

Damien:      I know ....Gosh what has gone into you guys ah...

Luke:       Classy boy,hahaha....

(They all burst into laughter as they draw out their warm towels and rub it on their faces. Four girls then approach them in a sexy wear:(that is tennis wear weirdo).)

Girls:     Hi guys......

Billy:      Yh ,where and who and christ ...can I get your numbers...(whispering to himself).

Luke:     Damien I think you should do the talking.

Damien:    why me.....?

Billy:   just...(starring at Damien with a warning look)

Damien:     Alright.....will do that already. Hi....

Girls:        Would you mind if we call you guys in for a competition?

Luke:       Really...?

Girls:      yeah ,we want Stacy to fill in for us.

Billy:        Okay ........and who may that be?

Girls:       Such curiosity....

(A girl steps out from the group and poses in the usual sexy girl way. She passes her fingers through her blonde ponytails hair and holds in her left hand tennis ball.)

Girl:    I'm Stacy......and we are the huncho girls. Wanna try this out....?Boys.

Billy:     Yh we do....and we got the perfect person.

Stacy:     Really?...show me.

(Billy and luke step back as they leave Damien infront.They watch Damien closely with a betraying smile and laugh quietly about it.)

Damien:    Really....aaargh betrayers!!

Huncho girls:    Now it's done....Can we start?

Stacy:     I'm ready.....what about you?....scardy cat.

Billy and luke:    What about you ...bruv.....Hahah..

Damien:    Count me in then.

(Damien and Stacy take their places  as the others take their seats under the shade.They both hold in their hands a tennis bat as they adjust themselves properly for it.).

Stacy:     May we begin.....?

Damien:    I was born for this.....

Stacy:     Were you.....(sarcastically)?

(Stacy throws the ball in the air and smashes it with the bat in her right hand towards Damien. As the ball gets near Damien,his eyes immediately lit sea blue causing the ball to move in a slow motion towards him.)

Damien:     What is really happening? Everyone seems too slow and why is the ball in the air. Weird.

(Damien touches the suspended ball as it moves slowly towards him.Upon impactor his hand touching the ball,the ball bounces back with a high speed and hits a nearby wall(fence) of plastic net. This creates a hole in the net and sends the ball out of reach with it completely burnt.).

Stacy:    What just happened?  Huh...

Damien:      I think I just went bizzar today....

Luke:      Or you really are....

Billy:       Hmmm...

Damien:     Or maybe  I wa.....

(Before Damien could finish his sentence, a portal sucks him up leaving the huncho girls,Stacy,Billy and luke completely stunned.)

Billy:    Damien must have a better explanation for this!!



(Damien is being thrown out of the portal unto the grounds of Jupiter.....which is in the same universe as planet earth is.He then rises up and uses his hand to brush off the dust on him.).

Damien:   This day gets weirder and weirder.....what ...aaaargh!!

(Damien panics as he sees a huge beast coming out of the ground. It has on its body rocks and two long horns and also nuclear waves which are purple in colour, emerging from its skin.).

Damien:   What the hell is this thing? I really think I am dead,but I have to survive at least.

(Damien jumps back as the beast hits the ground with its fore legs which emerges large waves of nuclear power blasting that area.It then roars emitting a large volume of nuclear power from its mouth which head towards Damien. )

Damien:   I died once ,but I'm not that stupid for a second one.....aaargh!!

(Damien runs towards the beast and leaps(jumps) whilst adjusting himself as he spins in the air....The blast passes beneath him an completely obliterates everything in its way.As he gets towards the beast,his eyes lit sea blue and he strikes the forehead of the beast with his right leg  which suddenly emits large waves of blue energy. Upon impact ,it sends a massive blast which completely disintegrates the beast leaving nothing. Damien then lands on his feet and watches behind him as he sees the scene of enormous power.)

Damien:    Huh...such a mess!!

Voice:      Well done,you finally took on this beast. It took you long enough....

Damien:     Huh.....

(Damien lifts his eyes and sees Evir notlarik levitating above him).

Damien:   Who are you?

Evir notlarik:   Call me Alex.....I am gonna be your trainer for today.......such nuisance.(whispering to himself).)

Damien:    I didn't call for ant trainer or whatever you call it.....

Alex:      And I also didn't ask for your opinion on it. To commence ...let it rain fire....

Damien:     What do u mean by ....christ!!


(Alex raises his left hand up into the air and opens his palm).

Alex:    Retractive force...!!

Damien:    What the....!!

(Alex's eyes lit crystalline as the force drags down one moon of Jupiter towards it .With the moon as big as the size of the earth,it descends with a great force of heat ,burning the atmosphere of the planet and turning the whole skies into blood red. The scene becomes deadly as it covers the whole skies of the planet and heads straight for Damien .).

Alex:    Have a good time with this....afterall you are immortal.

Damien:    What the hell.....this is more than an apocalypse....Is this place hell itself.......

Alex:      Have fun .....chosen one. Hahaha.....

(Alex teleports back  into space and appears behind the falling moon in space as he watches the scene.)

Damien:    This heat,this deadly feeling, this rage and fear.......I ....I think...I really love this.....aaargh!!!

(Damien positions himself and catches the moon which is burning intensely and the whole place being turned blood red. The scene feels as if he is holding the whole skies as he takes hold of the moon with both of his hands above his head.).

Alex:    Such talent and rage...but still not enough.  I need to get his true power out....Repulsive force 2000x

Damien:    Aaargh .....!!!!!!

(The repulsive force pushes the moon with great force towards Damien. Damien's legs begin entering the ground as he still holds the falling moon trying to push it back in the process.The immense fire begins burning the grounds and every  hope of his seemed to be fading. He then closes his eyes and sees darkness all over him in his mind.As he is trapped in his mind ,his eyes suddenly open and appear very dark,with darkness beginning to cover his body.).

Voice:    Let me Out!!!

Damien:      Noooooo....!! Aaaargh!!

(Damien then remembers the scenes of his life and tries to regain consciousness. Large flames of fire begin popping out of his dark filled flesh and surrounds his whole body. His whole body completely let's put a huge flame which totally burns the darkness covering his body and begins forming plates of fire around his skin.His eyes then lit blood red causing his hair to be on intense flames. ).

Damien:    I am not giving up.....nor am I done yet...aaargh!!

(Damien then grasps the part of the moon his hands are on causing the whole moon to crack into pieces with flames tearing out of it.He the rips it apart which completely destroys the moon causing a mass explosion.  )

Alex:     Show off....but what is that light fragment coming towards m...

(Before Alex could realise, Damien had flown through the explosion with all his body on flames towards him with a punch at light speed. With Damien's right hand fixed to punch the face of Alex as he got near him.....a huge wave of fire forms around his right hand expelling immense heat. Alex's eyes lit brighter and time freezes....but Damien's hand breaks through the time freeze and slams the face of Alex ....causing a mass explosion of heat and flames with Alex been thrown away unto a nearby moon.As Alex tries to get up,another punch is being fed again to his face causing a mass destruction on the acres of the moon. Damien picks Alex up by the hair an strikes him with a tornado kick....causing Alex to be thrown away a few miles away from Damien on the moon with his head banging hard on the grounds of the moon. Damien then heads towards Alex with intense heat and high speed as his hand is fixed with another punch.)

Alex:     Woah...that was fun.The true power of the war form ,with plates of fire and rage formed on the skin of its user.....I thought it was quite rare though.....anyways ....I think it's time  I play along .

(In less than a micro second Alex is seen back up on his feet with the broken pieces of the moon around him starting to levitate.

Alex then smiles as immense waves of golden aura are seen forming around him....he then takes a step forward which causes the moon to break inwards as he positions himself to sprint...).

Alex: Lets see how strong you can really become..... el sacre!

(As Alex suddenly moves foward,it breaks of one fourth of the moon with a huge line of energy on his trail.  With both Alex and Damien moving at a high speed and approaching each other in just a twink of an eye, their punches collide causing a huge mass of destruction to completely envelope the whole place....)

The End Of Episode Two.....

From Author

(So really sorry for the delays with bringing the second episode.....But I will make sure that the remaining episodes will always be on time.....Jeez, there is a black hole heading for us  and we are looking for any possible measures to control it....After I make it out of here ,we gonna continue ...always remember....Till the last star is gone.....)

Author:   lil_rexon (Damien kwaku baah)